Saturday, May 9, 2015

Container Planting and Painting Styofoam Pots

Like most of you, I've been excited to finally get some outside work accomplished. Earlier this Spring we had our deck rebuilt. It was torn down to the studs and given a complete overhaul. This is the point that I can get really negative on the previous owners for neglecting an amazing 10 year old deck and landscape, but I won't do that. So instead I'll tell you how nice it is to have it mostly finished except for some painting we need to do under the floorboards, and how it's quickly becoming a comfortable place to relax and enjoy our beautiful back yard.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Share Your Style #12

Hey Everyone!

I hope you're having a great week, 
it's time again for Share Your Style! 

This week for me, it's been all about outdoors clean up, getting my potting bench in order, and then planting flower containers with some sun loving posies. My feature pick this week from Praire Charm grabbed me with a fun potting bench and lovely pics of Violets.

 Prairie Charm

So glad you're here to share all your inspiration!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Container Planter Inspiration

I was starting from scratch this year when it came to getting containers planted. Up until last year, I had Geraniums that were 5 and 6 years old, as I would winter them in our basement. So last week I went looking for some container pot inspiration. I was mostly interested in plant varieties that would work for full sun. I do have some shady spaces that I will get to later, but my first round has been for the deck, lower patio, and a large concrete container for the front courtyard.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Potting Bench Progress

Hi Everyone, hope you all had a great weekend...

I've spent most of my time outside this last week. First, working on getting the container planters filled with flowers for the deck, patio and front yard, then coming up with more things for the potting bench area. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Share Your Style #11

I really want to personally thank all of you who have been coming by each week to join in the party. There are so many wonderfully creative links; each of you are helping to build a fun and inspiring place to share your blogs. I had so many favorites this week, that I have to share two!

Poppy from With a Dash of Color shared a Spring Tea Tray 
and wonderful moss covered candles.

...and Penny from Penny's Vintage Home has been working
 on her Greenhouse, where she shared this wonderful old dresser
 filled with flowers.
Just so Spring-y. I want to live there!

This last week I painted an old Concrete Pedestal for the Dining Room and Styled my Sofa Table using neutral elements. If you haven't had a chance to come by, I hope you'll have time to catch these two posts.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015

Concrete Pedestal for the Dining Room

One thing I've learned in living in this new house, that's smaller and "Open Concept", is that keeping a sense of "flow" is very important. Having a Kitchen, Living Room, Entry Hall and Dining Room that are all one big space can present some challenges in decorating.

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