Friday, February 26, 2021

A Touch of Spring in the Garden Room

With all the frigid weather we've had this last few weeks, I've spent a lot of time wandering through Pinterest seeking a little inspiration for Spring. It was hard to get moving in that direction when it was still in the teens, but once the thermometer hit 50 I knew it was time to get off the sofa, put away a few of those electric blankets, and get busy bringing in some sunshine.

Even though it's a little early for Easter decor,
It was time for my big and handsome Mr. Bunns to make an appearance.

I decided to bring back my ice cream bucket for the farm table.
and fill it with something bright and Spring-y.
Often we see daffodils peeking up through a late winter snow;
showing their happy faces, and filled with the promise of warmer weather.

Putting together a seasonal vignette sometimes ends up being a process. Trying out an element then changing it up once again. Below is one of my "renditions" with a book, a cottage doorstop, and a small fern. But I ended up using a few of my green vintage dishes, instead. 

Lora B. had a wonderful post last week about using books in decorating
I've shared this book before, and love the precious illustrations on gardening.
It's a perfect addition to Spring and Summer gardening vignettes.

I've dubbed my sunroom as "The Garden Room"
and this winter it's really had to live up to it's name.
I brought in a large container of geraniums, two Boston ferns,
and a large container of Hahn's Ivy.
The Ivy is a hardy variety which will grow outdoors here in the Midwest,
but with some trees being removed this spring, I opted to just 
bring it indoors till I could decide what to do with it permanently.

The ferns look dead, but I'm hoping they are just dormant
until I can repot them when it's time to go outdoors.
...fingers crossed with my not so green thumb.

The Ivy pieces are from Royal Gadroon by Harker Pottery.
They're not pristine, but I just love their English Cottage vibe.

I'm slowly bringing in some faux florals to brighten up the house, 
and changing up the Holiday Cupboard for St. Patrick's Day.
We still have another month of mostly winter temps,
but by mid-March we'll have a bit more stable weather;
hopefully above freezing.
It's not safe to take plants outdoors here till the end of April,
since we can have freezes until the first week of May.

Have you started to bring a little Spring into your spaces?
Are you ready to start decorating for Easter?
It will be here April 4th.

Hope you'll come by on Monday evenings!

joining in here:

 The House on Silverado  Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch  
 Celebrate Your Story at The Zucchini Sisters,  
 Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life  
 Party in Your PJ's at Apple Street Cottage    Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles 
 Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur 
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode,  Share Your Style at French Ethereal
Centerpiece Wednesday at Karin's Kottage  Charming Homes and Gardens at Shiplap and Shells
Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home,  Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,  
Friday with Friends at My Hubbard Home
Create, Bake, and Grow at Shabby Art Boutique, Farmhouse Friday at The Painted Hinge


  1. In North Idaho, it's still snowing, but that doesn't stop the thrill of seeing your spring decorating. So happy, and fun!

  2. Oh love your bunny centerpiece. With the dishes it is just so sweet. Happy Friday.

  3. Spring is calling and you have answered! I love that little book. I changed up my late winter to early spring decor this past week and it was as invigorating as the change in our weather. It feels like spring!

  4. Thank you for some spring inspiration. I have had a hard time getting inspired of any season since Christmas. But today the sun is shining! I’m thinking SPRING!

  5. Mr. Bunns is adorable. Love your vignette and love the sunroom!

  6. I love that bunny. Your dishes are pretty too. I can't wait for spring.

  7. Love the china! Another beautiful and cheery arrangement. I just pulled out my In and Out of the Garden too! Great inspration for water color painting.

  8. This is really pretty. I have my own bunny that needs a bath before his appearance on my Spring table.

  9. Love the ivy dishes and to say I have a thing for bunnies, keep some out year round and am waiting just a bit to put the rest out for spring and summer. Still a bit snowy here in Boulder.

  10. Those Daffodils are gorgeous!


  11. This is so cute! And wowza, those colors and illustrations in the book are wonderful. Good luck with the plantings and happy spring! We liked this so much that we are featuring it at the Farmhouse Friday Link Party tomorrow! Hope you stop by and check out the new announcements and link up again. Pinned!

  12. Hey Debra! Thanks so much for sharing this at Farmhouse Friday! We're featuring you at tomorrow's party!

  13. I love your ivy dishes too! Your vignette is just beautiful. Happy Spring!

  14. This is gorgeous Debra. I love Daffodils, they are my favorite spring bulb. PINNED! You always inspire.


  15. I can't get outside to garden until it reaches to the 50 degree mark. This weekend should see me outside for some yard work.
    Mr. bunny has star quality! I noticed him right off.
    Thanks for sharing at the FWF link party.

  16. Debra your Garden Room is lovely - just what we need to move us from Winter to Spring!
    CONGRATS for being on of our Featured Friends at this week's Friendship Friday Party at Create With Joy! :-)


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