Showing posts with label hearth room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hearth room. Show all posts

Friday, March 24, 2023

Easter to Spring Hearth Room Mantel

Last Christmas I found a wonderful framed grainsack with a French sheep motif, and I fell in love. I knew it would be a piece I could use throughout the year, especially Christmas and Easter. As it goes, I've left it up on the mantel throughout the winter and just transitioned my mantel with changeups using topiaries, lanterns and evergreen branches.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

A Cozy Winter Mantel and Hearth Room

Hey Friends, welcome to the Cozy Winter Home Tour hosted by our friend, Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home. If you've come from Marty's place, A Stroll Thru Life then Hello, so glad you've come by.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Vintage Cottage Weekend with Cozy Wool Blankets

Hello Friends, I'm so glad you came by today, because my good friend Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home and I are sharing a post with our Vintage Cottage Weekend series. Be sure and click over at the end of the post and see how Amber is sharing her vintage dish collections.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Holidays at Home Christmas Mantel and More

Doesn't it seem just a short time ago we were celebrating Christmas week? The older I get the faster time flies. But here we are again celebrating Christmas and getting ready to end the year and looking forward to the New Year!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Christmas Copper On the Hearth

Happy, happy day after Thanksgiving, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful day Thursday (and this weekend) with family and friends. Some of us still have family here so we're enjoying a bit of shopping, resting, and eating leftovers. How about you. Are you itching to get on with Christmas decorating?

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Weekend Inspiration: Tips for Transitioning Fall and Thanksgiving to Christmas

Contemplating the Age Old Question...
When to decorate for Christmas; or more plainly... when do you start decorating for Christmas even when you love Thanksgiving and don't want to let that go. Well, I've learned some tips and ideas for making the transition starting to bring out Christmas things but still enjoy the look and feel of Thanksgiving and late fall.

Friday, October 28, 2022

October Fun in the Cookbook Cupboard

Can you even believe it's the end of October, friends?...
 It's finally feeling like Fall around here.

I'm fortunate to have several fun spots to decorate seasonally throughout this house. The hearth room, which is right next to the kitchen in this open concept area, gives me enough space to have a dedicated spot to display my cookbooks and some fun vintage kitchen related decor. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Late October Mantel with the Snow Owls

It's mid-October and my mantel tends to change up a bit when the weather starts getting cooler. I have a few vintage critters that come out to play in late fall and this year I decided I wanted to give my vintage concrete owl a little refresh before he swooped in and took up residence on the mantel.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Dough Bowl Pumpkin Centerpiece On the Antique Sideboard Buffet

Hi Friends, this post is a bit overdue as I had wanted to get this out at the beginning of "Pumpkin Season", but I had to be out of town for a bit. I think most of us try to refresh our faux pumpkins every few years to keep them updated and looking crisp and new. I had a few in my fall squash stash that really needed a mini makeover.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Cozy Up to Fall in the Hearth Room

Welcome to my mish mash of early fall pics here in the Hearth Room. I shared my Mantel with Transferware and Ironstone earlier this week, so today I'm sharing the rest of the room. Things change pretty quick in September so I need to stay current week by week!

Thursday, September 8, 2022

September Mantel with Ironstone and Transferware

Does decorating for Fall sound better once it becomes September? I think there is a subtle shift in my brain's ability to bring out some pumpkins and leaves once we're officially past Labor Day. I've had my Fall tubs out for several weeks, but I just couldn't get excited until this last week. Plus the weather has cooled down a bit and the light seems to be making those longer shadows that don't happen till Autumn is on our doorstep.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Late Summer in the Cookbook Cupboard

It seems like August brings all the chickens out to gather in the kitchen and Garden Room. I think of them "down on the farm" hunting and pecking in the barnyard; waiting around for a sprinkle of feed then heading to cooler shady spots for a siesta. So here we are on the Cookbook Cupboard now in late Summer with a few of my vintage flock...

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Mini Patriotic Makeovers on the Mantel

Hey there friends. I know we all like a good project and DIY, but today I'm going to share with you what happens when things don't turn out quite like we might plan. I'm going to share a behind the scenes pair of mini makeovers that I decided on for the patriotic mantel here in the hearth room. Many of us don't like to share those blah frustrating moments when you have a plan that gets off track. (me included). Personally, I think sharing setbacks and makeovers #1,#2, and #3 help all of us and save some time. Even if we have to cringe a bit and admit it was my best shot. 

Friday, April 29, 2022

Spring Themed Prints in the Hearth Room

I gave my hearth room a mini refresh for spring this last week with a couple of spring themed prints, and moved a few pieces around on the mantel. I usually keep one of my lamb canvas prints on the mantel but thought I'd try out this framed bird poster as something a bit different.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Spring Vignette on the Cupboard Top

Once a holiday is over and all the obvious "holiday decor" has been packed away, it always seems bare and bland. I gathered up the bunnies and Easter related pieces and they are now safely tucked away till next year. A "Spring" refresh is always easier for me than other seasons, because vintage garden goodies can easily fill whatever holes might have been created when the Easter eggs and bunnies said "bye-bye".

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Vintage Cottage Weekend: Spring Shopping at The Vintage Peddler

Hi Friends, glad you stopped by Vintage Cottage Weekend where Amber (Follow the Yellow Brick Home) and I are sharing some fun posts and inspiration with all things "Vintage Cottage Style". Back in January I mentioned that I was on the lookout for a small table or cabinet to use in the Hearth Room. It's naturally dark in that space since it's in the middle of the house with no direct windows, and because of that it can be a bit dim and dreary cozy. The little table I was using was not very stable and really too small, but I was desperate for a table lamp to brighten up that corner.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Keeping it Cozy in My Winter Hearth Room

This is the perfect time of year to look for the "Cozy" elements for our homes and personal life. Whether we're crazy about winter or not, we all want to make our homes warm and comfortable for our family. It's been cold and windy here this month so I'm sharing a few ways I keep it a place where we can snuggle up and enjoy our surroundings. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

A Mantle in Transition and A Rustic Centerpiece

Are you ready for Thanksgiving, friends?

We're on our own, the two of us, so I've been using this last week to do the transition from Fall / Thanksgiving to Christmas decor. I won't say it's been a quick process, but I did have one area that was relatively easy because I had a few of the elements already in place... The mantel in the Hearth Room.

Friday, November 19, 2021

It's A Plaid Christmas in the Cookbook Cupboard

Hi Friends, I've been getting started decorating for Christmas this last week, so my house has been a total mixup. You too?  Boxes and tubs filled with fun, once a year items to unwrap and enjoy. I like to change things up a bit each year, but some things are just "traditional". I use red Tartan plaid only once a year, so at Christmas I welcome all my collection and let it saturate my house.