Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Doors of Welcome

Hello, Everyone! Thursday is the "Doors of Welcome" Party, hosted by  Karen at Some Days are Diamonds.  I guess you could consider this a "Double Post". I participate in "White Wednesday", and if you are not familiar with this weekly party you have been missing a lot of fun. We show "whites", especially vintage ones. So scroll down to the previous post to see more of my front porch that was the subject for my last White Wednesday post.

Black Front Door

Please excuse the overgrown shrubs and hedges, it's time for their fall "haricut". Some of these photos were taken a couple of weeks ago, and I'm glad I did, because it has been non-stop rain and dreariness. We haven't had a frost here yet in southwest Missouri, so it still looks about the same. My ferns are like the jungle, the mums have bloomed, and I have added a pumpkin or two.

Threw some fall foliage in the basket

Put out my Harvest sign.

My concrete Momma and Baby Squirrels
are always there for a greeting.

I just love this varigated pumpkin!

You can read about my little vintage
black wagon re-do here.

This is a view out my front door. I have a "Black Maple" shown here, that doesn't have very pretty leaf color, and then another Hard Maple next to the front porch. It has a prettier show of leaves, but not until late fall. So I enjoy the Soft Maple across the street, which is one of the first trees to change on the block.

I wanted to share the front porch of the store
where I have a space  in Ozark, Missouri,
Spring Creek.
It's always so much fun!

Hope you're enjoying everyone's "Doors".
Welcome to the Harvest!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

White Wednesday, Fall Front Porch

The weather feels more like Novemeber than October. A cold drizzly rain is coming down, and I'm about ready for something warm to drink. Some of these pictures were taken last week when I had a sunny day, and some this afternoon while the wet stuff is misting.

I keep a white wicker cone basket on the porch and change out flowers for the season. It had been a sage green color, but it never showed up very well, so last fall I decided white would be best. Now I just change out some floral pieces and bushes for whatever season it may be.
I found this little "half-bench" park bench before Christmas last year. It's small but really heavy. It's really too big for the space on the front porch, so it receives the same unhappy remarks and glances that my black bench inside finds. My husband appreciates my decor as long as he doesn't have to fall over it. Or as in this case, just to be able to get the door open.

Love this "Cinderella Pumpkin"

Poor old white watering can,
with a big rusted hole in it.
 Makes me love it all the more.

My little rabbit had to join in for the fun!

I especially love these little "button mums".

I've shown this old embroidered towel before,
 but I just love the texture of it.

Well, at least the ivy loves this misty drizzle.

Visit Kathleen, our wonderful hostess for
 White Wednesday at Faded Charm,
 and see the other participants.

Hope you're having a wonder-fall day!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Out and Inspirational Home

Friday afternoon I ran by Inspirational Home to find a few more things for the give-away. I can always count on Debra having some wonderful "gifty" items. This is where I found the great turkey kitchen towel with the cake mix, and soap, among a few other items I picked up. She had totally re-arranged the store and I found this really fun Halloween display upstairs. It reminds me of something from the 1920's with it's vintage feel.

Here is her garden room, decked out
 for a Spooky Halloween.

The front room display is loaded with
great baskets
 and some fabulous furniture.

Love this chair!

Grrrr, Leopard! (sorry)

Wonderful topiaries

Amazing icons and Santos.

Back in the garden room you can find bulbs
 of all varieties for fall planting.

Great urns and garden elements

 Inspirational Home is located on South Lone Pine
in Springfield, Missouri.
Hope you enjoyed seeing what's new.

Have a great week!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

3 Little Punkins

My sweet friend Cindy, at The Yapping Cat Studio, is an amazingly talented woman. She is one of the organizers of Paper Cowgirl, and so very creative and whimsical in her art. You can also read about her here. She is a constant inspiration to me. About two months ago she had some teeny tiny paintings of cherries, pears, nests, etc. on her blog and then casually mentioned maybe painting some pumpkins for fall. Well, 'nough said, cause I jumped on that idea and ordered these. I like to do a "goodie" bag up for my girls for every holiday, and these are for their fall gift. (Oh yea, one's for moi!)
So Friday when I checked the mail, here they were. Well, I tore into them in the car, cause I just couldn't wait, and here's what I found!

Oh, so very CUTE!

And a sweet note from my Friend with tootsie rolls
 and Lollia, whoops, forgot to show those!

Oh, And I can't forget to show the them!

ALMOST as cute as the fronts!

Thank you Cindy, Love ya!


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