Thursday, February 9, 2023

Vintage Valentine Jewelry and Art

Monday at the All About Home Link Party I featured a post with a wonderful piece of Valentine Art. It was created in the style of antique and vintage art pieces created with vintage jewelry pieces and buttons. Traditionally these were created with a black or dark velvet or velveteen background.  Often times we see these for Christmas in the shape of a Christmas tree, but this was done in a heart design that I absolutely fell in love with.

from Suzanne at Shop at Blu

Back about 10 years ago I created necklaces made with vintage and antique elements, and I really loved doing it. In 2013 we were in transition mode moving and not sure where we would end up, so I packed up my supplies and closed my Etsy Shop and Jewelry Blog; The Petite Boutique. There were times when I thought about starting up again, but it was becoming difficult to locate authentic supplies and elements, so I just set it aside. But, I still love all the wonderful and fun vintage pieces that I worked with, so when I saw that post above it made me want to look for some other examples on Pinterest.

from Jann at Mrs. Olson's

Buttons and faux pearls on a heart shaped frame.

Romancing the Bling

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I remember a few costume jewelry pieces my mom had from the 50's and 60's. Most pieces were modest prices, but a few brands of costume jewelry were pretty pricey. Every summer sheath dress or jacket at that time had matching brooches or pins for accent. And like most girls in the 60's I had an inexpensive charm bracelet. 

Large flower pins were especially popular.

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Buttons are another fun element to work with. The whites, creams and celluloid from the early 1900's became much more detailed and "artsy" in the  40's through the 70's.

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I have a large mason jar filled with white buttons. I need to create one of these.

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And while I'm sharing these great art pieces I'd like to share these images again...

I've posted about this wonderful gold locket that was my paternal grandmother's before, but when I was looking back through some February magazine issues I really enjoyed this article in Martha Stewart Living about Love Tokens, and wanted to share it once again.

Love Tokens

Lockets of all shapes and sizes were very popular gifts to loved ones in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Often they contained photos, an inscription, and a lock of hair from the beloved. Given when soldiers went to war, engagements, or the birth of a child, lockets and charms were highly valued tokens of personal affection, and worn daily.

(click on the image below to enlarge then click again to read)

I love coming across antique pieces of jewelry, charms, and lockets, and I have several personal pieces that I wear frequently.

This large gold locket was an engagement gift to my grandmother with my grandfather's photo and a lock of his thick gorgeous hair. Her initials are inscribed on the cover, Irma Gertrude Russell.

They were married around 1910, and my daddy was the last of 6 children born to them. I had an uncle born in 1912 (the first) and then she had 4 stillborn babies before my dad was born in 1929. They hadn't expected my daddy to live and so he had very few pieces of clothing as she didn't want to get her hopes up, but there he was; tiny, but healthy; a little miracle.

Just a little sentimental romance to share this week before Valentine's Day.

You can find more Valentines on my Pinterest boards

Hope you'll come by the link party on Monday evenings.

joining in here:

The House on Silverado,  Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 
 Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch 
  Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life  Home Imagined at the Antique Journey
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode, Wednesday Link Party at Our Tiny Nest
 Wonderful Wednesday at Eclectic Red Barn
 Centerpiece Wednesday at Karin's Kottage
Share Your Style at French Ethereal,  Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home,  
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,  
Home Matters at Southern SunflowersGrace at Home at Imparting Grace
Farmhouse Friday at  County Road 407  Fabulous Friday at WM Design House 


  1. Love this, Debra, esp the personal piece with history of your Daddy being a survivor. You get it honestly. ♥

    1. thankyou dear Rita. My grandmother's pregnancy problems were hereditary and we were on high alert with my daughter's pregnancy. We never really know our parents and grandparents until we mature enough to know their life struggles. Hope you guys have a wonderful Valentine Week!!

  2. Hi Debra - I had no idea you used to make jewelry! Clearly you are a woman of many talents. I love how you combined the different colors and textures to create new pieces. The locket with your grandfather's hair is priceless. I also love the Victorian photo of your grandmother ( I assume it's your grandmother). What an amazing woman.

    1. Thankyou Anna, yes that's my grandmother. She was so much fun and was born on Halloween.

  3. What a fabulous post that pushed all the buttons for me! I didn't know you used to make jewelry! I did, too. (My blog was originally entitled Charm Bracelet Diva 13 years ago.) I love creating with found, vintage pieces and your post really spoke to me. I miss creating, I guess life just got in the way.(I sold on Etsy and in local boutiques and at craft shows.) I still have tons of supplies. . . . .Your family story is priceless. Lockets are a real favorite of mine. Your grandmother's is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen

  4. Wow! These vintage jewelry and arts are so beautiful. I love all these beautiful pieces. Thanks for sharing nice post.

  5. Wow, you found some amazing hearts! I wish you still had your Etsy shop. How fun is that?! Thank you for sharing this with us on Farmhouse Friday 332. I'm featuring it tomorrow. Loved it! pinned

  6. I really love the last few with the heirlooms. So often they are simply left in boxes, or bottoms of jewelry cases. I am inspired now to mix some photos and old jewelry and do something...grins, Sandi

  7. Wow Debra, these are all stunning pieces! So gorgeous, each and every one. Loved hearing about your Daddy's history too - it's always wonderful when there is some historical context. Thank you for sharing and Happy Valentine's day to you!

  8. Great post! Beautiful coollection of images. Here's one to add that I made with buttons -- >


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