Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vintage Black Friday, Halloween Fun

Here we are again for Vintage Black Friday. Time to look into the deep dark recesses of our abodes and find those things here-to-for, kept in secret and in silence. Those of us who covet "black" have somewhat felt like the proverbial "black sheep". But "Nevermore" quoth the Raven. We can take our rightful standing in all things "Vintage". And thanks to Jill at Gypsy Brocante, we can even flaunt our eccentricities for all blogdom to admire.
For this edition I thought I would share some fun; a little vintage fun, for the season, in black.

"Pssst. Lady... Yes you. Come on over here,
 and give a gal a little assistance."

"I'm stuck in this old black birdcage,
and I think there may be a mistake."

"You see, I'm a regal bird of sorts, a raven.
 I have inadvertantly been detained in this
 contraption, when I have alot of exciting
Halloween soirees to attend."

"See, I am wearing my crown,
so I can be Queen of the Halloween Ball!"

"Whoops, could you help me here?
I seem to have it on
 backwards. A little assistance please!

"Thank you so much, Yes, so very much.
My jeweled brooch needs to show, you see!
Now, if you could just help me extricate myself,
 I'll be off!"

Here's a little friend, a cat of sorts,
making himself comfortable
on an old black church pew... mew.

And now in the basket!

"Smiley" is here also, dancing atop a vintage
silver tray in the kitchen.
Great teeth!
Cute black and white costume.

Now, this is one clown I like!

This little girl is ready with her costume
 at Spring Creek.

Old black vintage frame with a magazine cover print.

And Miss Scaredy Cat hanging
 around on the china cupboard.

Black metal vintage-look sign for fall.

And reproduction vintage postcards by
 Ellen Clapsaddle,
on an old photograph album.

Hope no one has minded
that I've bent the rules just a smidge,
 being close to Halloween,
 it's time to have some fun!

Have a walk on the "Black" side!


  1. Debra,
    You're waaaaaaaaaaaay to good, girl! I couldn't help but smile and be happy at you very clever post. Guess I need to put on my 'ol thinkin cap a little more...naw, get the award for cleverness and that's that!! Happy Vintage Black Friday. Do hope you're feeling good now Debra.
    My Best

  2. Debra...
    Love your post today! Especially your Raven. That bird has a wicked sense of humor.
    Thanks for today's dark giggle.

  3. Hi Debra!
    I love the Raven...
    your too funny!
    I also love your new background.
    I hope you have a delightful weekend.

  4. What a creative writer you are! I love the pictures and the sweet raven personality you created. Fun! ~Mindy

  5. Absolutely charming post! I just love your blog and your new background!


  6. Those are some awesome decorations, girl. You've got the eye.

  7. Love all your halloween decor, especially the cat. Great fun post. Debbie

  8. Your Halloween is amazing! I just love it! The cage the pictures! What fun!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. This was tooooo cute! Love that Raven with her crown!! And the cats! Love them all!!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  10. Love raven's crown and brooch. :)

  11. What fun, isn't this the best time of the year to just brings out the creep in it!

    Haven't seen the girls yet, I think I've just missed them at every turn...BUMMER!!! Gonna have to make a trip southward...that would be a fun one...later...

  12. Girl, you have some fabulous Halloween decorations! I would gladly have any of them! I do hope however, someone set that poor little birdie free!

  13. What an entertaining post, Debra! I enjoyed it beginning to end. Hmmmmm, my favorite thing is that sweet cat. She is toooo cute:) Have a blessed day and let the birdie out of the cage!

  14. LOVE the regal raven in the it!

    I have that same black & white "clown"...isn't it cute?

  15. Hey Debra!
    Thanks for the big 'Hello'! The gals didn't forget! We hope to make it MO. way, someday soon...Time, it's always time!
    Your Halloween Post is delightful! You do a great job!
    Take care,
    Barb C.

  16. Hi Debra, I must say I love it all and what a great presentation. Happy Black Friday...julie

  17. Really enjoyed your post today. You are a very good writer. Kept me reading...

    Enjoy your black friday

    Hugs pam

  18. Hi Debra,
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. Your blog is great fun. Love the Halloween decor.
    Happy Haunting...

  19. Love that little walking witch. She must be out of spells to make her broom fly! It's all so cute.

  20. I love all your vintage black stuff especially the crow perched in the bird cage - Fabulous... I am going to follow you! I'll be back when I have more time to check everything out! xoxo

  21. Love that black frame with the silhouette witch. Happy VBF!

  22. You can tell a story just as well as you can decorate ... there is NO stopping you!! Wonderful!!


  23. FUN! And lots of beautiful things for Fall!

    yapping cat


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