Showing posts with label New Years. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Years. Show all posts

Friday, January 1, 2021

A Look at Life in 2020

At the end of the calendar year, I'm like most bloggers and I like to do a recap of the year through the lens of my camera and the posts which document what I've been up to these last 12 months. So here's a few popular posts, a few thoughts, and maybe even some optimism for the year 2021.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Christmas Memories and New Years at All About Home #72

Hi Friends, welcome to All About Home.
I hope you're having a wonderful Holiday Season!
I so appreciate you taking the time to come by 
and join in on the fun and festivities of this
 wonderful time of the year.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Last year I bought these wonderful wooden monogrammed letters for my sis and the girls for Christmas. They turned out so pretty; all scrolly and interesting. They loved them, but I didn't order one for myself because our initials are sort of boring... D-O-D (could be worse, it could be DUD). But after seeing so many people use these in different ways last year, I decided I'd have to go ahead.

I haven't been able to decorate or change things up after putting away the Christmas decor since everything is on it's way into a box. But I did have a sunny day because of all the blinding white stuff that's outside...that made for a great photo shoot day. I had to take a picture of something...

So I put together a little New Year vignette on the Hallway Sideboard. I don't know if I'll have room for this piece at the new "little house". My "vignette" days may be severely hampered.

But one thing I know for sure is all my sheep and lambies will be grazing around 
and that my scrolly chalkboard will be leaning against a wall somewhere.

We're supposed to get the keys on Friday. We've had so much crumby weather that we're hoping that the cleanup and painting has been done over there; if not we'll have to wait. But we're praying for better weather, so we're hoping it all goes as scheduled.

Just thought I'd throw in a few pics from last year this time...

I've decided that I have way too much stuff stored in my office. I've had to go through and decide what is necessary and what is not. It's ridiculous. It's a good thing this move will be in stages, since I'm not making much headway. I told my husband that if I didn't finish this up soon that he had my permission to turn me in to Hoarders Anonymous. OK, back to work...

I'll be joining in on these fabulouso parties this week:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspiration Gallery at City Farmhouse
Blissful Whites at Timewashed
DIY By Design
House Party at No Minimalist Here
Inspiration Gallery at Craftberry Bush
Fab Creative Friday at Jennifer Rizzo
Shabby Art Boutique


Friday, January 3, 2014

Be Inspired #171 Link Up Your Top Posts of 2013

Hope 2014 is getting off to a good start at your house. We have a fresh blanket of snow which makes for such a pretty picture, but I'll be here packing my studio today. In case you've missed my last couple of posts, we have big changes coming with this New Year. We'll be downsizing and leasing a smaller house in order to do updates to this one before putting it on the market. We're planning to move within the next month or so. I'm hoping you'll be along for all the changes and craziness. I may need a hug and a "snap out of it" slap in the face occasionally. LOL!! 

I imagine a lot of you are getting back to "regular life" after the Holidays today, so if you have a few favorite posts or a Review Post hope you'll link up for a look back at 2013!

I wanted to share a few more Christmas posts that were linked last week;
if you haven't checked them out, you won't want to miss them.

Take a peek into a "Merry and Bright" Christmas

Snuggle up on the Christmas Front Porch
from Barbara of 21 Rosemary Lane.

Love the Cardinals at the Christmas Tablescape
from Ann from the Corner of Plaid and Paisley.

Elizabeth from Just Following Jesus in My Real Life

and more wonderful home made snow globes from Miss Kopy Kat

thanks so much gals!

Party Guidelines

  • Please have an individual link back to Common Ground within your post. I'd love to feature you. This is just part of the Party Etiquette.
  • Please remember to turn off word verification. I've tried leaving comments that didn't go through. I'm sure others have tried also.
  • Please no direct links to Etsy or Advertising.
  • Link up to three of your Favorite posts or your Year in Review.
  • Take a minute to visit a few of the other links.
  • Please be a follower of Common Ground.
  • Thank you to all of you who come over each week to link up to the party, I may not get to leave a comment, but I try to visit each of your posts. You are a never ending source of inspiration to me and others, so just know how much I appreciate each one of you!

    OK, let's get the party started!

    Today's Sponsor

    Tuesday, December 31, 2013

    The Marketplace: Etsy and Boutique Showcase

    Hi Everyone,
     and Welcome to The Marketplace!

    Thanks so much to all of you who have made The Marketplace a weekly stop this year! This has been a great year as we have so many new vendors and lot's of new shoppers. Vintage and Handmade, one-of-a-kind decor and clothing accessories...we have such a wonderful variety of links. Here are just a few of the links from last week. 

    Vintage Sugar Bowl Trophy

    D.D.'s Cottage and Design

    NanNas Things

    Ete Nostolgique Deluxe

    And Today's Sponsor is
    Be sure and catch the Year End Clearance going on now!

    Party Guidelines:

    This is a linky party that is for items that are FOR SALE only. You don't have to have a blog to link up. If you have a blog post about your items that's great too, but they need to be available to purchase. Please try to link to the individual item that you are selling if possible. Please be a follower of Common Ground and if you have a blog it would be so nice for you to grab the image below to share somewhere on your blog. (not mandatory, just nice). Remember the link is up all week, so please stop back by to check out new items being listed.

    Time to link up,
    and if you missed last week's Marketplace,
     then you can check it out HERE.

    I want to take this time to wish you a 
    Happy and Blessed New Year.
     Thanks so much for being a part of The Marketplace.

    Sunday, January 6, 2013

    Decor therapy...

    I always feel like my brain needs a little jump start this first week of January. After all the busy-ness from before Thanksgiving until New Year's, once January 2 hits, I tend to "coast" a little. Putting my house back together and doing some much needed cleaning has kept me busy. I had a Hoover bag full of glitter, half chewed faux berries, and cat hair...don't ask.

    After looking at my Dining Room for this last week, I realized I needed a change. One day things look fine, the next day you want to totally start over. So first, down came the honkin' window what? Whatever is on this table needs to be substantial, at least I feel like it does. So I grabbed the old basket from under the buffet, white poinsettias and all. OK, so maybe all the mental energy I had was directed at finding a new centerpiece.

    I think I'll keep the grain sack runner here until after Valentine's Day.
    It does have a red stripe, after all.

    And I'm keeping the redwork tablecloth on the buffet, 
    I just decluttered a little from this photo.

    I looked at it closely and realized
     that there were little hearts woven into the design.
    Why hadn't I noticed that before?

    And the faux chalkboard above the sideboard in the Hall 
    got it's new message, compliments of my sweet sis, 
    Happy New Year!

    Other than that, I just removed the white feather tree 
    and replaced it with the iron urn of faux paperwhites.
    OK, so that wasn't all that drastic.
    A few simple changes were all that I needed...
    this week.

    How about you...
    does your brain need a vacation?
    Thank goodness I have all of you out there
    that are on top of your game.

    Now, I'll be moving on to the Living Room...
    my mantel needs some h.e.l.p.

    Great turnout for the first 
    Be Inspired Friday!
    thanks guys!
    (I really needed it;
    the inspiration that is.)

    joining in with these parties:


    Friday, January 4, 2013

    Be Inspired Friday #121: What's NEW in the New Year

    With a New Year, changes inevitably come. Two of my "sister" Friday Blogs are now discontinuing their weekly Friday linky parties. It started me thinking about opening up this party to be more of a place to share ALL your Inspiration. Yes, "vintage inspiration" will still be my main theme, but I know that I find inspiration in so many areas, so I'd like to throw out the invitation to all of you that have something fun and inspiring to share. Just a little name change to welcome a lot more fun to the party!

    There are still so many wonderful Holiday posts;
     here are just a few of the great ones from last week.

    Take a peek at the Parisian Styled New Year's Eve Party  from Laura at Decor to Adore. She gives a tutorial on the oh so adorable party hats, below.

    Stephanie from Rose Petals and Rust has such a lovely feminine Dining Room in pastels. You'll want to see how she used a little "industrial" in her Christmas decor.

     Laura at Sunday View created a "Chalkboard" Banner
    that I'm wanting to try.

    Elizabeth from The Porcelain Rose
    rings in the New Year with a vignette of Vintage Bling.

    And Simone from Fleaing France proves she works well under pressure by decorating her home with wonderful vintage flair. You'll also want to see how she painted some wall tile in her bath. It's really gorgeous!

    And since it's not too soon to start thinking about Valentine's Day
    I thought I'd share a few beautiful items from my sponsor

    Sweet as Cotton Candy

    and this beautiful "Mother's Heart" 
    created from Vintage Linens and Mother Brooch

    Hope you'll run by and check out Leslie's wonderful shop,
     full of repurposed vintage.

    Hope you'll join in on the party today,
    be sure and visit my "sister" Friday Blog Parties.

    OK, so feel free to share all your inspiration, vintage or new, recipes, and DIY. Just let it be something that inspires others. I'd also love for you to be a follower with GFC. Please have a link back to this blog to be featured! And welcome to all you new partiers!
