(cast iron rabbit on the back porch retaining wall)
Showing posts with label landscaping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landscaping. Show all posts
Friday, June 19, 2020
Potting Bench, the Back Porch and New Landscape
I got a late start on the back porch and container planters this year. My cervical spine surgery really put the kibosh on my fun this Spring. We had a cold and rainy May this year which didn't help getting things put together on top of everything else. My husband and I finally got around to doing some outside clean up and then for Mother's Day he helped me pot some sun-loving plants to get the back yard up to speed.
back porch,
flower containers,
potting bench,
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Front Porch and Landscaping Update
I've been trying to get this post out for awhile, waiting on warmer weather to get some flowers and a fern for the front porch. We had a lot of rain and chilly weather with freezing temps even at the beginning of May. My Cervical Spine problems and surgery have kept me from being able to get plants and flowers potted, so I had to wait for last weekend to persuade my husband to take me out to find some. We tried 3 different places and since I'm about 4 weeks behind on this project all the plants were picked over and way overpriced. I had to make choices in a hurry because the nurseries were crowded and 3/4 of the customers weren't bothering to wear masks. I ended up with a bit of a hodge podge, but at least I have a few colorful blooms.
flower containers,
front porch,
Monday, March 30, 2020
Change in plans...
Happy Sunday friends. I hope you're having a good weekend. We finally have some sun, and it's time for our first mowing. Spring is here, no matter what's going on around us.
I wanted to check in and let you all know that I received a call Friday telling me all surgeries at my hospital had been cancelled. Not just elective or qualifying but all non emergency scheduled. So, since mine was "scheduled" it's not an emergency to them, despite my neurosurgeon advocating on my behalf. We don't even have that many cases of the virus in our town, but that's what has happened. You can imagine how disappointed I am with that decision, because we all know the effects of the virus are going to be long term. I have no idea how long this reschedule will take. So, I'm going to continue co-hosting All About Home with Amber until I know something otherwise. Just like the bunny below... I'm going to enjoy the Spring season and celebrate Easter as usual.
baker's rack,
Garden Room,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Fall Front Porch and Landscape Beginnings
With temperatures in the 80's and 90's till a week ago, it's taken me a bit to get my front porch decorated for Fall. I didn't go all out this season because I knew that we would be starting our landscape work here in October... and then last weekend we had a killing frost that took out my flowers out back. Thankfully I went ahead and covered the mums out here, not really thinking it would get that cold.

front porch,
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Container Planting and Painting Styofoam Pots
Like most of you, I've been excited to finally get some outside work accomplished. Earlier this Spring we had our deck rebuilt. It was torn down to the studs and given a complete overhaul. This is the point that I can get really negative on the previous owners for neglecting an amazing 10 year old deck and landscape, but I won't do that. So instead I'll tell you how nice it is to have it mostly finished except for some painting we need to do under the floorboards, and how it's quickly becoming a comfortable place to relax and enjoy our beautiful back yard.
flower containers,
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
I have a tree, and other random house news...
Who would think I'd get excited over a little ol' tree!
But, my having a "tree" out here has become a pretty big deal.
When we first put the contract in on the house, there was a beautiful maple in that exact spot. It was planted when the house was first built, so it was about 10 years old; just big enough to have a little shade and because it was a maple (my favorite tree), I was looking forward to a pretty show of leaves this Fall. Fast forward through the long dry spell we had here in Southwest Missouri, and an owner who had moved out, deciding that yard care and maintenance were no longer needed. By the time we closed on the house the yard was a disaster, the tree was dead, and the landscaping was a barren wasteland. Needless to say I was one unhappy camper.
(last week at the new place)
So once an official arborist had declared it long gone, we had to wait for the right time to transplant a new tree. Evidently October is a better time to plant as it's cooler, and the tree has a chance to settle in before freezes, and will be ready for the warmer Spring growing season.
I didn't realize there were so many kinds of Maples, but my one request was that it be a showstopper for Fall. Here are a few facts about our pick:
The Shantung Maple is a midsize ornamental tree that is great for small yards and it tolerates alkaline soils, drought, and strong wind. The Shantung Maple steps up to autumn with leaves that are gorgeous golden yellow flecked with red before they launch into orange. The Shantung Maple differentiates from other maples (Red Maple and Silver Maple) in that the canopy is denser and the leaves are more delicate, which is reminiscent of a Japanese maple but with much greater toughness Tolerates full sun and drought resistant.
Growth Rate
Evergreen or Deciduous
Height Mature
Width Mature
3' Per Year
(Next three images from Google Images)
This year, it only had a small leaf show, but the golds were gorgeous, until it decided that it was a little too stressed out to do much else. It was staked and mulch added, with a bag watering system that you fill once a week, for a measured release of water. Of course Hubbs was thrilled that I was adamant about us buying the most expensive little maple on the planet, but Hey, as a "leafpeeper" who only has one tree out front, it has to be a Fall Showstopper.
In other house news, the carpet is in and we moved furniture from the storage units into the Dining Room (or should I say "squeezed" into the Dining Room), downstairs family room, Kitchen (so nice to see my white farm table and china cabinet), and lot's of other random pieces of which I have no idea what to do with. We're in the process of trying to sort through boxes at the storage place that are priority. Right now I'm seeing lots of boxes that say "Basement Decor" and I'm just trying to imagine what kind of
We've been in "move mode" for about a year now and I have to say I'm pretty darn worn out with the whole idea of it. And the way it's going, we might have things somewhat put together by Thanksgiving. Gosh, when I was younger I could decorate a new house in a few days. Remember "The Stepford Wives", uh yeah, sort of. Ugh, I was a lot younger then...
(I did locate a few boxes marked "Turkeys", so they came on over to the house.) OK, I'll have some pics of the basics in a few days. I won't be able to wait till the rooms are complete to share, otherwise I might have to give up blogging altogether...just kidding!
joining these parties:
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Treasure Hunt at From My Front Porch to Yours
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Treasure Hunt at From My Front Porch to Yours
I'll be back later with the winner
from the Elliott-Heath Pillow Give Away.
Have a great week,
new house,
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Rugs, mirrors, shutters and more...
Hey Everyone...
things have been a little hectic around the new house this last week. Lot's of things going on, but not much that's interesting to share here on the blog. Cabinets were re-installed in the laundry, finished up the painting in the kitchen, painted the entire 3 car garage in one weekend (whew), carpet cleaning,...that kind of fun stuff...nothing very "pretty".
things have been a little hectic around the new house this last week. Lot's of things going on, but not much that's interesting to share here on the blog. Cabinets were re-installed in the laundry, finished up the painting in the kitchen, painted the entire 3 car garage in one weekend (whew), carpet cleaning,...that kind of fun stuff...nothing very "pretty".
But I did want to share a quick couple of photos of the new Living Room rug "unrolled" temporarily, just to get an idea of how it will look. This is the 9x12 something. I also bought it in a smaller size for the Dining Room, and a runner for the main hallway. I spent lots of time searching the web for rugs, and found several that were contenders. I knew that it would be a pricey purchase, that's another reason I wanted to be sure of the colors. Trying to re pack this rug and return it would have been a real task. It's so heavy I can't even tug it around.
I wanted wool, and that's what these are. The quality is beautiful, and they are thick and look very well made. I found them on Overstock, which is a great source for rugs. I had originally wanted to go with a lighter color rug, but the more I thought about trying to match colors, fabrics and wall paint, the more paranoid I became. So this has a little of the neutrals, some grays, and some browns and gold along with the black. The black picks up the dark bronze metals, and I think the rug will "ground" the open space and pull it all together with the sofas and chairs.
So, you know I have been complaining about the tv niches above the fireplace. This house is 10 years old, so it's right in they heyday of "lets make a cave above the fireplaces for our honkin' tvs to live". Yes, I've had a lot of angst over them to say the least. We discussed covering it up with sheetrock or cabinetry, but in the end I would only have had about 5 inches of mantel to decorate, as the mantel recesses in the middle. There would barely be room for a mirror or framed piece, let alone any seasonal decor or candles. It's hard to tell just how big this is, but I'm 5 foot even and the top of the mantel is several inches above my head.
A few weeks ago we found this Ethan Allen beveled mirror on consignment at Relics here in Springfield, and even though it's not what I envisioned, (all gilt and scrolly) I think it will compliment the larger wood finished pieces we will have going in here. Plus, it totally filled up the "hole" and has an arched piece on top that will match the shape of our tv armoire. We have it secured onto 2x4's attached to the back of the wall. I didn't want it sliding out if a door slammed, so I think it's pretty much there to stay for awhile.
This week the old landscaping is being removed and the new is going in. I worked with our handy man/landscaper yesterday on placement of the shrubs, so hopefully it will get finished this week. The dead tree was cut down, so now we have to wait for the stump to be ground and a new maple put in.
The newly built shutters are up. (just what I wanted) They are bigger than the old ones by several inches, so they look more size appropriate. The door and shutters are Iron Mountain by Benjamin Moore. Love the color, it's just a nice charcoal gray.
("before", with old shutters, shrubs, and green front door)
This isn't a good pic, but shows the color pretty well. It really picks up the grays of the brick. I'm super happy with how it turned out. So now I'm itching to get this done so some mums and pumpkins can be added. I've held off because of all the outside work being done, but I've about reached my limit of restraint in the Fall Decor Dept. I've been whiney each time I see a house with pumpkins on the porch. Poor Hubbs he just doesn't "get" my deepseated Fall Decor gene.
OK, that's about it for the update this week. Now that we can "officially" call it Fall, I hope you're having a great week and that you're enjoying all the fun of "Fallifying" your homes. I'll get there...
Be watching for a fun Give Away coming soon...
Joining in on these weekly parties:
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Treasure Hunt at From My Front Porch to Yours
Dining Room,
Living Room,
new house,
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