Earlier this month I shared my hearth room and my white pieces that reside against the long wall, but didn't get the chance to share the details. There was a lot going on in this big space, so today I thought I'd come back and take a closer look at the sideboard, cookbook cupboard, and the little Christmas tree. If you missed that post you can click here.
Showing posts with label Christmas Tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas Tree. Show all posts
Monday, December 16, 2024
Monday, December 18, 2023
Out-of-the-Box Vintage Christmas Tree and "The Mystery Box"
One of the first things I do as I start thinking about an upcoming season or holiday is to start with Pinterest and spend time reviewing past posts and photos. We all have pics from Pinterest that we consider our favorites; those that come to mind each season. For me they are in the "vintage" category and I revisit them each year for a fresh new look and take on décor themes and ideas that I can include in my own seasonal décor.
Christmas Tree,
Garden Room,
Pinterest Inspiration,
wine crate
Monday, November 13, 2023
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Thanksgiving to Christmas Tree
We'll be inundated with "Christmas in Blogland" next week. (I AM excited to see what's coming for Christmas) There are still some of us that even though we are looking forward to Decking the Halls, still want to celebrate Thanksgiving. This causes us to look for ways to start the Christmas Decor process, but we're not ready to barrel head long into it, bypassing Thanksgiving.

Autumn Tree,
Christmas Tree,
Friday, December 15, 2017
Christmas Mantel and Home for Christmas Features
Hard to believe we're counting down the days to Christmas now, and I still have several posts to share. Today I'm combining a little look at my Christmas Mantel and also sharing a few feature pics from the Home For Christmas Link Party, that's still Open.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Christmas Lite
Hi friends, I hope you all are having a good week before Thanksgiving. Last week I was on a roll getting out the basics for Christmas. Of course bringing out Christmas decor requires putting away all the Fall decor, first. That's not near as much fun as getting it all out, so I'm doing a little at a time. I found a mid size white-washed olive bucket and the perfect size faux tabletop tree last week at the Christmas Open houses. So today, I just wanted to share the little spot in the kitchen sitting area where they landed.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
(It's a Chilly) Christmas on the Front Porch
Welcome to our Home for Christmas!
I think we're all having below normal temps this last week.
Actually, it's been pretty chilly around here for the last several weeks;
chilly enough to keep me from wanting to spend time outside
fiddling with Christmas decorations and my camera.
christmas decorations,
Christmas Tree,
door decor,
front door,
front porch,
watering can,
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Christmas Dining Room
I love this time of year,
but getting dark around 4:30 can be frustrating,
especially when you're editing photos and realize
that you need just one extra shot.
I tried to make use of the lower light
and just add a little twinkle.
So, let's take a peek at the Dining Room,
all dressed up for Christmas.
Christmas Tree,
Dining Room,
wine crate
Saturday, November 12, 2016
A Thanksgiving Entry
I'm about ready for Christmas and I know that you all are too, but because I consider this blog to be sort of a "virtual diary", I have a few more pics of Thanksgiving I'd like to share. Each year I go back through my photos to see what I did back then, and try to come up with something different. I don't want to be tempted to do the same thing each year just because it's easy.
Christmas Tree,
entry console,
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Christmas Entry, In and Out...
Hi Everyone, are you in overdrive this week, trying to get ready for Christmas? I'm making progress, but I need to start wrapping gifts. One thing I realized I needed to do was to share pics of my Entry and front porch. I've had to get them over a span of several days, and because of the blah weather they've not consistently turned out. So, again today, I gave it a try. I'm just an "accidental photographer", meaning it's an accident when I can get good photos...
christmas decorations,
Christmas Tree,
door decor,
entry console,
front door,
front porch,
sofa table,
Friday, December 11, 2015
Christmas in the Dining Room
Thank you to all of you good friends,
who came out to participate in the
I'm still going through the links for a post of a few of your homes.
A little unexpected garbage disposal malfunction,
has me waiting for a plumber and installation.
Always fun for Christmas!
(better now, than next week!)
I thought I would change out my Milk Maid Vintage Print for my favorite
William Bouguereau Madonna, "Lambs".
Christmas Tree,
Dining Room,
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
A little more Christmas around the house...
I had promised myself that I wouldn't get out this week. I thought I had everything done, then I remembered my older daughter's favorite chicken salad at HoneyBaked Ham, and I was short one Christmas gift bag, and a present I had been waiting for, was back ordered so I ran to the mall to pick it up, instead. Never fails. I hate the traffic this time of year, it seems there are more crazies out and about, preoccupied and in a hurry. Not that I could put myself in that same category or anything...
So now that all that's done and the last present is wrapped and bagged, I still have a few more Christmas pics to share with you. This is "my" chair since moving out of the old house. It had always been in the master bedroom, a place where I stacked pillows and threw the occasional piece of clothing or laundry. Now it's getting a workout. I love the two kinds of fabric; I'm a nut for fruity fabrics and this happens to be in a yummy taupe-y brown. I'd love to find a stash for sale to make co-ordinating throw pillows, but it's over 10 years old. If you know what the design and fabric maker is, I'd love to hear from you.
This spot is hard to photograph because of the light through this window. It always throws everything else off to be too dark. And you can't see my sweet Robin pillow well because of it. This precious Christmas Wreath with Robin Pillow is from Elliott-Heath Designs. Heather has some of the most beautiful and fun designs. If you have a minute run by and check out her store. No matter what the occasion, she has a pillow just for it!
So now that all that's done and the last present is wrapped and bagged, I still have a few more Christmas pics to share with you. This is "my" chair since moving out of the old house. It had always been in the master bedroom, a place where I stacked pillows and threw the occasional piece of clothing or laundry. Now it's getting a workout. I love the two kinds of fabric; I'm a nut for fruity fabrics and this happens to be in a yummy taupe-y brown. I'd love to find a stash for sale to make co-ordinating throw pillows, but it's over 10 years old. If you know what the design and fabric maker is, I'd love to hear from you.
This spot is hard to photograph because of the light through this window. It always throws everything else off to be too dark. And you can't see my sweet Robin pillow well because of it. This precious Christmas Wreath with Robin Pillow is from Elliott-Heath Designs. Heather has some of the most beautiful and fun designs. If you have a minute run by and check out her store. No matter what the occasion, she has a pillow just for it!
This is my little LED "Winter Tree", but I had it out last Fall, and I think it will get some flowering buds when it's close to Spring. I think I'll just leave it our all year.
I always have a Nativity set out at Christmas. That is the real meaning of Christmas, and I don't want to forget that...ever.
How about you... are you wrapped, bagged, and baked out?
I'm trying not too make too many goodies,
even though I will certainly indulge on Christmas.
If I bake it, I will eat it...plain and simple.
Hope you're having a wonderful week,
sending Christmas Blessings and a Hug
to each of you.
joining in for these parties:
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Christmas Tree,
Monday, December 15, 2014
Treetopia's White Tree Mystery Give Away
Hi Everyone! I know most of us have finished our Christmas Decorating, and that most of us decorated our Christmas Tree first, but I have a fun Give Away to share with you that you can use now or after Christmas for next year. Wanna hear?
I could have used a much taller tree, but I don't have the space in here in the Dining Room. This one is just right. It's beautiful in the daytime and in the evening!
Out of the blue, Treetopia emailed me last week and asked if I'd be interested in participating in a White Tree Mystery Give Away, and that they would send me a gorgeous white Christmas Tree of my choosing to decorate and share with you. Well, of course!! But I hadn't checked my emails for a few days, so I didn't know if they still wanted me. A few days later this beauty showed up on my doorstep. Holy Cow, it's totally amazing!
(tree with ribbon only)
It's been awhile since I decorated a larger tree, and this one is BIG. I ran out to search for decorations, hopefully now on half price. I knew I wanted to keep it in neutrals, to let the tree shine on it's own. I grabbed every white, gold, silver, and cream ornament that had a vintage "Shiney Brite" look to it. I started with a burlap ribbon that had a gold thread running through it and then some sheer gold ribbon to fill in.
The tree was really easy to put together, and it had great instructions. (I even did it by myself.) Hubbs was at work and I wanted to surprise him when he got home that evening. See these ornaments, don't they look like vintage Shiney Brites? love them.
I moved the "grandfather" clock to the other side of the china cabinet, (hardwood floor Sliders) and then nestled the tree in the corner. This tree just glows...no other way to put it. It lights up the Dining Room with an almost Heavenly light. It's by far the prettiest tree we've ever had. I've wanted a white tree for years, but just hadn't made the purchase. So "thank you" Treetopia, this was a big blessing!
I made a few changes to the dining room table, placing a vintage white basket in the center. It still has the "Nature" theme, with a birdie and nest. I want to find some white faux birds, like doves, to add to the tree next year.
Now, here's the Fun...
Treetopia will send one of you a $100 Gift Certificate for a tree of your choosing... all you have to do is check out this page and make a guess as to which tree this is. I won't be publishing any of the comments until the Give Away is over, this afternoon. I'll keep them a "mystery" too. So you have a chance to win, no matter when you comment and enter to win.
Thanks for joining in on the fun.
This is a great time to take advantage of the Sale prices at Treetopia,
then you'll be ready for next year!
(Treetopia gifted me with this wonderful White Tree,
but the fact that I'm ecstatic is all me!)
Monday, November 24, 2014
A bag, a visit, and some ribbon for the tree...
I have to admit that I've been so busy and concentrating on getting moved into the new house, that the idea of Christmas just hadn't really sunk in. This last week we've been hustling to get the house in order and a place for the kids to sleep this week. So we've had a bit of a "deadline" with Thanksgiving and that has caused us to get in gear.
Over the weekend we ran out to get a few things like towels for guests and a doggy gate for the grandpuppy, and while we were out I dragged Hubbs into TJ Maxx for a quick run through. Of course there were tons of goodies to check out, but I just happened to find these adorable burlap tote bags for an extra large "gift wrap". When you have to spend several dollars on a gift bag for those extra large items, why not spend a few more and get a bag that's reusable and decorative. Dolly is being a helper with her big toes to hold the bag so you can see it!
I wanted some beige checked, and so here's a peek at my start of putting the tree together. It's going to be a pretty simple tree, but I wanted something to dress up the burlap that I've had on it for a few years.
I still have lot's left to do before Thanksgiving,
but I have to say that I'm looking forward
to Christmas now that a little of the stress of the move is off.
I'll check back in before Thursday.
Have a great week,
Joining in at
Christmas Tree,
out and about,
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