Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Last Minute Christmas and a Blogging Break

Hi Everyone,
I've been somewhat MIA this last week before Christmas.
I had plans to share with you
 a few of my last minute projects and decorating
but this week got away from me a little.

I haven't yet shared the Kitchen China Cabinet
 with the Putz Houses and Ornaments...

...and I had to paint a leaf for the little oak table, last minute.
I couldn't find it while I was painting the table in the first place,
but of course, I found it a week later.

...and I wanted to share the white tool tote on the vintage quilt piece runner.

It's a star pattern but looks like snowflakes to me.

And I haven't introduced you to the new members of the family.

So you get it all in one, last minute post.

I'm going to take a blogging break. I don't know exactly what that will be like since I haven't taken more than a few days away. But I know that it's time, and I need to focus on my health, exercise, cooking, and sorting through some boxes and things that I didn't have time to do before. In general, I need to allow myself a priority adjustment.

I've known for a while that this is the best thing for me. Sometimes I overdo it and then it works against me. I hate talking about my heart issues, but they are a fact of my life, (as I was reminded of this week) and I need to do what I can to take care of myself. Dragging boxes out, changing things up constantly to keep things new and fresh, and feeling the pressure to "keep up" need to be minimized. My wise husband sometimes says "You're your own worst enemy" (but in a loving, caring, and truthful way.) We've all said how much blogging has changed. It's a competitive sport now, and I chose to not go there over a year ago. Now there's Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and whatever else is "de jour" this week. Unless you have a Brand and are actively selling product, it's all a little too much for me. I'm not into trying to "sell" myself. I've turned down multiple photographers and magazine inquiries, because I simply couldn't get it all ready for them. I don't have anything to prove to myself or anyone else. In sharing with some of you, I know there are more of us out here who feel the same way.

I'm not saying these things because I'm bitter or jealous or anything like that. I just know my health comes first and so I have to lighten my "everyday" load, mentally and physically. I'm sharing my thoughts with you because I don't want to just "drop off the face of the Earth" and have you guys wonder what happened. I hate drama and don't want you all to think I've "bitten the (proverbial) dust".

As you might guess, this will be hard for me. I love taking photos, sharing my ideas and love for vintage things, and most of all the friendships and interaction that we all have. Like I said, I don't know what this "break" will be like, but I owe it to myself to gear down a bit more, and listen to that still small voice, that's been getting louder and louder. I've thought I might do a spiritual journal online at some point, but that's just a thought at this moment. 

So, my dear friends, have a lovely Christmas, and a wonderful New Year. I don't know what the New Year will hold, but I want to be there to see it.

much love...


  1. Dearest Debra... wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas, and sending prayers for good health to you in the new year... as you know, I have not blogged since June... I miss the "good old days" on blogs, but as you said, now it has turned into a competition of sorts with many, and I chose to opt out as well... your husband is a wise man... Jack is always telling me I am my own worst enemy... in a nice way, too though... miss you and love you... please, lets keep in touch through an email or better yet, I would love to write you an actual letter if you want to send me your new address, I only have your old one... take care of yourself... do all the things you love... relax... and enjoy life... you do not have to prove anything to anyone... you are just about the dearest lady I know, and we have been friends since the early years of blogging, 2009... xoxo... Julie Marie PS Your new sheep are precious!...

  2. Debra,
    Love your truthful and heartfelt post. I think we have all been right where you are now with blogging. I agree blogging is going in many directions and there are so many media arenas now. I have a hard enough time just trying to keep my blog going lol to join more of the media arenas. After the first of the year I too will be taking a short blogging break. With selling the house and having to get ready to move from Junk Chic Cottage I will need that down time to concentrate on our next adventure in life. I love to blog and share my ideas and reloves so I will continue to blog after I get moved but must first take a short break. I will miss your posts Debra but totally understand that real life has to take center stage and your health is so important. Hope you will visit on occasion. I will miss you sweet friend.

  3. Debra, You are such a dear and have always been so real. Many times you say exactly what my heart need to hear or even echo what I have already felt. Please take good care of yourself and refresh. Keeping you in my prayers. Have a very Merry Christmas and may your New Year be a very healthy one.

  4. Debra - Will definitely miss your blogs but know that your health and everyday things are the most important now. Take good care of that precious heart of yours and try to let us hear from you occasionally, OK? Have always loved your beautiful décor no matter where you are.

    Merry Christmas!


  5. Debra,
    I want YOU to be here to see next year, too, dear friend!!!
    Take all the time you need for your "break",
    but please don't "break~up" with The Land of Blog!!!
    There are many bloggers that remain just for the blogger friendships
    and the joy of entertaining, by inviting fellow bloggers into our homes.
    Take good care of yourself!!!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!
    Looking forward to seeing you @ Common Ground in 2016!!!

  6. We'll still be here. Be good to yourself. I refuse to get on the "decorate all the time wagon" because hey, I can't afford it, and also I have a one bedroom apartment. How often can you redo three rooms? I do think that bloggers need to get off the treadmill and do what they want to do, not what they feel compelled to do to keep up. I write about what I want to, and that's what makes this the best job in the world for me. Because it doesn't feel like a job when you're having so much fun! Will be thinking about you, so write when you feel like it.

  7. Debra, please take good care of yourself. Health is so much more important than a blog. Feeling the pressure to blog is not good for you. You will be missed but I'm sure, everybody will understand.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Happy New Year with hopefully not too many health issues.

  8. Yes, take care of yourself and I'm wishing you a Merry Christmas and we will be here when you return. xoxo

  9. Debra,
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas! I sure hope you health gets better, and I so understand why you are taking a break, but I will miss you a bunch. Please stay in touch now and then dear friend. Hoping 2016 will be a wonderful year for you.


  10. Big hugs to you my lovely friend. You are such a joy, and you are the real deal! Just love that about you! I, too, will miss your posts, but will definitely keep in touch! Hope your Christmas is full of love, joy, and laughter, and that your new year is fabulous! Thank you for all you do for blogland, and little ol' me!!

    We'll talk soon!
    Lotsa Love,

  11. You have echoed my thoughts!!! Take care of yourself.......and have a Blessed Christmas!!

  12. I have loved your blog and the wonderful inspiration you share. Please take care of yourself and have a Merry Christmas and healthy New Year.

  13. Bon réveillon ....★ Joyeux *. • ˚ ˚ •. ★ ★ Noël. *. °. ° * * ★ ★ Joyeux. • ˚ ˚ ★ ★ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
    •. Noël ★ ˛ ˚ Π__. * ˚ ★ ★ ★
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    ˚ ˛ • ˛ • ˚ *| 田田 | 门 |

  14. It's funny that you said a spiritual journal at the end because about halfway through I was thinking why not show less house stuff ( feeling that you have to, all of the time ) and write about your spiritual interests.
    And then you were thinking the same thing :) Have a wonderful break, restful ...and a peaceful holiday :)

  15. Debra, be well, and know that your readers will look forward to seeing you when you do publish. I do love the things you've kept and displayed so far. That herd of sheep is just one, and the textiles on the table. I can totally appreciate your need to put yourself first. I hope your break helps you rejuvenate and feel good about a steady goal-reaching outcome.

  16. Of course, you must take care of you. In the end, blogging is fun and can be rewarding but not at the cost of your health and well-being. There are many of us out there who feel the same way. Merry Christmas, Debra!

  17. I came to this same decision this year. I think the move was the catalyst. We are still settling in. Both of us are not in the best of health and we've both had challenges this year, besides the "downsizing". I also made the decision to avoid the treadmill blogging can become. It really makes a difference to "let it go". I want it all to continue being a fun process.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Debra! All the best in 2016!

  18. I've often thought of starting a blog, but know I just couldn't keep up with all the pressures you all face every day to keep things fresh. Take care of yourself & we will all be here when you return! All my best & Merry Christmas!!

  19. Dear Debra, I will miss you for sure. I love stopping by because I know that you are sharing what you love and not in it to "sell". I understand those that do sell. It is their livelihood but it's altered blogging somewhat since I started 4 years ago. I hope that you rest up and that you will check in now and again so we can hear how you are doing.
    I'll be praying for you.

  20. Dear sweet Debra! Thank you for writing this. I thought maybe I was missing something...but your comment about blogging becoming a competitive sport couldn't be more true. I never wanted my beloved passion to be turned into a competitive ambition. I have just wanted to admire others and be inspired. The pressure is crazy "to keep up" as the unwritten rules have changed. But remind yourself that YOU make the rules for you. We are here and look forward to hearing from you when YOU are ready to post. Maybe just plan to do one post a month. I pray for your health and admire your husband for gently supporting you and recognizing how hard you push yourself. I have one that maddingly reminds me all the time how I am my own worst enemy...and he is right most of the time. (Hard to sending you hugs for peace and content,end in the new year. Xoxo Aimee

  21. I will miss you Debra! I love your peaceful home and decorating style(and your sweet sheep!!).

  22. I am fairly new to reading blogs, and as a reader I can see how bloggers get caught up in a redo, renew refresh frenzy. I keep adding blogs to my list and have found that I can lose about two hours of my day just reading them all. I am inspired by many, amazed by some, and there are some that make me feel inadequate. Those blogs that show grand houses with sweeping lawns, and room after room filled with expensive furniture make me a little sad. I don't want to be envious, but I know it's too late in my life to attain those things. I read about bloggers that buy pillows for every season, have trees in every room and spend lots of time in Homegoods and Trader Joe's buying , buying , buying. Then I discover that those pillows are $50 or more a pop and that those lush velvet pumpkins range from $70 and up and the Christmas trees are in the thousands. So then I feel sad because they are beyond my means. Yet, I am caught up in looking and wishing...

  23. Your sheep are cute it was fun to see your China cabnet. I just started following your blog a while back ,but I feel
    Like I have known you a lot longer. Love your style and your post. Will miss catching up with you , but your health is way more important, Please take care of you. ☺️🎈Love d reading and looking.Be Blessed today and May the Lord Bless you and Keep you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.
    Love Pamela.

  24. How did we ever do it in the old days of blogging? Haha! It was all so fun. You are bedrock in the blogging community Debra. I will miss you. Take good care. Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

  25. I completely understand your need to take a break. Anything that starts distracting you from taking care of yourself is not necessary! I hope that you had a nice Christmas with your family today and that you'll check in with us every now and then and let us know how you're doing. I hope good things come your way next year.

  26. I will miss your post but know that your health must be a priority...I would love to read your spiritual journal so I hope you might be able to do it.. I think this world could benefit for some good words instead of the junk that is printed..get some rest & take care..

  27. You will be missed, Debra, but a blogging break could end up being the best thing you ever did. Taking care of yourself is a must for your husband and family. Enjoy the change of pace...I know it'll be so refreshing for your heart, soul, and mind!
    Mary Alice

  28. I will miss you, but am glad you are strong enough to do what is best for you emotionally and physically. Its so easy to get caught up in everything. And blogging has become so much pressure, so many blogs wanting to make money, and be perfect. It's also overwhelming at time not getting caught up in it all. It's like you sucked in before you even know it. l constantly have to remind myself that i don't want to do all that, I don't need to be "the blog" I just want my blog to be about our lives at the Charmer plain and simple. Take care of yourself sweet friend...I'll be waiting for you.

  29. Dear Debra, first thank you so much for your support and all your beautiful posts. Priorities are priorities and doing what is healthy comes first. I know after only blogging for 6 months...I have set my own 'limitations' on what I wish to accomplish, here. Enjoy your life---and when you are ready to share...I know we will all want to share back, Happy New Year, Sandi

  30. Dear Debra - I do understand the stress and pressure you've been under because I do the same thing to myself. I want to share a message and impact others without all of the competition and self promotion! That part, I do not like at all! Do take care of yourself first as you are imporant to so many. I pray that God will guide your steps in the year to come and I hope, for our sakes, that you can keep us posted and share some of your pretties occasionally.
    Blessings to you dear lady,

  31. I love your blog, Debra! But, of course, your health and your well being is far more important than trying to keep up with the rat race of blogging. Maybe you should explore your spiritual journal idea, though, when the time is right...Oprah calls those "God nudges"!

  32. Debra, your blog is such a treat to read.....not all the ads and such, just a kindred spirit who loves to share.... I hope you will find the needed time to regroup and reassess your goals and how to balance everything.. Thank you for being such a light to all who read. You will be in my prayers for rest and calmness. Yes, I agree, blogs are morphing into a different animal for sure and it is sad to me.....Take the time you need to refresh your spirit and body and we will be happy to see you again when you are ready. You deserve it. Blessings in the coming year for you and your family. Linda

  33. The very best of wishes to you, Debra. Hope you get the rest you need and deserve. ; )

  34. Good words of wisdom Debra. Be good to yourself and thanks for all that you have shared over the years. You will always be a wonderful example to your blogger friends! May your sweet heart heal and feel better. xox

  35. Take care, Debra! You will be missed until you return. I understand
    your feelings about blogging. My own blog is so simple compared
    to others, but that's the best way for me.Thank you so much for
    sharing your lovely homes and treasures. Rest and feel better soon.

  36. Sometimes stepping back is a good way to refresh and renew! Drop us a line from time to time, just to say you are enjoying being more relaxed! Happy New year Debra. Sheila

  37. Your blog is one of my favorites. I think it's because I can easily sense you are not in it for the competition. I'm just a reader, not a blogger so I can sometimes easily see which bloggers are looking for the "top spot" vs. other bloggers just sharing what they've done or learned. It's a pleasure seeing and reading yours. But you're right - health first and foremost. I'll miss you and sure hope you return when it's right for you.

  38. Debra, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family. I love all the beautiful Christmas things you shared. I hope that this break will be refreshing for you and exactly what you need:). Take care, Tara

  39. I truly enjoy your blog and your photos, but I do totally understand that there is only so much time in a day. Since I opened my business I have not had much time for my blog. I haven't figured out how to control that just yet but I am not feeling any pressure to make a choice about it right now. Enjoy your resting time!

  40. Debra, I hope you find the break to be a good opportunity to feel better physically and less stressed. Blogging can be stressful from the inside out. We push ourselves sometimes too much. I hope you find it fun again and very soon!


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