Thursday, November 5, 2009

Vintage Black Friday: From the Male Perspective

Vintage Black Friday ...

is here once again, and lest anyone think I am alone
in my vintage obsessions in this family,
 I will show you evidence
that it's a "couple's thing" going on around here.

We have two levels in our house. The main level is the Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, the Master Bedroom, my "studio", and an extra bedroom that we will not discuss at this time.(Let's just say it contains exercise equiment and an abnormal amount of dust) The lower level or "walkout basement", as we call it here in the Midwest, is for all of us people who live in "tornado alley". It is a place for "family areas", the bar, a "John Deere" room (drive your mower in, storage, and workshop). And we have a guest bedroom for our St. Louis crew, bath, and my husband's office. Yes, he has one too, top to bottom, vintage guy fun! 

My husband is a collector as well, he started selling on ebay about five years ago after my Dad and Brother had both passed away. Mom had a lot of books from my Brother's interest in the history of the Civil War. Springfield, is home to a lot of rich history, as the Battle of Wilson's Creek was fought just a few miles from town.

My husband, who had not previously been interested in historical items, began finding he enjoyed the hunt with me. This is a desk in our family room that has ended up as a catch all place for a "few" of his "collectibles". (sorry, I don't dust this stuff!)

Below is a case that holds my Father-in-Law's WWII medals and dog tags. My husband treasures this, and rightly so. His Dad was in the Air Force at 20, and was a POW in Yugoslavia and Germany.

I have a few vintage cameras in a bookcase in this area; also vintage Bible Expositories, clocks, photos and memorabilia from the family.

This is a photo of my husband's maternal grandfather,
who was born at the turn of the century.

This camera from the turn of the century is in really poor condition, but I love the thought of what it might have been used photos, newspaper photos...what the lens must have captured.

And this is an "Enrollment Book" for an early Ford payment plan. Cars on credit, it was a new and novel idea. It is also a bank. Ironic in today's thinking.

My husband loves antique photo frames from the late 1800's; also engravings, cabinet cards, tin types, daguerreotypes, and historical photos. At one point I was on overload and started stashing them in various places throughout our basement's many cubbies, drawers and closets. Be careful what you open. This is another subject that I won't go into detail over. Let's just say he'll be a hundred before he figures out what to do with them all.

So now I have proof to show that I'm not alone.
I have a partner in crime.
Hope you enjoyed a peek at the masculine view.

More vintage goods are available for your perusal
over at Jill's Place, Gyspy Brocante.

Have a great weekend,
 and embrace your masculine side.


  1. WOW, I don't know where to begin! I'll simply state what a treasure chest you have!! Such wonderful family heirlooms!

    Happy Vintage Black Friday!


  2. What a nice collection. Thanks for sharing that. Love the old photo's. I wish my hubby would get into collecting.


  3. Oh he has great stuff! Cool you both collect. It's nice to understand the need when you collect!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. Love the old camera's. I am a sucker for them.

  5. Well I just loved all of the masculine collection. I am going back to the pictures and take a closer peek. I am interested in the box with the medals in it. Beautiful! Have a blessed day!

  6. Debra wow that is amazing things, I love the vintage camera I think all the vintage things are so neat to look at. I love antique hunting we have this place out here called the Brass Armadillo where antique dealers sit up booths and sell all their antique items, if you had a booth I don't think I would ever leave these are so amazing, and wonderful wonderful treasures.

    God bless,

  7. I love the manly room! Did your husband do all of the decorating? It looks fantastic, and I especially love those president statues, and the Lincoln one in particular. My husband has full rein of the finished basement, and then I don't feel so bad about doing as I please with the upstairs!

  8. Can't live with em, can't live without em. Men do save some of the most charming and most importantly things with historical value... things we all need to remember and cherish.
    Charming dear Debra!

  9. That's a great take on black Friday. You've got a terrific collection. I love that you have so many wonderful family items.


  10. Debra, how nice that your husband enjoys collecting too. I do have a camera collection also. I just need to find them all. They are all stored in boxes somewhere. Have a nice weekend. sandi

  11. Thanks for sharing your husband's collections. They are wonderful and so full of history. I like mixing more masculine accents with my decor and it makes my husband feel more at home. But I don't know what I would do if he started collecting too. We would run out of room for sure!


  12. The old camera's so cool! He's got some great stuff :0)

  13. What a neat collection! Even though it's "guy stuff" it's still interesting to me. I'm sure it makes it much more fun to have him enjoy shopping with you too. I also can't say that I blame you for not dusting his stuff! It's enough trouble dusting our own!

  14. Debra ~ Oh, I really enjoyed seeing his great collection. Clocks and cameras are wonderful. I've always liked the black document boxes. What a great treasure the Washington's family picture is - especially in that wonderful oval frame - love that! Tell him we're impressed.

    Cynthia K.

  15. Wow! What a wonderful collection your husband has! Love all the pictures. Great to see you at Leola's last night. I hope you bought that very cute hat!


  16. I see you over on my blog peeking at my pretties! See if you can spot what little bitty something I might have picked up for YOU!

  17. OMG Debra! This is so cool! I think this guy is a keeper and I love what he collects. No wonder you guys have such a great time on your treasure hunts.

  18. I've always wanted one of the cameras that unfold like that - but I can't collect it all - it's just that simple! And I'm trying to keep my life simple! Looks great as does your blog as always - Jennifer

  19. Oh have left me speechless!!! That is all so incredibly beautiful!!! EVERY BIT OF IT!!!

    Thank You for sharing!!!
    ;-) Robelyn

  20. I like all of his guy stuff! I collect some of the same things!!! It is fun that you have a partner in crime.

  21. I think it's wonderful that your husband is also a collector! He has some wonderful pieces. My husband doesn't collect but he does appreciate my finds.

  22. Wow what great things. He seems to have found the love of old things! The camera's are super...julie

  23. Those are the same commentaries my hubby collects (and reads). :)

  24. Oh that old camera is delightful! And your blog is is lovely too *smiles*

    My husband is a junker too - just like us. I love that we have it in common.

    Blessings... Polly

  25. What a great post and with lots of history behind it too!!! I wish my dh would come collecting with me!! Happy VBF...

  26. Hi Debra....

    What a wonderful vintage collection. Isn't it great when you have someone to shop with?

    I have one of those black enamel boxes too! What were they used for, so you know? Mine has a name carved into the paint.

    Warm blessings,

  27. Wow! Great stuff....funny I posted the same black tin know what they say,"great minds....."
    Happy VBF!

  28. AMAZING vintage stuff. Son't you wonder who's hands have touched the items and what the people were like?


  29. Oh my, his room is like a museum, how cool is that... My husband is into all that history stuff, books, war memorabillia, etc. I actually have NO interest. Must be a guy thing. Just boring and kinda gross to me, but if anyone wants to talk about stained glass or crafts, I'm all ears!!!
    Have a great weekend and thanks for insight of a GUYS ROOM!!!

  30. Lucky gal you are ... a hubby that willingly collects along side of you ... that's fabulous!! and so is "his" collection ... do you think you could get him to write just one post for VBF from a male perspective? ... that would be entertaining!! Maybe I'll throw that challenge out there to everyone ..... Hmmmmmmmmm



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