Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

St. Louis Visit

Fall is my favorite time of the year to visit the kids in St. Louis. They live in an historic community, close to Washington University. Their home was built in 1904, just after the St. Louis World's Fair. The trees in their neighborhood are so gorgeous and the town is decorated for Fall Harvest and Halloween. 

We did a little antique shopping at Cherokee Street on Sunday afternoon. The architecture of the storefronts and homes is amazing. St. Louis is an old city, first founded by the French in the 1760's. This was a booming antique center for years, but it's been hit hard by the economy. There are still several great stores here, enough for me to find some things of course!

Sunday morning we had a wonderful brunch at the Lemp Mansion.

This was the family home of one of the early large breweries in St. Louis, and is well known for it's history of ghosts and hauntings. They hold ghost tours, events, and parties throughout the Fall, but today we were just interested in the delicious homestyle fried chicken dinner. 

Our daughter Erin and I out front.
(sorry, I take the worst photos, I actually DO have eyes!)

They were renovating the ceilings, and this was in the Dining Room where we ate. Do you see the one black raven at the edge? ...very creepy.

Dining Room


Keith and Erin in the Lemp Mansion Garden.

They've lived in their home for several years and have mostly done cosmetic updates. But they are starting a bath reno upstairs and a kitchen makeover soon. They want to bring back the authenticity of the kitchen that a makeover in the 80's had taken.

She had a cute pumpkin display on the porch, but I never got a photo of it.

I just took a few photos inside, but this was the one I was interested in; their new Restoration Hardware Entry Lighting. The photo doesn't do it justice, as the reflection of light was wonderful.

RH website

Dining Room
The house has 10 foot ceilings throughout, and Erin's mother-in-law made wonderful draperies for not only the Dining Room, but the Master Bedroom and Living Room. (so glad that wasn't my job!)

I did a post two years ago, but this was also 3 cameras ago, so the photos are less than good. We don't get to see them as much as we would like. Springfield is only 3 hours away, 4 if you have to eat and potty. Erin is a sales manager with a real estate developer so her getting weekends free is hard, and Keith is in sales with IBM so they both have demanding jobs. We love them to pieces and they are the best hosts anyone could ask for! 

Hope you'll be able to join in tomorrow for 
Vintage Inspiration Friday

"anything vintage or vintage inspired"
and all your Fall Decor!

p.s. I'm about caught up with the laundry!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Out to Lunch

My sister had a birthday yesterday and we always have a date for lunch.
This year we headed downtown to a new little spot called The Aviary.
A light and bright little restaurant that specializes in all kinds of crepes.

Springfield is like most cities where for years
 the downtown area was "less than" quaint.
The midtown area of Springfield is home to three major Universities;
Missouri State, Drury, and Evangel.
It's a "college town" for sure.

Within the last ten years we've seen our downtown turn around
with lots of restaurants, small businesses, and specialty shops.
It's become quite trendy, that's turning the corner
on making the downtown area a great addition to our city.

I couldn't get as many photos as I'd liked inside
but it's very shabby vintage,
with lot's of old birdcages, branches, and great ambiance.

The food was fabulous,
but we were so hungry we dove in without taking time for photos.
Savory Chicken and Mushroom Crepe
with heavenly French Onion Soup.

A wonderful church pew that's been married to an architectural piece.

Here's my mom and sis,
aren't they so cute?

Inside the "Girl's Room"

We found this great chippy orange door across the street
 with wonderful hardware.
Just had to get a shot.
My sis blended right in!

Hope you're having a great weekend
and enjoying this first week of Fall.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Oh, that face...

It's no secret that with two married daughters, I'm old enough to have grandkids, but alas, I have none; only a grandpuppy and grandkitties. Vinny, (Vincenzo) a French Bulldog, is the newest member of the family and he belongs to Erin and Keith, our St. Louis kids. Spoiled is a word that comes to mind. Notice the quilted barn coat and rhinestone collar. But hey, he's so darn cute you can't blame them. 

Puppy portraits...
(Gee, I love this new camera!)

Erin and Keith

and Aly and Chris,
waiting to unwrap gifts.
Our tradition is to open them Christmas Eve.

I was in my pajamas and glasses, so no photos of moi.
you'd thank me.

I'm looking forward to the New Year,
but first our Anniversary, tomorrow.
Hope you are recovering from the Christmas Rush.
I spent all day Sunday in my Jammies.

love to all,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

You're Invited to a Vintage Halloween

I posted these images last year at Halloween,
but I wanted to share them again this year...
a little spooky family memorabilia.

This is an invitation that my paternal grandfather
 made for a surprise Halloween Birthday Party for my grandmother in 1926.
These are their engagement photos from around 1906.

He was a printer, so I have several pieces of his work.
I love the little pumpkin and black cat graphic that he included.

My paternal grandmother, Irma, was born on Halloween,
sometime in the late 1880's or early 1890's.
She was around 40 when my dad was born in 1929.
Halloween was always a special event when she was alive,
so I have a little childhood nostalgia for the holiday.

I'm joining Joan's Party with this very authentic
piece of Vintage Halloween ephemera.

Be sure and have fun with the other partiers at

Have a fun weekend!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Heart of the Home

We've heard the phrase
"the Heart of the Home",
and yes, the kitchen truly is.
So I'm sharing a few photos today of my kitchen.

We moved here over 7 years ago,
so neither of our girls lived here growing up,
but they both feel this house is "home" to them.

Our kitchen furniture was purchased new,
but now I would have purchased an old farm table
and an old cupboard.

I've thought about painting the cabinets distressed off white, but I just can't get there.
My trim is white and my furniture is off white and my appliances are almond.
So I can't imagine how it would all fit together.

Oh Well, it's as it is...

Even though my table is not old, I do love the style.
It has a leaf and expands to fit 8,
so Christmas breakfast, the table is full.

I recently redid the top of the china cabinet
by bringing in an old piece of painted tin, a basket of fall goodies,
and a plate holder with ironstone pitchers. 

Thank goodness the rusty crustiness is up and away from the table! 

My favorite spot in the house is my sunroom,
right off the kitchen.
It's my seasonal "show off",
 and a great place for napping kitties.

Ladies, I'm so glad I've joined the parties.
My counter tops needed a big cleaning!

This silver tray on the island holds my seasonal vignette for the kitchen.
Always a bouquet in the Homer Laughlin Ironstone Pitcher.

I DO have a new ceramic stove top,
which I dealy love!

"Smiley" and I are so glad you came to visit today
Hope you're feeling "at home".

I'm linking to


Hope you all are having a wonderful Fall week.
