Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summer Entry wih a New Vintage Print

I like to keep things changed up... well, you all know that about me. With the patriotic flags put away, it was time to bring out something different for the next month. So here's a new light and bright vintage print in one of my favorite chippy white vintage frames. I've had this traditional British print of an old engraving for awhile, but haven't taken the time to find it a frame that did it justice.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost

Late Summer, (anytime after the 4th), has always been a time for the vintage chickens to come out and strut their stuff. I've been playing with all the chicks here on the old cupboard in the Hearth Room. I've had them in several different places on the shelves and think I finally came up with a good placement... for now. You just never know where a chicken will turn up around here.

(a small chicken bud vase in the Garden Room, where it's light and bright)

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

A Simple Centerpiece for the Garden Room

It's been fun seeing the shrubs, plants and flowers that have emerged here at the new place this Spring and Summer. Mid Spring, I was so excited to see a row of Forsythia at the back of the property line, and even though they were pruned to within an inch of their lives they are now becoming full and giving us a little more privacy.

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