Showing posts with label kitties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kitties. Show all posts

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Snow and lilacs...

...those two things don't go well together.
I guess I could say we were lucky as compared to others of you out there.
Lot's of precipitation, but no accumulation.

Where we are in SW Missouri, it snowed and sleeted all day yesterday but didn't stick much. At one point yesterday evening the flakes were HUGE. It was really beautiful... just not for May. So I decided since I wasn't getting out, that I'd redo the faux florals in my urn here in the entry. I'd had daffodils and forsythia in this for early Spring and Easter.


I have a teensy pet peeve...
I like to keep my faux flowers seasonal.
I can't have geraniums at Christmas
or tulips in the Fall.
They have to stay seasonal and current.
I'm sure these will be changed out again by the end of the month...
maybe daisies by then.
(I'm hoping I'll have daisies by the end of the month...)

Here's a snow pic from the deck and my kitchen window.
Can you see the lilac bush on the other side of the fence?
(bad photo, I know. I don't have a zoom lens for distance.)'s not mine, 
and it's in my neighbor's yard.
a bachelor...
and it drives me crazy. 
But my arms aren't long enough to grab a branch
and harvest a bouquet.
I have to admit I've had fleeting thoughts of sneaking over the fence by cover of darkness. We watched Zero Dark Thirty last night and I think that those high tech night vision goggles and other gear might work for this kind of mission. (just kidding...I wouldn't do that...just a little temptation of the blooming kind). What can I say...I was spoiled when I was young. We had two massive bushes of lilacs and we had fresh bouquets all over the house, this time of year.

So I just have to look at it and imagine a wonderful fragrant lilac bouquet
filling an ironstone pitcher or a large crystal vase.
I've thought of planting my own bush, 
but I haven't found a good spot for one.

so I'll try to enjoy some silk ones and maybe find a room spray 
or candle that will make me think they're real.

and while we're here,
you can see that some of my birdies are back here in the Entry.

This is what you do if it's too cold for the sunporch...

...and you're really lazy.

good thing there are two sofas...
one for each lazy kit kat.

joining in with these parties this week:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style

Hope you're having a great weekend,
I'll try to behave...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Are you a wee bit Irish?

I think on St. Patrick's Day we're all just a little bit Irish. How about you? A lot of us here in the USA are a mix of heritages; part of the melting pot that makes this country so great. I don't celebrate with green beer or corned beef and cabbage, but I do like to pull out a few "green" things around the house, and that means my few little pieces of green transferware get to show off a little.

This is a little green Meakin transfer sugar and creamer set called "Romantic England", planted with pink hyacinth bulbs.

They're not very old, but have some wonderful crazing. Let's see... after dishwashers, but before microwaves. I just read where this series was manufactured in the late 1950's for primarily the North American market.

This set is out here on the sunporch on the baker's rack, along with a couple of old St. Patty's postcards from 1912.

...One of my English Cottage Cookie Jars and a zinc bucket full of shamrocks. Now, if I can just keep the kitties away from them. They think shamrocks are their salad greens.

yep, here's one of the girls now...
she's on bird patrol.

Love and blessings to you all,

Saturday, February 23, 2013

What you do if you're iced in...

Well, you hang around your kitchen window
 looking at all the critters and birdies who are looking for a snack...

Critter feeding is pretty messy business.

This is the frosty view outside my kitchen window above the sink.

It seems a certain little somebody was trapped when the icy rain started coming down in buckets. She had to take cover under the wagon. Looks pretty chilly...and uncomfortable.

can you see her?

As soon as it let up the bluebirds were back. I've lived here 10 years and only seen bluebirds a handful of times, but a little Bluebird "couple" have taken a liking to the feeder up here, so now they're regulars.

Now, look who's back...

She didn't like all the ice pellets in her food pan.

It was a battle all afternoon, 
birds vs. squirrel.

I don't have a zoom telephoto lens, so I just had to use my regular lens. These aren't the best photos, but if you look closely you'll see the variety I had on the feeder. Purple finch and Sparrow on the feeder, a goldfinch on top of the faux evergreen and a little wren waiting turns. some fluff going on here.

My little female bluebird on the feeder again.
The bluebird is the Missouri State Bird

 and speaking of "state birds" we couldn't leave out the Cardinals...

And yes, I had a little help from the "Official" Bird Watcher.

We never lost our power, but it did cut out off and on for awhile.
This has been a long week of feeling lousy, 
but I'm better now.
I think I slept about 16 hours a day most of the week.
and that's with having a flu shot.
I guess if you are going to be sick it's best
when it's snowy and icy,
...a good time to be snuggled up at home.
I hope the rest of you are making it through the snowstorm.
Stay warm.
Spring will be here soon...
I think.

p.s. EpicLinen is still having a discount 
on all orders until March 3.
Head over and look around.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm fickle...

when it comes to decorating that is.

A couple of weeks ago I did a post called 

Yep, I actually thought I could make it to 
Valentine's Day
with the 
look I had for Christmas...

I should have known
that wasn't going to work.
Last week I needed a change.
I thought about buying some new fabric for a tablerunner.
but in the end I just dug around in my stash
and found this wonderful 
washed out linen floral.

and the basket full of poinsettias...?
buh bye.

Back to hydrangeas.

That meant the adorable little vintage tablecloth with hearts
would have to go, too.

(moss covered letter "O", courtesy my sis)

burlap to the rescue.

and of course
the church pew 
got a needlepoint floral pillow
to "compliment" the new tablerunner.

table top vignettes were given the

and my three pitchers

replaced a silver set.
but I won't tell you where that is...
cause it's still floating around
just like that little Chippendale shelf.

The Girls asked to have their pictures taken.
you'll notice this one's trying out the new runner...

While this one is sitting on the marble pastry block. candlelight

can you see that Miss Wrigley
is smiling for the camera?

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

I'm joining these parties this week:

Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Cowgirl Up at Cedar Hill Ranch
Budget Decorating at Creative Cain Cabin


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