Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Monday, January 29, 2024

Winter to Valentine's Day Botanical Farmtable

Hello Friends, I've been tweaking a few spots around here to add some Valentine's Day elements without totally redecorating the whole house. I think having a few strategic vignettes are a good compromise this year. I've been looking through past posts to see what I'd like to do to bring in a bit of romance with vintage pieces.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

French Toile and Burlap Dining Room Tabletop

Hi Friends, today, I'm sharing looks in the Dining Room for late winter from the last several years here in our current home. January décor tends to be a little more subdued than Christmas, so color is usually minimal. Often there are a few pieces held over from the holidays; maybe even a little sparkle.  

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Warm Winter Scenes from the Garden Room

I'm working this week on a few Valentine's Day vignettes and the Holiday Cupboard, and at the same time I'm still enjoying my basic "winter" décor. Valentine's Day brings back the reds, along with pink and creams, so I'm trying to balance things out without going completely overboard by "redecorating" the whole house. Wasn't I just putting away the Christmas tubs a week ago? 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Love is in the Air Valentine Entry

Hello Friends, are you ready to start thinking about Valentine's Day? Love, Romance, and all that sweet stuff, or are you still tripping over yet-to-be-put-away tubs of Christmas decor? Today I'm part of a great group of gals who are sharing inspiration and some great ideas for celebrating Valentine's Day. Our sweet and talented hostess for the gathering is Laura from Decor to Adore. If you're coming from Lora Bloomquist's Blog, Create and Ponder, then I'm so glad you're here and following the Hop. 

Monday, January 15, 2024

Winter Mantel with White and Neutrals

After putting away all of the Christmas décor I have to admit I'm enjoying the pared down look and feel of January. At first I felt like things were a little bare and blah compared to my usual style, but I wanted a breather regarding decor and life in general. How about you... are you enjoying a little down time these last few weeks?

Friday, January 12, 2024

January Tabletop with a Quilted Runner

I think many of us this week are literally freezing our tootsie rolls off. Winter has finally hit us here in southern Missouri and we had a bit of a mini blizzard. It was so cold that even the birds and squirrels didn't want to come out for their late afternoon snack. Blowing snow and low temps have made me need to keep busy getting my house back to normal after Christmas.  

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Beautiful Winter DIYs at All About Home #181

Hey everyone, Welcome to All About Home #181!!! I hope everyone is doing well, and finding some enjoyment during the middle of winter. I enjoy all the seasons, but find the cold and snow to be something I'd rather "fast forward" through. Today we have ice under snow, and I'm enjoying watching the tons of birds at the feeders. Thanks so much for coming by each week and sharing all your fun posts and inspiration with all of us. We appreciate your participation and support! 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

How to Make a Moss Covered Heart

I've always loved using natural elements in seasonal decor and floral arrangements. If it's made of twigs and moss, dried leaves, nuts, acorns, pinecones, dried flowers etc. I'm on it. When I can create something that's holiday related and I can use it year after year, then all the more fun.

Back in 2016 I'd been seeing a lot of gorgeous heart forms covered in moss on Pinterest and in boutique vintage markets and floral shops. Whether it was cardboard, a paper mache puffy heart, wooden cutout, grapevine wreath, or a variety of other forms... I was determined to come up with my own mossy heart creation. Here's a post where I shared How to Make a Moss Covered Heart from 2018.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Valentine's Inspiration at All About Home #180

Hey everyone, Welcome to All About Home #180!!! I hope you all are doing well, staying healthy, and finding some creativity after the busy-ness of the Christmas season. After the holidays my creative battery needs to be recharged a bit. I've been playing with Valentine's Day decor and putting a few vignettes together. And then I restyled the Holiday Cupboard for February, always a fun dish project.
Thanks so much for coming by each week and sharing all your fun posts and inspiration with all of us. We appreciate your participation and support! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

A Cozy Winter Mantel and Hearth Room

Hey Friends, welcome to the Cozy Winter Home Tour hosted by our friend, Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home. If you've come from Marty's place, A Stroll Thru Life then Hello, so glad you've come by.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Winter Inspiration at All About Home #179

Hey everyone, I hope you all are doing well. Things are pretty quiet around here and I've been trying to get a little cleaning done. I've started to think about Valentine's Day with a few strategic vignettes around the house. 
Thanks so much for coming by each week and sharing all your fun posts and inspiration with all of us. We appreciate your participation and support! 

Vintage Cottage Weekend with Cozy Wool Blankets

Hello Friends, I'm so glad you came by today, because my good friend Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home and I are sharing a post with our Vintage Cottage Weekend series. Be sure and click over at the end of the post and see how Amber is sharing her vintage dish collections.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Winter Farmtable in the Garden Room

I've come to realize when transitioning from one season or holiday to the next, that I need to think about my floral arrangements early on. I'm a big believer in keeping my decorative floral containers true to season and reflecting what I might see in nature. 

Monday, January 9, 2023

All About Home 178: Winter Decor DIYs

Hey friends, I hope you've had a great first week of 2023! I'm still in a bit of "refresh to winter" mode and putting a few Christmas decor stragglers away. It usually takes me most of January to get it all corralled and packed away. Just today I was working on things and had a sudden pang for anthing relating to "spring". 

Thanks so much for coming by each week and sharing all your fun posts and inspiration with all of us. We appreciate your participation and support! 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Winter Whites Tabletop Vignette

I don't share this little table often because it tends to be a catch all for whatever I'm putting together in the Garden Room. But it has a sweet little shelf where most of my ironstone pitchers live year round and my vintage silver tray and a mix and match coffee service. It turned out that it was a perfect spot with just the right amount of space to pull together a "winter white" look for these early days of January.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Fun Spring Inspiration at All About Home Link Party #133

Hello friends and Welcome
 to the All About Home Link Party!

We may thaw out a bit this week, as we're supposed to get into the upper 60's. I love all the seasons but I'm ready for Spring. I imagine most of you are feeling the same. This week it's all about some fun Spring-y inspiration.

Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and share what you're up to this week. We're always excited to seeing all the great DIYs, decor, crafts, gardening, recipes, and seasonal fun that you're all creating.

 On another more serious note, most of us know this has been a long sad week with the invasion of Ukraine. We also have lost two lovely talented ladies here in blogland. Paula from Virginia Sweet Pea and Michelle of The Painted Hinge. Please join me in praying for strength and peace for their families and the Ukrainian people.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Early Spring Faux Daffodil Centerpiece

It's cold, snowy, sleet-y, and generally yucky outside but there's a little bit of Spring in the Garden Room. I really like to keep my floral arrangements and decorating "seasonal", with what is happening outside be what is happening indoors. It's about time for the Daffodils to show up; their happy little faces peeking up through the cold garden soil and even snow. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

All About Home Link Party #132

Hello friends and Welcome
 to the All About Home Link Party!

I'm counting down the days to March and the unofficial start of Spring. How about all of you? We are in an up/down cycle of cold weather and snow/ice then warmer weather up to the 50's and low 60's. The plants and little critters aren't sure what to be doing. I even saw my last year's baby chipmunk out running around on the back porch this last weekend. "I'm ready to ditch the hibernation folks... Is it Spring yet?" Yep, I agree! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and share what you're up to this week. We're always excited to seeing all the great DIYs, decor, crafts, gardening, recipes, and seasonal fun that you're all creating.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Scottish Tartan Throws for Decorating

Hello friends, how's your mid-February going? Warm... cold... a little of both? Since it's still February and currently 40 degrees today, I guess technically it's okay if I share a little something in the warm/snuggly/cuddly category. I'm talking about Tartan wool throws and blankets. I have several that are vintage, that I use for Thanksgiving and Christmastime decor. I just love anything Tartan plaid and I'm a teensy bit obsessed with all things Burberry or resembling that particular plaid.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Valentine's Day Decor at All About Home #130

Hello friends and Welcome
 to the All About Home Link Party!

February really came in with a wallop for so many of us, especially here in the Midwest. We had 5 days of rain, sleet, ice and snow, and I know many of you to the east of us had it even worse. My husband is retired as of last year, so we've been able to stay put and not risk being out in this stuff. We didn't have much ice accumulate so our area escaped the power outages this time. Hope you all are starting to thaw out and not letting bad weather get you down. We can actually see the streets and our driveway today!

Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and share what you're up to this week. We're always excited to seeing all the great DIYs, decor, crafts, gardening, recipes, and seasonal fun that you're all creating.