Showing posts with label faux painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faux painting. Show all posts

Friday, October 14, 2022

Dough Bowl Pumpkin Centerpiece On the Antique Sideboard Buffet

Hi Friends, this post is a bit overdue as I had wanted to get this out at the beginning of "Pumpkin Season", but I had to be out of town for a bit. I think most of us try to refresh our faux pumpkins every few years to keep them updated and looking crisp and new. I had a few in my fall squash stash that really needed a mini makeover.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Easy Repairs to a Vintage Oil Painting

I'm always on the hunt for vintage or antique watercolor and oil paintings when I'm out at the vintage markets or fleas. Pastorals or landscapes are my favorites, but are getting hard to find. Not to mention, the prices can be pretty steep. So when I happened to spot this canvas a few weeks ago, I grabbed it up.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Painting Antique Frames

What a joy it was to turn over those calender pages, to see what March will bring. February was cold and snowy and brutal for so many of us. March is my Birthday Month, and it always signals the start of Spring. I feel my optimism and mood lighten with that one little flip of a calender page.

A week or so ago, Hubbs and I hung up a few oil paintings that he's given me over the years. They are my favorites, but I was just guessing at where they should be. Wall space in this house is scarce, and I'm trying to be selective about what I'm putting up. So we ended up changing things around because the space really needed something bigger.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Faux Painted Chandelier...

Honey, I shrunk the chandelier,
and painted it too!

Seems like all I've had to share lately is lighting (and I have one more exciting one coming up soon). But having the painting done and the chandies installed have been two of the bigger things that we needed to accomplish first. The painting is completed except for that one wall of the kitchen that needed dry wall patching.(where the cabinets and desk counter were removed). Hubbs, Aly, and myself did about 2/3 of the house and our contractor/handy guy and his brother did the rest. You can see below how the Ben Moore Smokey Taupe turned out. I'm so happy I stuck with it, it does change color with the lighting during the day, but all in all it's just the perfect light gray/beige, and I think it will "go" with everything we have.

So when we moved we took down and crated up my "in your face" frenchy chandelier from the Dining Room. It seemed enormous due to the low ceiling height and ended up feeling like it was right on top of the table. But...I love it and even though it was big, it had just the right Country French feel I was going for.

previous home last Fall

I loved the twigs and vines wrapped around it from last Fall and Christmas. I packed away the little linen shades, so I'm hoping to find those soon.

(This is a photo from that time that shows the canvas print 
someone was asking me about a couple of weeks ago.)

So the jest of this blog post is that even though I love that hunky chandy, once it was installed at the new house, it just wasn't the right color any longer. The gold and platinum paint finish was just too bright and stuck out like a sore thumb. Our new house has most of the metals in black and dark bronze, so a gold chandy in the open Dining Room just wasn't going with the flow.

Here's the new space when we first got the keys. This is the old fixture and old wall color.

So I wanted to try to tone the chandy down a notch or two and make it blend in more with the rest of the metals. This black railing (which I'm NOT in love with) is staying for now. The gold was just too noticable. I headed to Michael's and grabbed these supplies to make the transformation...

The bronzing paste wasn't quite dark enough, so I added a little black to take it to a darker bronze. I found the black at Lowe's. The bronzing paste and enamel are both oil based so they mixed up well, and went on easy.

Hubbs fixed me a "paint station" alongside the ladder, so I didn't have to keep getting off to add more paint to the sponge. That saved a bunch of time and effort.

I worked in layers, putting on a darker coat first, then sponging in the antique gold paint on top. It's just a trial and error process. I'd have to have someone come and look at it with me at intervals, just to make sure it was looking right.

I can't say I like it "more" or "less", it just needed to be different. So please don't tell me it was better all bright gold and platinum. It just wasn't working for the new space. That's one of the things you have to consider when you have an open floor plan. You can see more of the gold at night when the bulbs are lit, otherwise in the daylight it looks dark bronze.

All in all I'm pretty happy with how it turned out; it looks like a real antique to me now. The lower luster of the darker metal paint finish looks like oxidation. But it did shrink in size. What seemed huge at the other house, seems a lot smaller here. I know it's the height of the ceilings, because the Dining Room area itself is smaller. With my big furniture I'm sure I won't be able to get much else in there. The little shades may not make it back on, I think it looks a little more elegant without the shades. hmmmm...

I'm giving you a peek at my new entry lantern. That's another reason why the chandy had to go a darker bronze. I'm going to tell you all about it soon, It's from a new sponsor and I'm totally crushing on it!

The carpet stretching will be done tomorrow, the carpet cleaned next week, then some things can start coming over from the storage units. Our guys can hopefully start on the outside later this week. The landsaping has to have areas redone and new plantings, plus building new shutters and door paint. Things are rolling along, and it's exciting to see it all come together. I'm so glad we've had time to get these things done ahead of time. As hard as it was to move to a lease house, it's proven to be a life saver, literally.

On a side note, the flu had me down for almost a week. Such poor timing. It's all a blur. I coughed and/or was in a Nyquil induced sleep coma for most of it. This last Saturday I MADE myself get up and over to the new house. Once I was there I got a few things done, but that stuff really took it out of me. I'm so glad Hubbs didn't catch it. It was a bad week. you all take care of yourselves...

I'll be joining in on these great weekly parties:

Show and Share at Coastal Charm
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Daily Cup at Mrs. Olson
Treasure Hunt at From My Front Porch to Yours
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage

Hope you all are off to a good week, 
now I have to play catch-up on everything else...


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Trompe L'Oeil Canvas

I cleaned out the downstairs guestroom closet, since I have houseguests coming. I thought they might actually appreciate a place to hang their clothes. This particular closet has been one of my stealth pillow stashes. Having a pillow addiction can pose problems for storage. (I know none of you have this same problem) Nothing like thinking of company coming to make me get off my backside and do a little sprucing up around here. 

So during the clean out I found this print that I'd had for awhile. Don't remember when we bought it or where it came from, but I'm sure it was from a flea market somewhere...

And you probably know I love me some sheep and lambs. I thought I might try to get the look of an oil painting by mod podging this to a painters' canvas. We have several that my mil used a while back, so I found this one that was the same width but a little larger top to bottom. I glued it on in the middle, then found some acrylic craft paints to try to add to the canvas, to even it out. 

Above, you can see on the bottom of the canvas I used a brown base and then just added in some greens and tans to mimic the ground. I wasn't looking for "perfect", I wouldn't be able to do that, I just wanted to get the feel that the print was larger at the bottom. We don't have to worry about any counterfeit art heists or anything like that...

Then, you can see at the top I just continued the "sky" with a coat of grays mixing in lighter and darker colors to look like darkening clouds. I brought the paint down over the top of the print to help blur the lines a little. Then took the color to the sides of the canvas too.

The fluorescent lighting down here causes lot's of glare, but actually it's pretty passable...
if you're not too close.

The trick to making this look more realistic and to "fool the eye" is to have it at a distance for viewing. Up close you can certainly see where the print stops and my attempts start. I coated the whole thing with 2 coats of glossy Mod Podge, to look like oil paint. (kinda-sorta) The second one I did in a cross-hatch manner that gave it more texture like brush marks.

You know how in the 40's to the 60's many prints were done on a cardboard base, I have quite a few of them that I've grabbed for almost nothing that have had scratches on them. Basically it can ruin the look of one of those prints, but with a little mixing of paint and a close eye you can repair them, using this same technique.

It's a little lame, but I didn't want to frame it, I love the look of a plain canvas, and everything I used I already had on hand. 

You might notice that I also changed out the dark burgundy area rug for this lighter one that had been upstairs. One of my Mother's Day presents was a wonderful new rug from Overstock, for the Living Room. The new rug upstairs ended up being nicer than I even imagined, I'll share it with you a little later. 

You'll be hearing more about what Anne and I have planned for next month. We've waited three years to meet, so we're going to have some fun adventures. more later...

OK, now don't snicker behind my back at my tromp l'oeil canvas...please be kind.

I'll be linking to 

Share the Love at Very Merry Vintage Style
House Party at No Minimalist Here
What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Thriftin' On a Thursday at Savvy City Farmer
Simple and Sweet at Rooted in Thyme
Transformation Thursday at the Shabby Creek Cottage
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday at the Picket Fence
Home Sweet Home at the Charm of Home
Fridays Unfolded at Stuff and Nonsense
Sat Nite Special at Funky Junk
