Monday, November 23, 2009

The Seed Box Christmas Open House

For some reason I have a glitch in my blog post. I have reset it several times and it is doing what it wants, so please read the previous post on

 the Seed Box.

 I don't want you to miss the great photos of the Open House.

Also, if you haven't been over to the Bible Study Blog, A day in the life...  I just posted on being ready for Miracles. Please come by.

Thanks, I hope I'm not the one with the glitch!


  1. Glitches are everywhere! The blog I linked to this evening for Tuesday had troubles posting, and could not add photos! Blogger troubles abound!

  2. Ahh, you gotta love technology. I love the photo of the wreath and bucket!

  3. The Seed Box looks like a fabulous store. I need to venture down to S. Missouri and make a visit.
    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. ooo I love the bench!! Glitches are not uncommon with blogger. lol

  5. Hi Deb! I love that bench-just my style! I gave you an award on my blog today...I understand if you don't want to do all of the steps, it's such a busy time of year but you inspire me so, that I wanted others to meet you. Happy thanksgiving! ~ Theresa

  6. Stylin' bench girl! Pretty banner! Jennifer

  7. Miss Debra- I just wanted to say that your comments and visits to my bog have been so special to me.

    I just wanted to say Thank You.

    Happy Thanksgiving,


  8. I always think I'm the glitch when it comes to Blogger... usually I'm right, but in your case, I think not... Blogger is just a weirdo. In my opinion it just wanted to keep your photos to itself 'cause HELLO - they are GORGEOUS!!! Can I have that bench? please? pretty please?

    Thank You for your wonderful comments on my blog and I am so Thankful to have YOU right along with me!!!

    Much Love and Prayers and Blessings for your Thanksgiving Day!!!

    Enjoy and gobble gobble
    ;-) Robelyn


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