Tuesday, November 24, 2009

White Wednesday, Vintage White Turkeys on Parade!

This last weekend I had my hubby help me with a little furniture moving. It was a domino effect. You know, you move one piece, then that requires cleaning and vacuuming and then moving something else. And thank you Lord for the inventors of "sliders", because without them, I would have had to wait for another set of hands.

I found this white sideboard several years ago and had it for sale. When I moved out of that store the sideboard was moved into my studio. It was really too large for that space, but I didn't want to let it go. I had a plan somewhere in the dark recesses of my brain for later use.

So into the kitchen hallway, and out with the black bench. (downstairs it went) I have a lot of furniture, and a lot of "display" space, but this will be dedicated to seasonal and holiday decor. It will be wiped clean with each new season, and I will finally have a place to display all the great vintage "stuff" that clutters up my other pieces.

I have a lot of seasonal vintage prints that haven't had a spot. Now they can be a focal point for this hallway each time the season changes. This is a print from the early 1900's. The frame is "newer", but I have another companion print. The other is downstairs. This one was stashed in a storage room, unused.

Here are a few of my vintage turkeys
gathering on the sideboard.
gobble, gobble

This plucky fella was just too colorful for me,
so he got a slap of white paint.

White turkey covered vegetable.

I have a collection of Vintage turkey platters.
 This fellow is Johnson Brothers.
This year I'm giving each of the girls their own platter.

Vintage planter and salt and pepper.

One of my Thanksgiving postcards on a flower frog.

Say "Hello" to Kathleen and all the other White Wednesday
 participants at Faded Charm.

Hope your turkeys are tastier than these.

From my house to yours...
Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving.

P.S. Since I have had a few hair-pulling blogger incidents of late, I will post the wonderful indoor displays of my recent Seed Box Open House tour a bit later. This will give you something to come back for!


  1. Wonderful "white" Thanksgiving pieces from a truly giving and wonderful person. THANK YOU for what you are doing for Cheryl! Have a great Thanksgiving. Take care.

  2. Hello Debra... what beautiful vignettes! I love your collection of vintage turkeys, especially the platters... I had to laugh when you said the one turkey needed a "slap of white"... too cute! Love to you... Bisous... Julie Marie

  3. Debra, I love the white turkey's they are so darling. What a wonderful turkey spread.

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday



  4. Hello Debbie,
    I think you are ready for the Big Day! I like all the white turkey. You have a great collection of turkeys. Have a nice Thanksgiving. sandi

  5. Hi Debra

    Love all your white vintage items. The platter is beautiful. Wishing you and your family a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.


  6. Love the white turkeys what a clever idea and they look FAB on that wonderful sideboard...as does the fruit picture, you know I'm a sucker for them, my kitchen is full of um...

    You too have a wonderful Thanksgiving, we have so much to be thankful for...right, every single day!!!


  7. I love all of your vintage turkeys but OMG that sideboard.... whoa! Honey, I want it:) Sweet decorations, all of them. I can't wait to see Christmas! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. may i just say "perfect"? it all looks so beautiful, debra:)


  9. Wow Debra. I love your sideboard and your goodies that you have displayed on it. Just beautiful!

  10. Love your turkeys! They are so lovely! I have some small white s&p otherwise my turkeys are colorful!
    It's all great, Thanks for sharing!
    By the way. I was put on to Windows Live Writer recently and I'm in LOVE!! You can make your post and then send it to blogger. It is amazing! You can edit your pictures in the post!! I haven't even begun to learn all it can do. It doesn't use the internet until it's time to send to your blog so it works quick and easy offline. I used a link to download and I think You could find it at Window's website easy. If you cannot and are interested let me know I'll get you the link. All you do to sign up is give it your blog adddress and it does it all for you! Quick even for my slow computer and internet. Sorry to ramble I'm just thrilled not to worry with blogger not loading my dang pictures anymore!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. Such lovely items on a perfect perch, Debra. I really like the sideboard, and the fact that you can change it seasonally.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving surrounded by those people and things you love, my friend.

  12. What a pretty little area. That poor old turkey got whitewashed huh?! I bet he likes his new duds better! I just love old sideboards/buffets like that too. Your turkeys really help add to the Thanksgiving festivities.

  13. I see a lot of great things here! The buffet is way wonderful. I want one like that and am still looking. The big 'ol turkey is awesome in white and I like the postcard-in-the flower-frog idea! Cool stuff!

  14. love love love the big white turkey and transfer turkey platters are a big weakness of mine - such a beautiful setting -


  15. Love the slapped turkey. Does it work on all turkeys, 'cause I know a few! I hope you have a wonderful turkey day...you certainly have the decor for it! BTW, that's a great idea to use the sideboard for seasonal displays. I always have to find a place to put thing away in before I can get stuff out!

  16. Hey Debra!
    Have a happy Thanksgiving! Love the White Turkey!
    Barb C.

  17. I love your white sideboard and the gorgeous Thanksgiving vignette ~ it is a bit unexpected with all of the white and it is wonderful...also easing you into that more winter look you have been longing for. I also adore your opening image/header. I just got a ton of freebie magnolia branches as they were trimming trees in my neighborhood and I will attempt to make my own wreaths and garland.
    Happy Thanksgiving! ~jermaine~

  18. Debra ~ I have always loved sideboards and I'm glad you kept this great one! I used to have a little vintage turkey planter exactly like yours. My favorite item you have, though, is that huge marvelous turkey platter - I adore that!

    Have a beautiful day of giving thanks....

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  19. Debra,
    Love your white turkey!!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

    barbara jean

  20. Lookin' yummy! ... Happy Thanksgiving!!


  21. I love the sideboard - gorgeous! What a neat idea to make it your place for seasonal decorations. LOVE the white turkey!

  22. Debra...great sideboard! Glad you found a spot to enjoy it year-round. I love your turkeys! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


  23. Debra, have a blessed Thanksgiving!!
    I love your Turkey Day pieces. Awesome as always!!!!

  24. Hi Debra

    I love you sideboard. And the turkeys are wonderful. Thanks so much for posting our giveaway.

    Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  25. Hi Debra~ Enjoyed seeing your turkeys and Seed Box pictures. It was fun running into you, too! Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving! ~Mandy

  26. Ah Lovely Lady...what a gobblin' fine collection you've got there!!! That chest is AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Gorgeousness!!!! (can you tell I like it?) LOL

    I think it is so fun to have a space for seasonal!!! And the girls getting platters this year? I think that's so awesome!!!

    Have a WONDERFUL and BLESSED Thanksgiving!!! Wave at the painted turkey for me, will ya please?

    ;-) Robelyn

  27. I LOVE that sideboard!! And all the things you have planned for it. And this vignette is perfect! I love all of your turkeys, especially the one with the 'slap of white'! You CAN have too much color sometimes!!

    I wish you & your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  28. White Wednesdays should be followed by Thrilling Thursdays and Forget It Fridays. I do love transferware platters, must have dozens of them. Have a great Thanksgiving on Thrilling Thursdays.

  29. oh how wonderful. I never would have thought of creating a Thanksgiving vignette in white but oh does it work! you have a gift. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving from Massachusetts, and thanks as always...

  30. Debra,
    I love the white turkey, the print of fruit and the turkey platter. It all goes so well for Thanksgiving. You are very talented and sweet. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  31. Hi Debra~
    Loved your sideboard! Beautiful, glad you didn't sell it as it looks just perfect the way you have it set up. And loved all your beautiful Thanksgiving decorations. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  32. Happy Thanksgiving Debra. I know you may not believe it but I think of you every single day. I feel very blessed to have you as a friend and to share bible study with you (which is where I'm heading to tell you how much I enjoy your Mircles post.

    I hope you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving today. You can certainly see your home by your home how inviting and warm it will be.

    Love, Tracy

  33. The last comment enty was translated by google from Chinese, from someone visiting from Vietnam, their comment translated roughly that they enjoyed my "good blog" and wanted to support it.
    Incredible, this thing called the internet!

  34. And a very Happy Thanksgiving, to you, too!
    I love your turkey painted white, and I really love those platters...lucky girls!
    I am thankful for so much this year, but the gift of your friendship is right at the top of that list!

  35. beautiful! i love it all! i hope you are having a wonderful thanksgiving!

  36. Even in China, you are recognized for your talent. How is that for making you feel good? I hope that this day you more than ever feel God's blessings. Thanks for being such a blessing to me and all you meet.

  37. I have the same turkey platter and plates and saucers to match ( from my late MIL) and I just love them. Love the vignette!


  38. I love your giant turkey! Is he ceramic or wood? Nice collection!



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