Sunday, September 8, 2013

It's Officially Fall here in the Ozarks...

Are you ready?

Holy Peter Pumpkin Eater, I'm officially on Fall Inspiration Overload!!

The last two days have been non-stop Fall Open Houses with more to come next weekend. We're certainly blessed to have so many great vintage shops in this area, and I've been trying to hit all of them. Thank goodness, this was a better week than last week, 'cause if I would have had to sit these out I would have been one unhappy camper. 

These photos are from Leola's Home and Garden Open House in Ozark, Missouri. Their Open House is going strong, so if you get a chance go by, I'm sure the shop looks different today than these photos Thursday evening. Stuff was flying out the door, and some of it flew out with me!

So, here are some pics, I have more coming tomorrow, so be sure and come back by to see the rest. Remember, you can click on the image and then click again to get a closer look at all the goodies. There are so many great ideas here. These gals are the cream of the crop!

Yes, that's a skeleton hanging from the chandy!

My fave of the evening, this little goat cart filled
with pumpkins and Fall goodies.
(no, this didn't come home with me)

 (see that white tureen? Now THAT came home with me)
thanks Kenda!

 (Love the wallpaper paste brushes hanging inside the frames)

 (and their signature umbrellas hanging from the ceiling)

If you want to see more from Leola's Fall Open Houses,
 just type in "Leola's" on the search box on the sidebar.

P.S. Don't forget to enter Becky's Give Away

More coming tomorrow...



  1. Lucky you to have so many great shops to visit. Love all of the Autumn inspiration! Happy weekend!

  2. Ooooh my gosh Debra!... I could just linger over these photos all day long... you know me, I cannot get enough Autumn!!!... love love love that first frame with the dried black~eyed Susans hanging in it... I want to make one now, my "Susans" are all drying right now... that is fabulous!... and your new tureen looks so pretty!... can't wait to see where you put it in with all of your Autumn decor... how I would love to visit this shop... I would probably never leave... well... eventually I would call a U`Haul to come get me and my treasures and take me home... thanks for sharing, lots of great ideas here!... and thank you too for your kind comment about me being trapped in my car... it really was scary!... xoxo Julie Marie PS Glad you liked my new "hairdo" too!... You are the best!... xoxoxo

  3. I am loving all of that fall color and warm goodness! It is still in the high 90's here and a bit hard to get into the autumn mood. That being said, all of these lovely images have made me long to bring some of that warm goodness into my own home. Thank you for a lovely tour!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  4. Wow Debra,
    How wonderful it all of this. It looks like they have some pretty nice treasures. Thanks for the tour. I bet you had a great time in the shops.

  5. How gorgeous! I would love to visit her shop!


  6. Those vintage suitcases ain't too shabby either! I don't think we've had anything like that around here. If we did, I imagine Judy would have caught wind of it.

  7. So much inspiration Debra! I would love to visit the Ozarks one day. I keep trying to get hubby to drive us up that way but he thinks we would run out of things to do. I know I would not!;)

  8. What a fun tour - I can see why things followed you home!! Great tureen!

  9. What Wonderful things! I went to a great open house today...can't wait to share it on the blog.

  10. OH I love fall...and all the fun activities and decorating that goes with it! Great tureen! I especially love the tea leaf pieces and the fun owl...

  11. I can see where you get a lot of your great inspiration, Debra! I am really loving that tureen! I'm wondering...with all of these shops and the open this a place for a lot of "out of town " people to visit? My hubby and I love road trips and I see you posting so many wonderful places to see and go to!

    Yes, I think fall has arrived for you!!


  12. There is just something about seeing bittersweet in a wooden bucket that just sings of autumn, Debra! I adore Sept and Oct that bring the cooler temps and clear blue skies! Blue jeans and boots, ponchos and scarves. Love it! Thanks for the pretty fall pics today!!!

    xoxo laurie

  13. ohmygoodness!!! What wonderful, inspiring photos Debra!!! I love, LOVE fall and all that it brings ~ thank you so much for sharing so many great vignettes and photographs! I hope you are doing so very good sweet friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  14. Wow, Debra! So many wonderful vignettes in Leola's shop! I love the tureen you took home, and I also like the tea leaf ironstone pieces she has. Hard to pick a favorite of all of them, but the stack of luggage behind the cart is a very nice visual. I see all the work behind creating such wonderful displays too! Have a restful day!

  15. Can't stop looking at it! All the wonderful Fall touches....Love it!

  16. Oh I would sooo love to have an array of shops like this to visit! Thanks for sharing!!

  17. There will not be open houses around me until late next month.
    Thanks for giving me inspiration to hold me over.

  18. Thank you for the mini shopping trip, I would need a truck for all my finds. That's some very cool vintage décor. I am such an incurable vintage shopping addict, that's ok we only live once right? Happy shopping ! Lisa @ Sweet Tea N' Salty Air

  19. Debra,
    Amazing Autumnal Open House!!!
    Thank you for taking us along!!!
    My favorite has to be the green bucket with the sprawling bittersweet!!!

  20. HI Debra! I really enjoyed looking at the retail shop displays for much as most like seeing home decor now my brain is wired to think of cool store displays so this was super fun!! xo

  21. Most of the Fall open houses around here are at the end of the month. Thanks for sharing these shops all deck out for Autumn with us. So many great goodies!!

  22. Oh boy that is a whole lotta goodness in one place. I spied a ton of things I would want. I am so excited for the season!


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