Friday, January 1, 2021

A Look at Life in 2020

At the end of the calendar year, I'm like most bloggers and I like to do a recap of the year through the lens of my camera and the posts which document what I've been up to these last 12 months. So here's a few popular posts, a few thoughts, and maybe even some optimism for the year 2021.

Since this last year has been some kind of strange aberration, I don't have to tell you that many of us (most) have found our lives were changed at least in some ways. I haven't gotten out a lot in the last few years due to health problems, but 2020 has put a new spin on staying at home. I'm what is termed "high risk" for Covid because of said health issues, so basically I've not gone much of anyplace. My husband has to be out for work so he does the grocery shopping and necessary errands. I think I've been to Hobby Lobby twice this year and that's about it other than doctors appointments. Because of Covid I've not been able to shop the vintage mall or plan any projects. (horrible) Blogging and life in general have been limited to what I can do with what I have here. 

(On a personal note, I saw my sister before Christmas for an hour; we wore our masks. I haven't seen my mom for a year as she and I are both high risk, but we talk every day. We've facetimed with our older daughter in St. Louis but haven't seen her for a year, and our younger daughter I saw in August for about an hour when she was moving to a new house. She and her husband have both had Covid, and she's still feeling the fatigue from it 6 weeks later.) 

I know many of you are in the same seemingly boring and crummy boat. Anyway... my projects have been small, and few. But as long as I can still change around a dish or faux flower arrangement or other vintage do-dad I'll still be here on the blog. So here are some of my most visited posts of this ridiculous year in no particular order.

Most Visited Posts of 2020

Since I'm looking back on 2020 I thought I'd share a few of my Top Posts of 2020, which are kinda funny, because most of the top posts were about my Holiday Cupboard. go figure. The one little project I did had the most visits by far, and that was the Painted Grain Sack Breadboard. Little paint projects are about all I've accomplished this year. I remember painting it one night about 11:00 in the evening because I couldn't live with the ugly bare wood any longer. You know how it is, you keep looking at something until you can't stand it one more minute, then you have to do something about it right then?/!

Back in January (before Covid) I wanted to do something different in the Dining Room and I wasn't going to go out and buy anything new. I guess I had a 6th sense about what was to come. Anyway, I wanted to have a French Country vibe if possible, so I put together this inspiration/idea post of possible elements of French Country Design.

Here's what I came up with for my Winter Dining Room.

In February I decided to change up the Transferware in the Holiday Cupboard from the Red at Christmas and use my Green just in time for St. Patrick's Day. It was fun and gave a fresh new "Springy" look also using old postcards and ironstone.

I was part of a winter Blog Hop in late January. It was fun to share comfy, cozy, and warm decor ideas for winter after the over abundance of decor and vivid color of Christmas time. 

The Holiday Cupboard didn't change a lot for Easter 
but this was my 2nd highest viewed post of the year.

Another Blog Hop sharing how I use baskets in my vintage decor.
I painted this stack of lunch hampers for the Hearth Room
when we first moved here.

In late Spring I displayed my French faience in
the Holiday Cupboard, and added small flags and postcards
for the 4th of July patriotic look.

I feel like I need to thank Pinterest for all the visits,
because I know people do a search for "cupboards"
and when they do, I pop up.
I'm probably a big recipient of vintage lovers looking for them.
We bloggers were the beneficiaries of the Pinterest start.
They started the first year I started blogging, 2009!

Over the years I've realized that there are several kinds of bloggers and as time's gone by we, and blogging have changed. When I first started blogging we knew the names of all our "vintage" peeps and buddies. It was a tight knit community and we grew fast. Many of us were "in the trade" of retail vintage goods with shops or booth spaces. We had magazines and photographers in touch with us and it was a whirlwind of fun and excitement. Advertising platforms were cropping up and there were tons of opportunities for exposure. But... we blogged because we loved it and the ability to be creative was always in the forefront. 

I started having health problems again in 2013 and I had to take a hard look at things. I decided to blog at my own pace and not set myself up for stress and over expectations of my own abilities. Do I make myself sick and crazy for a photoshoot or do I use my head and put my health first? Hard choices, but ones that I had to make. So here I am 12 years later after a rough year, but still here. I blog about what I do with vintage decor and share a little of my life along the way. Many of my earlier blogging friends have "retired" or now focus on Instagram. I totally understand that, but I'll be here until I'm not. This year I've considered the "not", but felt like blogging is still something I love and will continue until I feel God nudge me to do otherwise. I'm not the one for big projects or major room reveals, at least not anymore. (I had my fill of that with this last house remodel!) I'm here because I love the community and friendships and inspiration.

Thankyou to each and every one of you that come by here to visit. Thankyou to all the new friends I've made this last year... it's so great to meet and get to know all of you. I wish we had "like" buttons and "favorite" heart icons to press, besides just leaving a comment. I'd comment on each of your blog posts if I could. I'm grateful for and care about all my readers and friends for your loyalty and friendship to come by regularly after all these years. And when we ask for prayers we know we'll all show up!!!

I'm praying for you all and ask God to bless and protect you and your families. I may not know you, but there's a place in my heart for each of you. I guess you could say I'm a realistic optimist because I believe in the good in people and especially the goodness of God. So I'm believing 2021 will be a better year. If it weren't for all that's going on, this would be the time for a group hug! 

Have a Blessed and Happy New Year, dear friends!

Please come by for the link party on Monday evenings.

joining in here:

Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
 Celebrate Your Story at The Zucchini Sisters,  
Tips and Tutorials at Home Stories A to Z,  Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Party in Your PJ's at Apple Street Cottage
  Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles  Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur 
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode,  Share Your Style at French Ethereal
Centerpiece Wednesday at Karin's Kottage
Charming Homes and Gardens at Shiplap and Shells
Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home,  
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,  
Embracing Home and Family at the Everyday Farmhouse
Create, Bake, and Grow at Shabby Art Boutique, Farmhouse Friday at The Painted Hinge


  1. Hi Debra,
    I think we all feel bored and out of sorts in the past year. Nothing was normal for any of us. Let's hope as we venture into the new year we will win this war on Covid and we can all get back a little bit of our normal again. Have a great evening. Happy New Year. xoxo

    1. thankyou Kris, Have a Happy New Year's weekend, and prayers for a Blessed and Healthy NEW Year! xoxo

  2. Sending you hugs and good wishes.....xoxoxo

  3. This is a really good post. I came to blogging to share with my sisters originally, but I'm still with for many the same reasons as you - love the community, friendships and inspiration. It's been a testy year, for sure, but your blog is one I always enjoy opening! Wishing you the best in health in 2021, and a return to family connections.

  4. Hi Debra. I too am thrilled beyond belief to have 2020 behind us! I know nothing will change for quite some time still but for the first time in what seems like forever, I can see a path forward. Your posts are always wonderful so what you have termed "small and few" I have found totally engaging. I don't think you've missed a beat! I hope 2021 is a wonderful year for you and your family! Thanks so much for hosting each week. Have a wonderful week ahead!

  5. I like your post. It doesn't surprise me that the holiday cupboard posts are popular, I love hutch arrangements (and do them myself). It was interesting to read how blogging has changed over time. (I started in 2008, but only blog occasionally.) Have a great 2021, I hope you get to get out more often!

  6. Debra, I don't blog but have followed yours for several years (this is the 3rd house of yours that I've seen. I love your style, very vintage-y, soft and heartfelt. We share a love for transferware, dishes, garden items, etc. I also appreciate your Christian values and faith. I sincerely hope you will continue to blog as I don't do instagram. Thank you for all you do to make this world a prettier place!! And prayers for your family in this 'new normal'.

  7. Debra, always a pleasure to see what you have been up to. So many lovely arrangements. Cheers to a happy new year.
    I am featuring your lovely post today at Love Your Creativity.


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