Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pink Flowered Dishes

Hi Everyone, hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend! Can you guess what we did? If you guessed painting walls, ceilings, and closets then you're right!!! We're getting there, but wow, are we bone tired. Oh, I forgot about pruning dead shrubs and rose bushes...and going to Lowe's three times and Wal-Mart three times. No matter how hard you try, you just can't think of all the "stuff" you'll need for a marathon working weekend. And also finding the paint you had mixed that looked perfect on the paint card is actually waaaay too light so you go back once again.

OK enough whining, something pretty to look at... A couple of weeks ago we did the attic clean out and I found two boxes of this oh so sweet Homer Laughlin Virginia Rose China. It had been my maternal great grandmother's. Most of it was well used, so some is chipped, but other pieces like a few of the plates were pristine. I found a few old "rose" postcards to add in for a little vignette in the sitting room.

There were two varieties of cups,
 this one on the bottom looks like a little newer version.

I was looking through some of my books last week, and realized the roses on the cover of this edition of The Country Diary of An Edwardian Lady had the same pretty trailing roses.

Here's another pattern of Homer Laughlin hiding behind the first plate. It has a little green band on the edging. My Peonies are blooming out front and they are fabulous! covered with ants... but fabulous! Click Here if you'd like to see last year's post on my Peonies and pink dishes.

Dog roses?
Sort of like a shrub rose bush to me.
(I see they're native to Europe)

I found this little metal wheelbarrow a few months ago, and it was just waiting for something fun to haul around. And of course, every little wheelbarrow needs some gardening tools!

When I finished playing with the dishes, 
I nestled them all in my white basket tray on the bottom shelf of the baker's rack.

When I started packing dishes back in February I had to decide what to keep or try to sell. I just couldn't part with any of my old china pieces, so they were all packed away. Now finding these, I'm so glad I didn't let them go and now I want to locate all my other "pink rose" china. (boohoo, they're in a storage unit until a house move...) Can't wait to put them all together for some fun vintage place settings.

One of my vintage embroidered tea towels...

Hard to believe it's this close to Summer. Often, Memorial Day is cool and rainy here, but we had hot and rainy instead. Our Realtor is ready to get the house listed since we have the pool. I was tempted to just jump in this last weekend, but resisted. Painting with wet clothes didn't sound like a lot of fun.

I miss you guys...I'm hanging in there just counting the days until I can see my new doctors. In the meantime I'm trying to not overdo it and rest alot in between house duty. Sending each of you a big hug!
joining in at
Savvy Southern Style
From My Front Porch to Yours



  1. Hi Debra! What a sweet vignette with your grandmother's pretty little dishes! I love the sweet pink roses. Sounds like you were the busiest one this long weekend. Take care of yourself and you're in my prayers.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  2. Pretty dishes and vignette. We worked hard all weekend, too.

  3. Love you dishes, so pretty. I loved seeing you little wheelbarrow, it help me realize I have one down in the dungeon! Sounds like you are making progress on the house, I'm sure you''ll be relieved when it's all done. Take care and you are in my prayers.

  4. When you finally get into your new house, Debra, it's going to be like a great big Christmas celebration rediscovering your forgotten treasures! Your dishes look lovely propped in your white wheelbarrow. Now you need to put your feet up and rest!

  5. Oh my! What a beautiful image from those dishes in the basket and the antiques sign. So pretty!!

  6. Debra the dishes are beautiful glad you held onto them. They look great in the white basket for the bakers rack.

  7. What a sweet vignette. You are so good at putting things together and making them look like they just happened to end up there with no effort. Hope your new doctors do great things for you.

  8. What gorgeous dishes! Now you better not overdo, Debra. We're all thinking about you.

  9. Debra,
    It's so good to see you be careful and don't over do it. I am glad to know that my hubs isn't the only one that makes several trips to the store while doing DIY jobs. Love the family dishes and you did a wonderful job on displaying them.


  10. So glad to hear from you. Hope you didn't overdo over the weekend. Sounds like a lot of work to me! Your dishes are just gorgeous. There is just nothing like old beautiful china.

    Take care.


  11. What a pretty post, Debra! The china is really beautiful; and the vignettes you've created are gorgeous!

  12. Debra,
    Beautiful them collected into the basket on the bottom shelf...
    Always beautiful vignettes from you,,,


  13. I don't know what it is, but I NEED my pretty dishes this time of year too. So sweet with your pretty linen!

  14. The dishes are lovely. I love the way you made the sweet vignette and the dishes in the basket is a wonderful way to display them.

  15. Love those sweet dishes, so glad you kept them!!! I have that same book, same little garden cart and same funny we are!!! Please don't over do it.....get some rest now......

  16. Debra, I love your old dishes, they are beautiful and look so good in your vignette. Please take care of your self and don't over do. Great post.

  17. So lovely, what you did just with what you had at hand!
    Congratualtions, it's a beautiful vignette! I love those little tools!

  18. Good to hear from you, Debra. I am a huge fan of Homer Laughlin. Beautiful dishware, whether decorated or plain. I love your rose dishes!

  19. Well, hello! Pretty dishes, great little vignette. Always good to see a new post from you!

  20. Glad you checked in, Debra! Your dishes are beautiful. The post cards you found are such a good match to the rose pattern. It sounds like you got a lot done this weekend. As opposed to me, who got nothing done because I had a horrible cold.

  21. I love all the pink! So pretty! Hope you are getting some rest lady. Praying for you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  22. What beautiful photos! I have The Country Diary, too, and enjoy looking at the illustrations. And the tea towels! Glad your peonies are making you happy -- ants notwithstanding. That's the only drawback to peonies, isn't it? Good thing the flowers are worth it! Take care of yourself.

  23. Sounds like you are really overdoing. So be sure to take it easy. I love those dishes, they are gorgeous.

  24. Glad to hear you're doing ok. I know you will be happy when your house sells. One less thing to keep up with.

  25. I have some chippy dishes that were my great grandmothers, they are black/cream toile and really not much to look at, but having something she treasured is special. You have given me some inspiration with your charming vignette!

  26. Love those Homer Laughlin dishes! So pretty and love the vignette! Please take care...

  27. Homer Laughlin is my favorite. I believe the first pattern you show is Moss Rose. I think they are all variations of Virginia Rose. Love them!

  28. These dishes remind me of my grandma. So beautiful.

  29. I was just going to say, "Please take it easy"!! I know there's lots to do! So excited for you to see the new Dr(s), and get all better! Still keeping you in my prayers.

  30. Hi Sweetie! Love your pretties and so glad you found them!! Your photos are so lovely! You have that knack of putting things together...always a joy!
    Big Hugs to You!
    Have a good day!!

  31. Debra, Sounds like your weekend was busy getting things done for the new house. Can't wait to see photos. Finding treasures you haven't seen in awhile is exciting especially when it brings back family memories. The dishes are so beautiful and the way you displayed them, love it!!
    Happy Wednesday!

  32. Debra,
    Lovely Dog Rose vignette, dear friend!!!
    Glad to see you're taking a few "Creative" breaks
    along with all the work involved in making a house "show" ready!!!
    I search my listings daily
    and a sense of giddyness comes over me when I see a post from Common Ground!
    My prayers continue for your daily!

  33. I have some of the same dishes and love them and I have a copy of The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady--I'll have to try a vignette using them on my dining room sideboard. Thanks for your creativity! Stay well.

  34. Wow, you have been busy! I love your sweet dishes! I love the little wheelbarrow and how you displayed them. Pretty photos!

  35. Debra, I, too, have a copy of The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady as well as a set of the gardening tools like yours. I could almost duplicate your vignette with my mother's Homer Laughlin china. This post makes me smile.

  36. Sounds like you're busy, busy busy! Be sure to take care and rest! Love your dishes and that wheelbarrow!!! ~~Angela

  37. Rest up. The dishes are adorable. I love that they were from family.

  38. You make the prettiest vignettes Debra !!!
    As for the paint - I have around 5 gallons sitting in the spare room that we all " fails " lol - too light - too dark - wrong color completely after thinking about it for a day or 2 - it took me 3 gallons to get the color I wanted for our tiny upstairs landing ..................hope you get some rest this weekend!
    Miss you too!

  39. sweet little dishes, debra, and cute wheelbarrow! take good care and happy weekend to you!

  40. Lots of prettiness here, Debra! We were painting all week, too...a baby nursery and furniture. Feels good when it's done though, doesn't it? Glad you are doing ok! XO

  41. Beautiful china, Debra! I've loved all kinds of Homer Laughlin dishes for many years (just picked up a couple of pieces this week) and your set is gorgeous! Boy, that Country brings back memories. Still as pretty as ever. Hope you have a restful weekend! I know, easier said than done : ) Love your rose-y vignette.


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