Showing posts with label dreaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreaming. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Just what I need....

So here's my latest addition to the sitting area. A pitchfork...only to be used if the hubby starts getting smarty pants. Seriously, don't we all need a pitchfork in our kitchen? And don't you love that big crack that runs down the length of the side on the armoire? It will be on my "to paint"and repair list as soon as we find a house.

I've had a slight obsession with French Country Garden Goods, and I've been on the lookout for old gardening tools. With all the "stuff" hubbs and I have been dealing with since the end of last year, really... garden tools are the last thing I need.

Just ask him...
he'll let you know.

But I have this mental fantasy that I'll have a garden room again 
and that I can decorate it with all kinds of frenchy garden things.

I've realized it's important to keep some "dreaming" alive
even if it seems impossible at the moment.

Here's the French Inspired Garden Frame from my last post.

I have other old tools hanging out in our garage.
One that I found was an old bulb planter that I'll share later,
I plan on using it...
Right now I need to just not be tripping over them,
or have them in a place where hubbs actually has to see or deal with them.
Why can't guys realize that sometimes we just have to go with our gut?
In hubby's defense, 
he was the one that had to pack box after box of my old garden junk.
when I was out of commission.
He's reached his limit, I'm pretty sure.

I found these breadboards at Antique Farmhouse.

And I've had some of you ask about my basket full of linens...
do my kitties nap there?
They are a lazy couple of cats,
but I've never seen them in there.
shhhh...don't tell them...

Here is a collage of pics from my French Garden Fantasy over at Pinterest.

Hope you're having a wonderful week. We're having a cool-down like a lot of you. Perfect for me, I'm not a fan of the heat. The older I get, the less I like to sweat.

Joining in on these great parties:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
It's a Party at DIY by Design
