Friday, January 22, 2010

Valentine Ideas?

If you're like me you enjoy giving
 a little Valentine gift to friends and family.
I wanted to share some Valentine images,
in hopes of generating some creative ideas.

these cute little pillows and totes
all dressed in hearts
are found at Ballard Designs.

It's been warmer here these last few days and
I've been decorating for Valentine's Day this week.
It helps brighten the dreary days of January,
and move me toward the colors of Spring.

Ballard Designs
I've been playing with a few bits of paper and vintage ephemera,
but I've had a little "itch" to get out my sewing machine


felt hearts?

Country Home

collaged bottles with posey?

Country Home

decopauged hearts?

Country Home

or how about these?

No sewing machine required.

What are you doing for Valentines gifts?

Have a sweet weekend,


  1. I Debra! I love seeing all the sweet little Valentine things! I can't believe it's coming so soon! I'm just getting my Christmas things put away!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. This is going to break your heart... but I can not stand Valentine's Day!!! I know, right?!?! You can kick me later... xoxoxo

    However, I would have to change my mind for a cupcake. LOLOLOL I REALLY can't wait to see what you come up with though!!! How about some red purses? Maybe..... red plaid hearts? OR!!! Red plaid pillows? You could do felt lambs with a red heart hanging around it's neck... I would have to change my mind about Valentine's for that too.

    Much Love!

  3. Hello Debra... I love all of your Valentine ideas... those little felt purses are soo cute and the little pillow with the frog prince is adorable! xoxo Julie Marie

  4. I pick that's what I call a sweet gesture of love!

  5. All such sweet ideas! If I had to choose just one, I don't know what it would be!

  6. All these photos are inspiring me to get going with Valentines projects and trying my hand at something new. Those cupcakes and cookies look great too. Maybe I'll bake something up first. Hope you are having a great day. Blessings, Tammy

  7. I just got my Ballard catalog in the mail yesterday and still have not had time to look at it! I love all the pillows! Really cute.

  8. Cute post, the cupcakes and cookies are looking yummy this morning. sandi

  9. You've inspired me to make some things using your pics. Thanks, hope you have a great Friday and weekend, T

  10. Debra,

    All wonderful ideas....especially those Linzer Tarts :). I've bought some vintage valentines fabric and am not sure what I am going to do with it have my wheels turning now :)

    Have a great weekend!


  11. valentines is the day after rods birthday - the coolest thing i ever did for both days was a huge mobile of glittered and wallpapered and pleated tissue hearts - playing off the theme of the old candy hearts - and hung it in the bedroom ..we still have it ..


  12. Debra,
    I am so looking for some inspirition for that's our show theme in one week..yikes! I have some things already done, but your have awakened, I think, some OCD here! ha...Love the cards with the queen of hearts...hummm....back to the drawing board....
    Have a great day

  13. I'm giving hubby wall graffiti of our initials in a heart. DS + KS = Love. It's very sweet... Love it! It's cheap, a sweet decoration for our bathroom, and something I can enjoy just as much as he can!
    PS- going back to check out my latest Ballard's catalog, I somehow missed those pillows!

  14. Sweet ideas Deb.


    blessings on your day

    barbara jean

  15. Cute ideas! I am taking a screen printing class and I am excited to make some little things for Valentine's Day.

  16. I just don't get too excited about Valentine's Day, but this put me in the mood to make something fun and share it :)

  17. I need some Valentine inspirations...thank you! I've been stumped lately!

  18. My favorite is the collaged bottle with the queen of hearts on it! I'd love to try it, but I don't think I have a deck of cards here.
    Eureka, I'll print one off the puter!

    Off to the post office now, I'll give ya a call on the way (you've been warned, hehehe).


  19. Let's see what you have been making!!! If its the cupcakes...I'll be right over!! I am so craving some sweets!
    Deb :)

  20. Debra, I love all your Valentine ideas! Love is in the air! Have a wonderful weekend! Twyla

  21. Hi Debra
    I keep sitting at this computer instead of working on Valentines displays...maybe your post will inspire me to get to work...

  22. Wonderful ideas and thanks a ton for sharing them! Have a blessed weekend dear Debra!

  23. Debra,
    I love the felt and the decoupaged hearts! I have been working on a valentine project this week and am hoping to post it tomorrow. I do not have valentine decor and have not thought much about it until seeing all of it on everyone's blogs. Thanks for stopping in to check up on me. I'm doing good just has been a busy week. Have visited you at a day in the life daily but just have not had enough study time to feel able to comment. But I have been there! Love ya! Have a great weekend!

  24. Sweet ideas - glad you posted them. It helps a mind start inventing again!

  25. Very very cute! Thanks so much for the inspiration.

  26. These cute things fill my heart with happiness! :D pun intended! And I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet...most likely wait till the very last minute and then throw something together in a panic! :D

    yapping cat

  27. Hi Debra,
    Love, love love...Valentine's let everyone I love to know they are special in addition to my special Valentine! It is such a fun day. I love your makes me want to buy a sewing machine again. I mostly make cookies!

  28. thanks for getting me in the mood for Saint Valentino Day! lulu


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