Sunday, November 1, 2009

Got's to have my Junkin' Monday!

I LOVE "Junkin' Monday" and I was really bummed when I had to slow down on my junk escapades this fall. Not everything I'm showing today is from this last week, but they are recent "junkin'" finds, so I may be grabbing a few things from my garage stash to show with my weekly buys.

These two treasures are a couple of my favorites, If you've been reading for a while you know I am an addicted lamb nut, anything vintage sheep or lamb, and I'm on it. Well, this is a favorite print and I wanted to show it off. I love the frame, and then I found this album not long ago. It's just so sweet and the pages are so beautifully embellished.

English cottages and lambs, a wonderful combination!

I found these next few things this last week. Red transferware is getting so hard to find, and I recently had an unhappy mishap that resulted in one of my favorite plates landing in a million pieces, so I found this pretty little scalloped edge dinner plate, which immediately became a cake stand. The pattern is "Old Vine" by Wedgewood.

Can't you just see this with Christmas cookies or cupcakes?

I hit the motherload of once freebie
Christmas gift tags.
 I bet I bought 25 packages. These are keepers.

And this ironstone platter I found last summer. I don't know if I had shown it to you before, but I dug it out to use and I just love the shape... so unusual.

This is the mark on the back.
 If anyone is familiar with this marking
will you let me know?

OK, I feel much better now,
I got to show off a few of my recent flea market finds!

Say "Hi" to Clara and Marcela
They have a McLinky list you can click on
 to see the rest of the gang.




  1. Love your finds. I have a print that I bought recently with a man herding sheep down a road by some water. I really like it also. I broke my grandmother ironstone platter that my dad gave me a couple of years ago. Love yours though it is a different shape.

  2. What wonderful finds. I love the picture, such a pretty print and the frame is gorgeous. Your cake stand is perfect. What a great idea. Love the ironstone too. It really is a pretty shape. Great finds. Hugs, Marty

  3. OMG Debra. Where do I start I, I want it all!!! I have always love those english style cottages on the front of that beautiful album. They remind me of all the great old movies like Suspicion with Cary Grant or Withering Heights. And that red transfer plate by Wedgewood - WOO HOO, absolutely beautiful. It made a gorgeous cake plate for anytime of the year. The frame itself is beautifulholding the dog and lamb print but I just adore the print.

    What great wonderful finds. You have a terrific eye and you must be lucky too, to have such great shopping haunts.

    Have a blessed week...Tracy

    P.S. Stop by and enter my new giveaway.

  4. Love the red transfer ware plate. You are right it is getting harder to find red transferware...and it is getting quite expensive when you find it. Like the Cake Stand you created!

  5. Debra, I just love your taste! I have that same collie and lamb print!!! Lambs are close to my heart as well sweet friend ~ everything's gorgeous! Have a great week, xxoo, Dawn

  6. Debra, you found some great treasures. I love that red transferware plate that you made a cake/cookie stand. Very nice. Have a great week. sandi

  7. Love the plate as a plate and as a cakestand. Yes, I can see it filled with Christmas goodies:) Beautiful photo album, gorgeous pages. Have a blessed day!

  8. Debra - red and white transferware is one of my very favorite things and this one you found is extra special! Lambs and dogs are also fabulous subjects as far as I am concerned. And I do love an intricate frame.

    Took some time to look back on some posts so I could catch up and wanted to say that I can see that your beautiful Blackie was such a sweetie. I've had several black cats so it surely reminds me of my sweet babies too. Adore the big oval picture beside the wonderful white suitcases - oval is my favorite shape in frames.

    And of course, your grandmother's locket and that precious story about their romance and all - what a treasure for you to have.

    Later....Cynthia K.
    (Beauty and Blessings)

  9. There was an oil painting of sheep at the last auction we attended...would you believe it brought close to $700!!!!???
    You're sitting on a goldmine.
    BTW, I love the change in color to green. Everyone's post thumbnails just pop!

  10. all lovely, lovely, lovely! But I must say that platter and those wee christmas tags...rank as my faves!!!!!


  11. Debra, I love all your junkin finds. Esp. the platter's mark, too cool, but I've never seen a mark like that-very unique. Have a great Monday, T

  12. I've recently begun collecting some ironstone platters too, but I know nothing about them so I can' help you with the marking. The plate is so pretty!

  13. Debra,
    We have had that print in our family for four generations maybe five. So sweet isn't it... yep thats a keeper. My sister has dibbies on it.
    I guess I started my heirloom with my painting from my last post "This is My Love" daughter in law has dibbies on that one.

  14. Great finds! I too have a red transferware collection...started with my great aunt's set....and love all the little lambs and sheep. That ironstone platter is fabulous! Too fun this junkin quest of ours!
    Take care, Laura

  15. Hi Debra, does it really matter when you found these beauties??? Oh no!!! They are just gorgeous. All of them! The album is truly a stunning piece, and the lams have your name all over! We also LOVE the ironstone platter, you can never have enough of us!!! Thank you so much for playing and sharing your really Scored!!

  16. Hi Debra, I adore the album. The muted colors are fab!


  17. what amazing finds! the prints are stunning and i love the cake stand, it looks beautiful.

  18. Oh...the plate is gorgeous - but I have to say, I am DROOLING over the platter! I LOVE that shape - and the marking! When you get sick of looking at it the right way, just flip it over! LOL

    Love it all!!!
    ;-) Robelyn

  19. Such lovely finds. For some reason, the Christmas gift tags are screaming at me today. Just love 'em! And you and your sheep. You know if I find one that is outstanding, I am buying it for you. Seriously! ~Mindy

  20. The print of the collie & the lamb is charming! I LOVE the shape of that's wonderful! Hope you had a wonderful Halloween!

  21. Love the dog and lamb picture - the frame is beautiful! They don't make em like they used to!

  22. That is the sweetest collie and lamb print!
    Check your e-mail, I have a question for you...

  23. Great finds...I have a print that has a sheep and Jesus as a boy which is my favorite. The ironstone as great too!


  24. I love it all, but especially love the old album!! precious is that!

    Have a great day!!

  25. Dear debra,
    love all of your finds but no doubt my fave is your dinner plate which you turned into a cake stand. i just love transferware (which is not so easy to find in Italy as it has become quit scarce over the past decades) and that Old Vine Wedgewood pattern on the plate is absolutely stunning.

  26. Good junk!!!Love that platter! Hope this finds you well,Chrissy


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