Monday, March 30, 2020

Change in plans...

Happy Sunday friends. I hope you're having a good weekend. We finally have some sun, and it's time for our first mowing. Spring is here, no matter what's going on around us. 

I wanted to check in and let you all know that I received a call Friday telling me all surgeries at my hospital had been cancelled. Not just elective or qualifying but all non emergency scheduled. So, since mine was "scheduled" it's not an emergency to them, despite my neurosurgeon advocating on my behalf. We don't even have that many cases of the virus in our town, but that's what has happened. You can imagine how disappointed I am with that decision, because we all know the effects of the virus are going to be long term. I have no idea how long this reschedule will take. So, I'm going to continue co-hosting All About Home with Amber until I know something otherwise. Just like the bunny below... I'm going to enjoy the Spring season and celebrate Easter as usual.

Here are a few pics from the Baker's Rack in the Garden Room that I took last week. It's a good place for some whimsical fun whatever the holiday. I shied away from "cute" for awhile, but now a good dose of "cute" will make me smile.

Please ignore that bottom shelf, it's sort of a catch all.

I don't think I've used this floppy eared paper mache bunny in years,
 but when I saw his smiling face I just had to stick him in the seed box.

Little Chipper has found the new pillows on the front porch and he's decided he'll break them in. I literally had to throw the previous one's away because they were so filthy. Little feet leave dirty little tracks. In all fairness they were not "outdoor" fabric so they couldn't be wiped down. I found these online at Target and love their cheery Hydrangea floral print. I hope the fact that they are lighter colored won't be a problem. More pics from the front later.

The Magnolia Tree in the front has reached it's peak bloom and has passed, but I just now got a chance to take a pic. I think it's known as a "Jane Magnolia", since it's pink, a little different than what we typically think of as a Magnolia. I'm not sure if this is what's called a Tulip tree or not. The weather has been so rainy and gloomy; it's lost a lot of blooms. You can see them all over the drive.

Internet pic

Row of Blooming Jane Magnolia Trees

Just as I was psychologically and emotionally preparing for surgery and recovery, I'm now having to change mindsets and go back to "wait" mode. I've been there before. I know this is not a surprise to God, so He's in charge of the timing. Thank you for all the prayers. Hope you all are well and taking care of each other during this strange time. Hope you will come back Monday evening for the All About Home party!

joining in here:

All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
 Celebrate Your Story at The Zucchini Sisters
Create Bake, Make at Across the Blvd
Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
Tips and Tutorials at Home Stories A to Z
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Tuesday at Our Home at Our Home Away from Home
Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles 
 Talk of the Town at Knick of Time
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode 
Share Your Style at French Ethereal 
Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home
 Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur 
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Grace at Home at Imparting Grace
 Create, Bake, Grow and Gather at Shabby Art Boutique
Farmhouse Friday at The Painted Hinge

 Come by Monday evening for


  1. I am sorry Debra for the delay in your surgery. With all that is going on I guess they want to keep everyone safe. I just feel for you because I know you are in a lot of discomfort. This virus is ramping up this week so lets hope that we can get the ones sick now well and if everyone stays in and home no one else will be infected by those breaking out in this peak week. I love all your Easter decor. It looks so cute. Made me smile today. Stay safe and well. xoxo

  2. I'm sorry about the cancellation, Debra, but I am with you...all in God's timing. Hopefully the delay won't be terribly long. You Easter decor is adorable!

  3. I'm sorry about the delay in the operation. Better safe than sorry, I guess. I just love all your sweet bunnies. I found some grass seed and soil in the garage and am trying to grow grass In a dish for an Easter vignette. We'll see how it goes. Take care.

  4. Debra,
    I do believe there is a reason for everything that has happened. . .
    and that God is in control. We must trust in His timing.
    In the meanwhile, my daily prayers continue.
    Oh, what a sweet baker's rack decked out for Easter!
    Hadn't brought the bunnies up from the lower level, yet!
    Thank you for always inspiring!

  5. Everything is working for good! I know it's disappointing, but once a few cases hit, it increases quickly. Your baker's rack is cute. Love the tulip magnolia!

  6. Sorry for the delay in your surgery, but the same thing has happened to me. A few days before the surgery they called to cancel. I would rather be safe than sorry...I just don't know how long I will be able to walk until surgery. Prayers for all of us at this time.

  7. Oh Debra

    Sorry for the delay. It has to be frustrating.

    Everything looks beautiful as always. Hang in there.


  8. Your Easter decorations are beautiful! And sorry to hear about the delay on your surgery. Thanks for sharing with us at the Snickerdoodle link party! I will be featuring your decor this Saturday at the party!

  9. Little chipmunk might be messy but he is adorable!

    Oh, do I HAVE to ignore that bottom shelf? I would rather snoop through the goodies.

    So sorry you are going through all of this! Continued prayers for a quick reschedule.


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