Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I have a tree, and other random house news...

Who would think I'd get excited over a little ol' tree!
But, my having a "tree" out here has become a pretty big deal. 

When we first put the contract in on the house, there was a beautiful maple in that exact spot. It was planted when the house was first built, so it was about 10 years old; just big enough to have a little shade and because it was a maple (my favorite tree), I was looking forward to a pretty show of leaves this Fall. Fast forward through the long dry spell we had here in Southwest Missouri, and an owner who had moved out, deciding that yard care and maintenance were no longer needed. By the time we closed on the house the yard was a disaster, the tree was dead, and the landscaping was a barren wasteland. Needless to say I was one unhappy camper.

(last week at the new place)

So once an official arborist had declared it long gone, we had to wait for the right time to transplant a new tree. Evidently October is a better time to plant as it's cooler, and the tree has a chance to settle in before freezes, and will be ready for the warmer Spring growing season. 
I didn't realize there were so many kinds of Maples, but my one request was that it be a showstopper for Fall. Here are a few facts about our pick:

The Shantung Maple is a midsize ornamental tree that is great for small yards and it tolerates alkaline soils, drought, and strong wind. The Shantung Maple steps up to autumn with leaves that are gorgeous golden yellow flecked with red before they launch into orange. The Shantung Maple differentiates from other maples (Red Maple and Silver Maple) in that the canopy is denser and the leaves are more delicate, which is reminiscent of a Japanese maple but with much greater toughness Tolerates full sun and drought resistant. 
Growth Rate
Evergreen or Deciduous
Height Mature
Width Mature
3' Per Year

(Next three images from Google Images)

This year, it only had a small leaf show, but the golds were gorgeous, until it decided that it was a little too stressed out to do much else. It was staked and mulch added, with a bag watering system that you fill once a week, for a measured release of water. Of course Hubbs was thrilled that I was adamant about us buying the most expensive little maple on the planet, but Hey, as a "leafpeeper" who only has one tree out front, it has to be a Fall Showstopper.

In other house news, the carpet is in and we moved furniture from the storage units into the Dining Room (or should I say "squeezed" into the Dining Room), downstairs family room, Kitchen (so nice to see my white farm table and china cabinet), and lot's of other random pieces of which I have no idea what to do with. We're in the process of trying to sort through boxes at the storage place that are priority. Right now I'm seeing lots of boxes that say "Basement Decor" and I'm just trying to imagine what kind of crap, junk, er, goodies, might be in them. This house is only about 2/3 the size of the old one, and I'm already thinking a Spring garage sale probably will be on the calender.

We've been in "move mode" for about a year now and I have to say I'm pretty darn worn out with the whole idea of it. And the way it's going, we might have things somewhat put together by Thanksgiving. Gosh, when I was younger I could decorate a new house in a few days. Remember "The Stepford Wives", uh yeah, sort of. Ugh, I was a lot younger then...

(I did locate a few boxes marked "Turkeys", so they came on over to the house.) OK, I'll have some pics of the basics in a few days. I won't be able to wait till the rooms are complete to share, otherwise I might have to give up blogging altogether...just kidding!

joining these parties:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Treasure Hunt at From My Front Porch to Yours

I'll be back later with the winner 
from the Elliott-Heath Pillow Give Away. 
Have a great week,


  1. Hi Debra! I'm so sorry about the maple tree but getting another is a great thing. We have some giant ones and the colors are gorgeous. I shouldn't have told you that! Oh, honey, I do feel your paint. Our new/old house is 1,000sq ft smaller! We have a basement but I don't know where to put things! I know about the moving when I was younger. I keep telling myself I have more things now and I do! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  2. Your tree is beautiful!!! Hang in there....and don't give up!!!

  3. Nice tree, it will be glorious when it gets settled in!! Hate to admit it, but in my basement there are still 3 boxes or so, that have never been unpacked............I was working 3 jobs for a long time, its any wonder that anything got done!!! And now, I'm just plain tired and old!!!

  4. Hi Debra,
    So sad about your tree. My trees put on a HUGE show this year! I think that the color in Michigan this year was outstanding!! I did a blog post or two about it. The trees were just over the top amazing. They still are , but have lost many of their leaves by now. We have one tree that is just changing though. I am glad they don't all change at once so we can enjoy the color longer.

    How is your health? I think of you often and say a prayer.

    1. thanks so much Sandi, I'm hanging in there. It's been a looooong year, but I'm slowly improving. There are still alot of things I can't do, walking up and down stairs is rough, because I get so short of breath. There's a fine line between "good" exercise and doing too much or the wrong thing. Thank you so much for the prayers!

  5. Debra,
    The tree is gorgeous, dear friend!!!
    STOP blogging all together. . .please assure me that is NOT going to happen!!!
    I understand how frustrated you are at putting your home together.
    I did a little re~arrange of the lower level Family Room over the weekend.
    What would have normally taken me a few hours took 2 half days and 1 full day to complete.
    NOW. . .the decorating still needs to be done!!!
    No one told me growing older meant growing s l o w e r, too!!! Ha!
    Pace yourself!!!
    I'll be back soon!

  6. That tree's golden leaves looks so pretty against the backdrop of your home!

  7. Debra,
    I love the new tree. It is going to be so gorgeous when it gets a little bigger. That Maple has the prettiest leaves for fall. I hear you on the moving thing when we were younger we unpacked in a week end had the house set up and were back to work by Monday. This last move I made 7 years ago it took me forever to pack up a bigger home decide what to take what to keep and what to give my daughters. That took forever and then we had to move to a smaller down sized home. It was hard so I feel your pain. You new house is looking so pretty.

  8. Your new little tree is beautiful....I too just adore Maple trees :o)

  9. I LOVE your tree!!! It will bring you years of joy!

    We planted a Red Maple in the front yard two years ago....but we had that NASTY winter last year, and it is doing ok but didn't GROW any............Still super tall but lanky and didn't fill out. We have tree and shrub service so I know it is getting looked at often. It's leaves were spectacularly bright orange and red, but fell FAST. And it isn't because of drought. We water regularly too, So I am a little bit worried, hopefully all will be well come spring - watching it carefully now.

    Excited your boxes are slowly getting unpacked.

    And don't beat yourself up about lack of time and energy. We ALL get it. Oh to have my wasted youth return. I am so tired of being achy and tired. Ugh. Getting old is quite unpleasant, but beats the alternative lol.

    Come by for a visit when you can. Just posted my Halloween Mantle. Hugs.

  10. A short while ago we moved two times within a two month span. It, physically, was very difficult. Anyways, I can sorta understand the stress, etc. you are under. Hang in there! Soon the unpacking will be done and you can spend time on the fun stuff - like decorating!!!
    Michelle from simplysantabarbara.blogspot.com

    1. wow Michelle, twice in two months? that must have been so hard! Hope you're settled in by now and enjoying life. I'm heading over to your blog.

  11. I'm so happy you have a tree! I can't wait to see when you are all moved in.

  12. Your tree is beautiful and I long for a maple tree here, but they don't do that well here in Sunny Southern CA.
    Just be patient and do a little at a time. Soon I will be thinking about moving into a small apartment. A 1,400 house is just to big for one person and all the gardens that I have. It is getting time to relax and take it easy.
    How is your health? i hope you are doing well and I pray that you will be well soon.
    Love your house.

    1. Hi Mary, I'm improving healthwise with meds, and I'm getting stronger and have more energy, but I still have to be careful not to overdo it, like with carrying heavy things and using the vacuum. So this move will be a challenge, but thankfully my Hubby takes up the slack. Working outside or gardening would be way too much right now. thanks so much for asking. Hope you find your perfect place with a "small" garden!

  13. Your maple tree has some gorgeous fall color! Aren't you so excited to know you'll be in your home for Thanksgiving! I can so relate to not being able to do as quickly as I did even just 10 years ago. Last year took a tole on me, and maybe it's in a good way, now I don't rush.. cause all we really have is time. Can't wait to see more!

  14. Oh MY GOODNESS, LOVE that tree! It is going to give you joy for years to come:) Enjoy your day dear Debra, HUGS!

  15. The maple is gorgeous, Debra.
    We are having an open house Sunday, so we have been working a lot on that. We are also moving home from the rental. We really enjoyed having it, but J is having surgery soon. That and a couple of other things made us decide to tough it out at home.:-) We have an interested buyer who has not made a decision yet. Hoping it happens soon. Moving in Winter is a daunting prospect. Maybe someone will sign on Sunday. We can only hope and pray.
    Can't wait to see more photos. I am excited for you!!

    1. Hi Pat, about moving back to your big house, you know, you two probably just needed a sanctuary to rest in while you readied it for Sale. If we hadn't had our little lease house we probably would have gone crazy. Things were so hectic and stressful during that time. I'll be praying for the right buyer, hope you have a productive open house. I know things must be beautiful up there this time of year!

  16. The little maple looks really pretty and happy in your front yard! Glad you're doing well, best wishes!

  17. Your tree is really pretty and will be fun to watch it grow from year to year in front of your lovely home.

  18. Debra,, isn't it funny how a tree can get us so exccited? I hear ya girll! It really will be beautiful as it grows. Glad things are coming together. Always love seeing your turkeys! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  19. Your new tree looks like it will be a beauty, Debra! I need one for my front yard, too, and had been pondering an October Glory. I want a maple, but since my silver maples in the backyard have been struggling, I'm not sure. Well, looks like I'll be putting it off to another time, anyway! Be blessed, Bess

  20. love that last picture. that is my true dream house, but I'm sure I wouldn't want to keep up with the housework and maintenance.


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