Friday, March 20, 2020

A Personal Update and Blogging Note

Hi Friends, it's been awhile since I shared much personally about what's been going on with me health-wise. I'd thought about sharing often, but haven't because things have been inconclusive as to a diagnosis. So it's time to say a bit and tell you about things that are coming up.

(sharing a few pics from past Spring posts)

 We mostly finished up with the house remodel late last Spring, except for having some work crews doing landscaping and refitting our basement crawl space. Most of the hard work was over, thank goodness. But no sooner did I get to relax and get settled here at the new house, I started having a problem with my breathing. I won't get into details, but I went to six different doctors and specialists, and have gotten at least 6 different answers. It was so frustrating to be handed off again and again without any help. Very long story, that I'm trying to keep short. It's all come down to repeat MRIs that I first had done in 2016 which showed I had degeneration of my cervical spine.

The autoimmune problems I have had caused swelling and inflammation in my nerves and spinal cord, but going off gluten back in 2017 caused a big improvement and lessening symptoms. So I kind of put that thought of spine surgery on hold, thinking that with less inflammation my neck problems wouldn't be a big problem.

But after seeing all these doctors and testing for multiple possibilities, the MRIs showed that the bone deterioration has become very extensive and is literally shutting down the nerves that control my diaphragm and causing severe headaches and neck pain, facial numbness, arm and shoulder pain, and generally feeling bad. So that brings me here, after 9 months of searching for answers, to having an ACDF surgical procedure at the end of March.  Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion.

I was hoping it would be a relatively noninvasive procedure, but not that easy. They have to go through the front of my neck and replace two discs and remove bone growth that is the culprit for blocking off the nerves.

I'm posting All About Home next Monday, but since I really don't know how this will affect me, I'm going to just see day to day. Sitting in front of the computer is difficult right now. Hopefully it will be better after this surgery, at some point.  As of yesterday my surgery is still scheduled since it's not really "elective"; basically the nerves that control my ability to breathe are being "scrunched".

I'm trusting God through all of this and know I will come out in a much better place, but it's not easy to get through on a daily basis, especially with the corona virus situation. I'd really appreciate your prayers and good thoughts, as we also pray for all those who are ill with this virus and their families. I know we're all approaching this with the concept of helping those we can and looking inward to be aware of how we can learn whatever lessons there are to be gleaned from all this.

I think I have a post or two to share of Easter decor, but after next week I'll be taking a break for a bit. I'm hoping I'll be back in a wink, it's just hard to know. I love blogging and I'm coming up on 11 years with you all. I may end up with some very short posts at first, to be able to enjoy this Spring and Easter season. You all take care of yourselves and family. I'm praying for you all, thank you for being dear friends!


  1. Praying all goes well and for a quick recovery!

  2. Sending prayers of healing and peace your way.

  3. You will certainly be in my prayers. Stay strong, God will be with you.

  4. Oh no. It sounds like what my mom had about 5 or 6 years ago. She had a good outcome. I'm praying for the surgery and complete healing for you!

  5. Prayers for you and all those who will be working to get you well again Debra.

  6. May you have a calm spirit as you wait for this surgery. Thoughts and prayers will be with you~

  7. HI Debra, Let us know if you need any help with your blog. Sending your prayers for great surgery day, post opp and healing. You are one of the first bloggers I followed! laura in CO

  8. I am sending healing prayers for you. I am having identical symptoms and was headed to Mayo in April. That has now been canceled. I will just hang on until our covid-19 crisis passes.

    1. Hi Susan, I'm so sorry you're going thru this too. There's just no way to get away from the symptoms of this. Have you had a head and neck MRI? they did mine with and without contrast material to see if there was some kind of problems like MS or a similar disease. the MRI shows so much. I hope you get to the bottom of it soon. It makes life miserable.

  9. Praying for you Debra. Hoping the surgery will be successful and you will heal nicely and feel so much better. If I can do anything to help in anyway please call on me. I know we live far apart but please know we are all here for you and are hoping and praying for a great procedure and a good recovery. xoxo

    1. thankyou so much Kris! I really appreciate your offer, you guys take care and be well! xoxo

  10. Oh my word, you are in my prayers, so sorry to hear all this.

  11. Debra,
    I will combine my prayers with those in The Land of Blog for the most successful surgery possible!
    Keep us updated, as you can.
    A short post or a past post with updates on your health would be a welcomed sight, also!
    Love your photos. . .especially the top of the cabinet with the chalkboard and the rabbit!
    Take care of You!

    1. thankyou Pat! I'm hoping to take a few pics this weekend if the sun will cooperate, so I can just share a photo or two to check in with you all.

  12. My prayers continue for you and the success of the upcoming surgery. You will bounce back in no time !!! Keep us posted we care for you...…

    Cleo, xoxoxo

  13. Praying for you, you are an inspiration to me and you will be for a long time still.

  14. Debra, I promise I will stay positive in my thinking, and certainly in my praying for you, but I have to be honest in saying this scares me so much reading this. I get so invested in my blogging friends' lives, I feel like I'm closer with some bloggers than even my local friends! If they do decide to do your surgery next week, I will pray they are extra cautious with your risks, given COVID19. I will be so anxious to hear from you as soon as you are able to give us any updates. Trust in the Lord, I know you will. {{{Hugs}}}

    1. thankyou Rita, my dear. We are all so very close and do feel such a friendship and kinship. I appreciate you and everyone's friendship, care and concern. I know that this surgery will be an improvement for my day-to-day life. It's been pretty "lacking" this last few years. I'm looking forward to feeling like a more normal person!! big hugs and a kiss!

  15. Prayers for a successful surgery and quick recovery! Have a blessed day dear Debra, HUGS

  16. Sending prayers Debra, I hope you get much needed relief soon...we will all be thinking of you, stay brave!

  17. Praying for a successful surgery and a quick recovery. Take care,

  18. Prayers for your whole family in this time of crisis!

  19. Praying for a speedy recovery.

  20. You have my good thoughts and prayers! I still very much enjoy following along with the old pod of bloggers. Yours is so homey and beautiful. Wishing you every good thing possible from your surgery. hearts and hugs, J.

    P.S. LOVE that pick with the blossoms and jug!

  21. I haven't been here for quite a while, but I wanted to tell you that I will add you to my prayer list for a successful surgery and a quick recovery.

  22. Good luck and prayers for you. I have a friend who had this a few years ago and it was quite successful and she recovered well.

  23. Debra,
    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


  24. I was just wondering if your surgery was going to be delayed. So sorry you have to go through all of this. I am sending prayers for a successful surgery that really helps you! Prayers also for all of your family to stay well! Get lots of rest and pampering, my friend! xoxo

    1. Hi Linda, I'm sure praying that they wont delay it. Being here in SW Missouri, we don't have many cases of the virus. My surgery was scheduled on March 9 and I've already had the pre admission appts., so I'm hoping it will not be affected. But things change day to day.

  25. Debra, best wishes. I had a coworker that had this surgery a few years ago. I was terrified when he told me what the doctor was going to do. His surgery was successful and he did really well!

  26. Taki care of yourself is the most important thing right now.

  27. Debra, you have always shared with us as a sister or close friend would, we feel so close to you. Love your faith, I/we will be praying for you and your family, your medical team, rest as much as possible and when you can share with updates. We all love you!

  28. Sending many good thoughts and wishes for all your medical issues in the following weeks and months. I trust you are sheltering in place to avoid any additional issues with CV19 that could especially affect those of us in high risk breathing categories. The photos are lovely and I hope spring will bring you some beauty to enjoy while staying in.

  29. Sending prayers for you and hope for a successful surgery and quick recovery.

  30. Hi, Debra. I hope all goes well with your surgery. My Dad had the exact same surgery at age 84. He had to have 3 disintegrating vertebrae fused.(He broke his neck playing water polo---) Anyway...the recovery was very good, and other than not being able to turn his head very never bothered him again. So...soldier on---and take care!

  31. I am believing God that you will be completely healed and feel like a new person after this surgery, that years of suffering and autoimmune illness will be gone in Jesus' name!

  32. Debra, I'm so very sorry for your suffering. I too had went through one 1 year odyssey to find answers for one issue, to one year later starting another 12 months chasing for a diagnosis. Please know you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take the time you need to recover. Don't strain your neck sitting in front of a computer! We will be here when you are healthy and able. God bless you.

  33. I'm so sorry to hear. I hope all is going well with the surgery and you have a complete recovery!!!

  34. Debra, I wish you all the best, with the outcome I know you, your family and your doctors are hoping for. I hope you have a speedy recovery and enjoy a wonderful Spring.

  35. Prayers here, too, my friend! The Lord already has this completed, and HE is faithful!

  36. Peace be with you - keeping you in my thoughts.


  37. I will be thinking of you and praying for a quick recovery.

  38. Praying for you. I am so sorry that you are in so much pain and I hope that the surgery brings you some much needed relief.


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