Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Let's Shop, Monday Marketplace #28

Hi everyone. Hope you had a great extended weekend. You all may be like me and always seem to find the Labor Day weekend as a "working weekend". We had a productive one, as after seven years, we've finally managed to get both cars in the garage. Yes, I said both cars, at the same time! Yay! Years of buying and selling junk, has now been corralled into something manageable, at least as far as the garage is concerned. The house is another matter, LOL!

On to Monday Marketplace...
here are some great links from last week.

Burlap and Lace Farmhouse Wreath
 from Counting Your Blessings

from Primp Junxtion

from Ticking and Toile

Eyelet Adorned Little Burlap Bag 
from Town and Country Living

And be sure and check out Dee's great
today's sponsor spotlight

French Bleu Vintage

This linky is for items that are "For Sale" in your Etsy Shops and Online Stores and Boutiques. If you have great vintage posts, or DIY's please come back on Thursday for Vintage Inspiration. This linky is a shopping linky only. If you have a blog, there's room to type that in so we can know who you are, but you don't have to have a blog to link up your items. Feel free to link up to three of your individual items. And, If you do have a blog I'd love you to grab the Monday Marketplace button on the sidebar to share on your blog. That just let's more people know where to come to shop. Thanks for joining in each week, and be sure and come back during the week to check out new items being listed here. 

Have a great week,

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sweet September

A turn of the calender page,
a few days of rain from Isaac,
and I'm in Full Fall Mode.

I've been bringing out the Fall and it's found it's way to this old train case. A 3 dollar find from the flea, whose mirror was broken, so I mod podged a calendar art page on the inner lid.

 I'm feeling the more muted hues this year.

Silks and natural hydrangeas share the space
on my wicker trunk in the Entry.

A velvet pumpkin from last year;
I'm hoping to add a few more soon.
( a few of you have asked if I made this, but no, sorry to say
I saved my pennies for it. Love them, but they are a little pricey.)

Hope your first weekend of September is wonderful,
even if the sky is gray...

I'll be joining these parties:

Thrifty Finds at Southern Hospitality
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Table Top Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Nifty Thrifty Finds at Coastal Charm

Friday, August 31, 2012

Vintage Inspiration #103 All Things Home

Hi Everyone, welcome to Vintage Inspiration!

Amy at All Things Home is a true vintage girl at heart. She recently found this wonderful rusty antique cabinet at her uncle's house and brought it home to live happily on her great hand made work table.

When I saw it, I told Amy that this amazing old Diamond Dye Cabinet and my old medicine cabinet, that I recently found...

needed to get married!

don't you think they'd make a fun couple?

Amy has a way with vignettes and display, 
and her worktable is a constant evolving base for her newest "old" find.

Here's Amy's mantel, 
just look at all the wonderful vintage elements working together

Shelves full of ironstone and whites

and breadboards...LOVE them

Here, Amy displays old Ironstone plates and platters 
on the dining room table. 

If you don't know Amy then, you'll want to check out her blog, All Things Home, and say Hello. You'll be refreshed with her wonderful  "farmhouse" style. Thanks Amy!!

Here's more inspiration from last week:

I love old watering cans and this one really gets your attention.
Queen Bee Watering Can at Pickles and Cheese

Take a look at this great Shabby Bird Condo from 
There's even a tutorial!

Here's the long awaited finish and photos of Angie's
wonderful Kitchen Reveal at Knick of Time Interiors
(she also had the most party visits last week)

Shelia shows off her canister set taking center stage
on the hutch at Note Songs

Judy at 20 North Ora has a new blog, 
and you'll want to go by and check out her Etsy Shop, too

These two photos are from her first posts.
I'm crazy about this wonderful vintage chair she has transformed.

And also go by and say Hello to new another new blogger,
 then take a peek at her wonderful cottage decor!

Wish I could feature a dozen more of your great links from last week.
You all are such a talented bunch!

and Hey, 
have you entered the generous Give Away from
Tattered Goods?
just click right here

And please check out these other fun Friday parties!

Time to party, Everyone! Link up your posts from this week that have a vintage vibe. Doesn't have to be old,   but can be "vintage inspired". And just a note to new bloggers and those who don't know how to do a link back within your post, just email me. So many of you don't have a link back to Common Ground. How do people know where to come and party?...just sayin'...and PLEASE check to see if you still have word verification, it's outdated and not needed and makes it a deterrent for comments. I can barely leave a comment, sometimes it takes me multiple tries. not fun!! 

Also, you may have noticed the "Fabulous Fall Fun" image on the sidebar. Since I'm such a Fall Nut, I'd love to have you come link up all your Fall Fun starting this weekend and during these next few months. Feel free to share posts from the past if you'd like, (DIY, Decor, projects, Fall recipes, tablescapes, etc.) Up to three each week. Let's all share the inspiration this Fall!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Can you?...

I've been "Fallifying" my sunporch and that means tweaking the vintage "Seed" box that I keep on my bakers rack. I love old promotional recipe pamphlets and cookbooks and wanted to share this great little canning book from Atlas Jars dated 1952.

So, have you ever "canned"?

(google images)

My mother-in-law (not her picture, above) had a big garden each year and did lots of canning. We always looked forward to her yummy green beans, relishes, refrigerator pickles, jams and jellies. But somehow I just never got in on the hard work fun.

Recently we've had to go to a low salt diet due to some inner ear problems and vertigo my hubby has had. So many health issues are brought on by a high salt diet. I'm not just talking about taking the salt shaker off the table, but actually drastically cutting out salt by researching food nutrition labels. You just will not believe all the salt that's in our foods. Boxed and canned foods are just crazy. So I've had to rethink all our food choices. It's not been fun, but when you think that the average American eats 4500-5000mg of salt a day, when we should only be having 1000-1500mg a day, you can see why we have some tricky health problems brought on by high blood pressure. Anyway, don't want to get "preachy" here, just a "Public Service Announcement" with a happy face. All this has made me realize the importance of natural and organic foods and preparation for staying healthy. I don't know about you, but I need all the help I can get!

So am I canning?


no, not this year, but seeing all your gardens out there has made me realize a raised bed of green beans and tomatoes might be a good idea for next year. At least that way I could control the amount of salt in our tomato and spaghetti sauces, and then hubby's nightly green beans.

How many of you can on a regular basis, and what are your favorites?

And don't forget to enter the Tattered Goods
Give Away going on here
ends Sat. September 1.

I'll be joining in on these parties this week:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style

Hope you're having a great week,
and saying prayers for all you in Issac's path

New Posts in Your In-Box