Showing posts with label cupboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cupboard. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Mid-Summer Roost in the Cupboard

The end of July signals a change in the atmosphere for me. I'm one of those people that while I enjoy summer, I don't enjoy the heat and I have always looked forward to the slow slide to early fall. Don't get me wrong, summer has beautiful memories and moments, but the promise of more moderate temps of autumn pull me along. 

Friday, April 21, 2023

Cupboard Top Spring Garden Vignette

Hi Friends, it's hard for me to believe, but I haven't shared the cookbook cupboard (in real time) since last late summer. It has been seasonally decorated, but somehow didn't make it to the blog. Since I love decorating with a garden theme for spring I wanted to make sure that I share the latest on the cupboard top. 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Peter Rabbit and Friends in the Cupboard

Hello Friends, Happy Easter week! Everyone is gathered in the Holiday Cupboard this Easter and spring season in honor of the Peter Rabbit Books. I don't have a big collection of vintage Easter items, but I have a few vintage figures, and some rabbit/bunny figural pieces that I've collected through the years.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Valentine's Day in the Holiday Cupboard

Welcome to February...
 let's have some fun in the Holiday Cupboard!
Do you have a favorite place to "putter" with decor? I've mentioned before how much I love playing in this cupboard with dishes and knick knacks. It goes back to my old days of having vintage goods spaces where every inch was fair game to "decorate" for holidays and seasons. Besides, it's good therapy for me to design and create with dishes and ephemera. And since it's Valentine's Day I'm gathering all things floral, sweet, pink, and teensy bits of red!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Vintage Cottage Weekend and the January Cupboard

Hello friends and Happy Weekend! For a few weeks in January we have a small bit of time that's totally dedicated to warm, cozy, and comfy. After Christmas and before Valentines Day; it's a time to relax in front ot the fire, read a good book, watch a movie, and curl up in a soft warm blanket... without a ton of shopping, big meals to cook or a deadline looming on the calender.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Spring Vignette on the Cupboard Top

Once a holiday is over and all the obvious "holiday decor" has been packed away, it always seems bare and bland. I gathered up the bunnies and Easter related pieces and they are now safely tucked away till next year. A "Spring" refresh is always easier for me than other seasons, because vintage garden goodies can easily fill whatever holes might have been created when the Easter eggs and bunnies said "bye-bye".

Monday, August 10, 2020

August in the Cookbook Cupboard

I don't change up the "cookbook nook" cupboard as much as some of my other spots, but I do like to keep it seasonal. Lately I've been sharing some of my vintage chick-a-doodles that are meandering around the house. Last year they liked this spot, so I thought I'd bring a few back and share it's late-summer look.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Christmas in the Cookbook Nook

Say Hello to my newest Christmas friend, courtesy of my sister as an early Christmas present. He's so adorable and woodsy I just needed to show him off. I'd been looking for a reindeer for awhile, thinking twiggy or mossy, but this guy is perfect. His grassy covering looks like real reindeer fur. He's a cutie.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Old Pie Safe becomes the Holiday Cupboard

A few weeks ago when I did a post in the Garden Room I mentioned that I was hoping to clear out this old pie safe that was a "glorified" storage space, and decorate it for Fall. Well, I got myself busy and relocated a lot of the vintage pottery and pieces to a built-in cabinet in the Laundry/with a Bath Room. I'm glad I made the effort because it will be a fun place to decorate for the seasons.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Spring Vignette on the Cupboard Top

I really enjoy having a flat surface to decorate for the seasons. At the previous house I had the kitchen china cupboard in my Kitchen Sitting Area that I used for seasonal change ups. We moved the cupboard over here, but because it's in a different area with a window behind it, it doesn't work well to decorate with seasonal decor.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Stacking Painted Baskets

I'm very fortunate to have a long wall in the Hearth Room that can handle multiple pieces of furniture, and I've made use of it to bring back two vintage pieces I've had for years. I didn't know how they would look together, but I realized I'd need something of a different size and texture to go between the two. 

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Vintage Repurposed Cupboard

When placing all my odds and ends of mix and match white chippy pieces out in the "Garden Room", (I'm going to refer to that big space formally known as the Sunroom, as The Garden Room, ala Katie from Let's Add Sprinkles. Sometimes it's not very sunny so it's now The Garden Room) I soon realized that there wasn't going to be space to fit it all in. Despite a huge room, I had an abundance of furniture that I've had "in storage" begging to be functional again. I had to find a place for this old cupboard that had unfortunately lost it's doors many years ago. It had been in the basement holding quilts or dishes in it's previous lives.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Decor Philosophy for Cupboards, and Life

It's been said, more than once, that I can't leave a flat surface alone. Meaning that I have to "decorate" every square inch, and it wasn't often said with an affirmative attitude. I think I may be a little better than I used to be. When you have goodies you love, they just cry out to be used and appreciated!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

More from the Patriotic Sitting Room

Here's the rest of the pics from my little Kitchen Sitting Room, 
all dressed up for the
  July 4th Holiday.

Gotta have some red geraniums and a flag.