Saturday, October 10, 2009

I stayed up way too late....and the winner is!!!!

Here's the Hatbox, or "wig" box as in this case.
You like my cute PJ's?

Getting ready to pick the names....

 Here they are: Donna of Brynwood Needleworks
 and Deb of Talking Trash!

(the number is to tell me which post this particular comment entry came from.)

I did this the old fashioned way, (writing your names on paper) and I'll tell you why. You guys are more than a number to me. It's nice to hit a milestone and celebrate with a give-away. But it meant more to me than that. Blogging has been a Lifeline, that I needed to grab onto, as I've gone thru a time in my life that has been really hard. My health was shaken, but not my faith in God.
I'm a big journal-er. I do it every day, and have for the last at least 10 years. The last five years, since I have been antiquing and junking, have been busy, productive and so much fun. So when I had to re-arrange my life last January, I felt lost and disconnected. Having lost my daily connection with my shop friends when I had to leave a great store, and just generally feeling lousy due to medication and limits on what I could do, I was miserable and in the pit. It was clear I needed to re-focus and change up my life. BUT IT WAS SO HARD!
That's where you all came in. This last 4 months I have felt purpose, friendship and connection again. I wanted to expand my horizon and you all have helped me do that. During this give-away I have visited each site, and tried to learn a little about you. I couldn't leave comments on everyone's blog, but I think I have been there. And I'm hoping to have the time now for a proper visit.
So even though this give-away has been a long one, there has been a purpose for it. I've been excited for each new follower, and look at you as a friend, not just a number to reach a goal. This give-away has been for you, but in reality, it was for me.
Love you all bunches!


  1. Congrats to your sweet winners! I feel the same as you about blogging. I may not have started for the same reasons but I do my giveaways as names written on paper and draw them by hand too. Never really thought about why I just do. Please visit as often as you like and comment when you can!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. Debra,
    What beautiful thoughts! Look what you have accomplished in just a short time! Each coment you leave is beautiful and caring and are so appreciated! Congradulations to your winners, but more inmportantly, congradulations to you for setting a great goal and accomplishing it! Keep it going girl!
    My Best

  3. Your banner is the cutest! Congrats to the winners...we too feel the same about our blogging buddies - cherished friendships indeed!
    Karla & Karrie

    by the way...we loved the "what I rescued" name & article down below :)

  4. I WON?!!! Oh, My! I'm so tickled, Debra! Thanks so much for picking my name...and Congratulations to Debra of Talking Trash, too! Aren't we lucky girls!

    I'll send my address to you...and I'll be crowing about you all over my blog when the package arrives!

    Thanks again!

  5. Oh congratulations to the winners!!!!! I know they will be thrilled. God Bless and have a super day. Hugs, Marty

  6. Congratulations to the lucky ladies! I am so envious, but am happy for them. I understand how you feel about blogging. It has opened up a whole new world to me as well and so far I have encountered nothing but kindness, compassion and the willingness to share and bring joy to each others lives. It's a beautiful gift!

  7. Congrats to the winners of the great giveaway!

  8. Congratulations to the winners! their getting some great gifts! Loved what you wrote're a doll!!! and have a postive effect on everyone!

  9. Congrats to the winner girl...And I so agree with you about Blogging it was my life line in many ways after my Mama died and still is...May you have a Blessed weekend my friend...Keep up the good work...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  10. Wow Debra, your expression of gratitude and happiness is making me teary eyed.

    Wonderful to "meet" you and hope to "see" you often.


  11. Oh...congrats to the lovely winners and big thanks to YOU sweet friend for the awesome giveaway!

    Love and hugs~


  12. What a nice giveaway. Ms. Debbie over at Trash Talk is way too lucky. She won my Valentine's Day giveaway this year. Lucky girl.

  13. Congratulations to the winners...I am trying not to whine. I will be a good loser because we all know that anyone who blogs or has blog friends is a winner!!

  14. What wonderful sentiments! I am so happy to find you. Congrats to the winners!

  15. Congratulations to the wonderful winners, what a great way to start off the weekend, and the up coming week to a delivery from the mail man. We sure do love our mailmen when we are expecting goodies :0)


  16. POOH, I wanted the goodies but congrats to the winners! Thanks for having us over for the drawing:)

  17. Debra - I don't know what is happening, I didn't purposely stop following you and it is showing that I am following you - so not sure what is happening. Maybe it was a glitch, but just to be sure, I went to your blog, clicked 'follow' and it said I was already following you.

  18. Love the wig box, and the hand of friendship. :)

  19. Congratulations to the winners. I must say this post was very special. You have conveyed how I feel about blogging. Have a wonderful day! Sharon

  20. It was so much fun being a part of your Give Away..congrats to your winners...blessings...and thanks for hosting a great one...

  21. Lucky Gals they are!!! By the way LOVE your blog title pic! Hope all is well! Hugs, Janna

  22. Awwwwwww, Deb! Believe me, being on the receiving end is just as rewarding. The beauty of your blog and the beauty and warmth of your personality always shine through. And while (as of late) I have not been able to get around everyday, I love to come and catch up on all your posts and see what you are up too. And now each time I see art with lambs, I think of you! :D I'm so glad you are in this little world of mine, for it is certainly made much brighter by your being in it! Congrats to them gurls, especially Deb (I got to hug her neck at Round Top). She is a sweetie indeed! :D


  23. Congratulations to your winners! It has been a pleasure to visit your blog when a new post comes up and even when there has not been I have been back just to check out your older post. Thanks for the time you spent visiting mine.

  24. Debra, what a sweet and honest post. YOU are important to us and I am glad our paths crossed. Everyone has been so kind to me and I know exactly what you are saying about purpose. Welcome to our world!
    Blessings, dear bloggett....

  25. Awe Debra, this was a sweet thank you. WE should be thanking you for all the beauty and joy YOU bring to blogging! It's been a wonderful 4 months having you in my blogland!!!
    As for Donna and Debbie...they are number one on my "jealousy list". (yes I do have one of those lists!)
    I'm going over to beg them to share with me. I'm glad I didn't see this post at midnight last night, I would have called and woke them up! haha
    Thanks for hosting a fun and beautiful are such a generous soul!!!!
    everything vintage

  26. That was so exciting! Congratulations to the winners!


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