Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Christmas Kitchen "Reveal"

What better place to start the Christmas decorating
than in my "new" kitchen!

I feel like I'm in a totally new house.
And it's so bright in here that I need to wear sunglasses!

I'll have a post out soon with a few "before" photos
 and I'll be answering some of your "how-to" questions,
with some of the technical stuff
 and a "wish I knew then" list.

But for now I just want to share a little of my Christmas fun. 

The splashes of red really say Christmas to me.

and for my Victoria Magazine Inspiration
the current Christmas issue inspired me
 to pack a little Christmas picnic basket
with hot cider and Walker shortbread.
(one of my favorite cookies)!

The kitchen re-do was every bit of the job that I knew it would be...
and then some!!

But I jumped right in to getting my Holiday decorating done
because I want to relax and enjoy these next few weeks

I hope that's possible!

I'm joining in with these great Holiday Parties

Hope you're having a wonderful week
full of Christmas fun!

Be sure and join in this Thursday-Sunday


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday #14 Join the Christmas Fun!

I honestly cannot believe it's December!
This year has just flown by,
and speaking of flying...
my turkeys have finally left the building!

Today is the first day of
Vintage Inspiration Friday
for Christmas

Hope you'll join in with some of your
vintage and vintage inspired Christmas goodies.

Grab the button and please link back in your post
so others can join the Holiday fun!

Since I'm still working on the kitchen redo,
(I'll have some photos next post!)
I needed to take a break and change out the sunroom.

I found these adorable bottle brush trees with baby Shiny Brites

And this year I tried bleaching some old bottle brush trees and wreaths.
So a few of them are dressing up my little house for the Holidays.

Looooove the little zinc garden marker

 I'm getting a start on decorating for Christmas,
it's turning out to be so much fun in the "new" kitchen.

Hope you'll join the party,
and share your Christmas!


I'm joining in with these other great Holiday Parties

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I have a good excuse...

My house is a wreck,
there are still turkeys running around,
the laundry is piled high.,
not one Christmas box or tub has been opened...

you might be asking.
Moi, who has been chomping at the bit
to get started with the Christmas decorating...?

Well, let's say the Christmas decor train
got rerouted to Home Depot last Saturday
and the result is something that
I just couldn't put off...

Plus I had the help of my handsome hubby
who was repaying me for days away for deer hunting.
Sometimes payback can be...
a good thing!

I've been terribly whiny
about wanting to paint my kitchen cabinets
and lighten things up with a new wall color,
so I had to make a decision,
decorate for Christmas...
or have a whole new look for the kitchen.
I guess you can tell what won out!
I still have a ways to go.
So hopefully soon I'll have it "blog worthy"!

Just a few pics to show you I'm still alive,
and then I want to apologize for being a lousy blogger friend.
I'm too far behind to ever catch up
so please know that I love you all,
appreciate your joining in for

Vintage Inspiration Friday,

and always leaving such wonderful comments.
I'm not ignoring you all
but I know the world doesn't stop
just because I can't come and visit all you great peeps.

Now, having said that with a humble attitude,
I'm closing in on that 1000 follower mark
and I'm not going to let it go unnoticed,
so hopefully,
when I can get myself and my house together...
and take care of the personal hygiene,
I'll put together a Give Away to celebrate!!
Also, remember that this week starts the

Vintage Inspiration Christmas Party

Please grab the button and plan to join in with the vintage fun!

Today, I'm linking up with Kathleen for White Wednesday
be sure and visit all the wonderful whites!

Now, back to the paint can!
lots of love,

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 13 What's inspiring my decor this Christmas

I hope you're having a wonderful
I'm sneaking off from all the family to post for
Vintage Inspiration Friday
(psssst...don't tell them I'm gone!)

My Christmas boxes are on alert,
and I'm so ready to dig in.

I have lots of different styles that I love for Christmas decor,
but the one I always rely on and find that is the basis
 for whatever else I might use is "nature";
Paperwhites, natural greens, holly and berries.

Here are a few magazine images
 that I love and use for inspiration.

A rusty urn with a little glitz, glitter, and sparkle fit right in.

This year I'm being drawn to more
 neutrals and naturals with decorations

Burlap ribbon on the Living Room tree
(no ornaments yet)

My two smaller trees are up for the Thanksgiving weekend.
They're a little easier for me to handle.
I love a large tree, and do have one,
but since I'm the one that does the work,
I've opted for "less stress" and scaled down this year.

"My favorite number" 3 on an ornament I found at
 the Seed Box Open House. 

Brown velvet ribbon is what's happening in the Dining Room.
What's inspiring your Christmas decorating this year?

Hope you'll join in for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday.

Please visit The French Cupboard's
Extravagant Affair

and I'm running a 15% Off sale
this weekend at the Etsy Store
Just type in thanks1125 as the promo code at checkout.

Hope you have a wonderful and blessed
Thanksgiving Weekend!


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