Showing posts with label owls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label owls. Show all posts

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Early Fall Changes on the Sunporch

Happy Fall...for reals!
OK, it just hit me that we are coming in to the last full week of September, I can hardly believe it. And if I want to show you any changes that I made for an "Early Fall" sunporch vs. the "Late Summer" Sunporch of August, it had better be now.

Because things will change again in October and I'll bring out a few of my vintage Halloween things. I don't "do" Halloween up big like I did when my kids were little. Now, I just like to have a few little things that remind me of all the fun Halloween was when I was a kid. 

One of the changes was this old straggly suitcase here on my glass nesting tables in place of the Linen Picnic Hamper for Summer. I brought out my big orange Butterscotch Wafers tin and snuggled an ivy inside. I also found the O'Cedar tin awhile back. It's pretty rough, but then I just love the color.

One of my little birdies found a spot to perch.

It's pretty bright out here, you may need to put on your sunglasses.
But that's what I love about my sunporch, I can go color crazy!

I made a few Fall changes out here on the Baker's Rack too. My black kitchen scales are back, I added an old open garden book, there's an orange pottery tea pot and tray, an orange plaid Thermos, and then my "Make Your Own Seedbox" that I made with Fall colors has shown up. I'd been saving it for this month.

Then, one of my little owl friends wanted to come out to play.

He's hanging out with another little friend in the birdcage.

and speaking of owls, did you catch my last post about "owls"?

The settee will get a change up for October too, 
I'm planning it right now...
This may happen this afternoon.

an antique sign I found a few years ago
 gets the "Bittersweet" treatment
on the chippy picket fence gate.

The black tole tray is still here holding some brown transferware, and I had to add a yummy candle to the mix. I have a candle burning most days from here on out. This one is Leaves, but good grief, the one in the kitchen is Pumpkin Pecan Waffle. That smell can make you go nuts...pun intended.

sitting in a cute wire pumpkin

I found a few sunflowers last weekend while I was out , but their little heads are now hanging, and they are dropping their petals. I'll be saving the heads to dry for next year.

Hope you're having a wonderful 1st day of Autumn!

I just put together a link on the sidebar and a new "page" on the header of my past "Autumn Projects and Inspiration". Hope you enjoy a look at some of the fun from the last 4 years.

If you have an Etsy Shop or Online Boutique,
 hope you'll join in tomorrow for 

I also have a new post out on my Spiritual Journey blog about "Being Available". My posts have been few and far between this last year, but I'm hoping to do better. Sometimes "life" gets a little overwhelming...

Joining in on these great parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Owl Obsession Continues...

Every once in a while I get an itch to do a little fun diy project. One of my favorite mediums is paper... then give me the scissors and glue, and I'll play for hours, just like a six year old. I've said before, that when I was little I had tons of paper dolls, and could play all day. Well, I guess this is just a hold over for that long ago playtime.

Last year I had a little obsession with owls.
 They were on the mantel.
They were in the Holiday Cupboard.

This year I wanted to put a few paper owls in some frames.
NOW...if you don't want to hear about where my images came from,
then you better go now.

I found two of these old Bird Books in a Flea Market for $5,
 so I'm enjoying them in the way that I really love, 
seeing them used in a paper collage.
(yikes, I better tell you all that I have one that's still intact
the other is "not so much")

And this is a door from an old clock.
I found two of these a few years ago,
just the doors.
I wasn't sure what I would ever do with them,
but I think it's perfect for this project.

The one I chose for my project had a gold design on the edging
that sort of reminded me of spider webs
with some swampy cat tails below it.

I used some black "sample" book wallpaper for the backing.
And while I was gluing the owls to the paper
a certain little fur girl had to help.
Actually she didn't like their eyes
so they got the stuff slapped out of them.
sheesh, bad blogger when you can't get action pet shots.

and yes, that's a dead mouse hanging from it's beak....

Here are two other little frames that I've "be-owled".
(you've heard of be-jeweled, well this is be-owled)

I like that they're slightly creepy,
and a little like the old science illustrations.

The little ovals are in the Holiday Cupboard
and I think the bigger one is headed for a new Entry vignette,
just in time for October.

joining in on these great parties:

Yay, it's the weekend you all!!
Got some fun plans?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A little tweaking makes it Thanksgiving...

Drum roll please...
"The Late Fall Mantel"
da ta da da!!

OK, hope you know I'm kidding.

Just a matter of bringing out the turkeys 
in exchange for the snowy owls.

I've kept everything else that I started with back in September. My mantel has been through a few change outs, but now that it's Thanksgiving, most of it will be swapped out for Christmas in just a little over a week.

Here's the Mid Fall Mantel

and the "Super Early Fall Mantel"...

you can see I tweaked the flowers a little too.

Now my Johnson Bros. Turkey Platter gets center stage.

A few small changes in the Entry

 with a white turkey covered vegetable...

same for the hallway sideboard;
you guessed it...
more turkeys.

another turkey platter...
(I got more folks)

Salt and Pepper turkeys

big fat turkey painted white...
(He used to be multi colored but was obnoxiously loud,
so he was slapped with the paintbrush)

I'm not done with the turkeys.
You have to suffer through at least one more post of them.
maybe more...

Be sure and come by tomorrow and visit
for some Etsy and Online Boutique Shopping Fun!

And if you haven't entered Dee's Give Away from 
French Bleu Vintage
 then click HERE

joining in with these parties this week:

Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House

Thanks for putting up with all my craziness,
Have you seen the chipmunk video?
it's a must see!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

No, it's not a Christmas tree...yet

I won't deny it, I'm antsy for Christmas decorating, but I still want to honor "Thanksgiving". So I'm trying to do a little of both. I like to bring in my two smaller lighted Christmas trees and get them set up for a quick turnaround after Thanksgiving. I have a few "nature themed" ornaments that I used to decorate a tree downstairs, but they have migrated to the Dining Room this year and I've put together a little Autumn Nature tree. I'm going woodsy and natural this year. There will be some glitter thrown in, but I'm craving a more simple theme this year, with hopefully, less stress.

It's always bothered me that there is really only one month to decorate and celebrate Christmas. With all the work that it goes into preparing and decorating, I want to get rolling with it so it's not such a difficult task to accomplish. Some people leave up their Christmas decor until the middle of January, but for me come January 1, I want a clean slate and a fresh start. The greenery and poinsettias are still here, but everything else is put away, (hopefully)

I found these adorable white floofy "baby" snow owls at one of the shops in Ozark this week, and they are perfect for this tree.

These little glass owl ornaments were picked up at The White Rabbit in St. Louis last month. I had a feeling my owl obsession would carry over into Christmas.

Right now I have some faux bittersweet vine in here along with the burlap ribbon, but I think I can change it out for Holly and some red berried vine after Thanksgiving.

A favorite little deer...

and rabbit

Little birds in nests and some old clay flower pots, 
that I'm going to fill with moss and potpourri.

This tree sets in a pretty white urn,
but for this year's nature feel, 
I'm using an old fruit basket and a burlap coffee sack.

Do you have a "theme" for your Christmas decorating each year?
My favorite has always been "nature".

I also wanted to remind you that I host a link gathering 
for all of you that have Etsy Shops and Online Boutiques.
It's a place to come share some of your shop items 
each Monday Morning 
and then the shop is open all week.
Hope you'll come by and join in,
or just come to shop.
We'll be showcasing wonderful Christmas handmade
 and one-of-a-kind items
for your Christmas Shopping List!

So nice to have an extra hour today, and some sunshine.
I have some garden clean up to do so this will help.

joining these parties this week;

Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Cowgirl Up at Cedar Hill Ranch
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Blissful Whites at Timewashed
