Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's in the Details

I guess you'd have to say I was a detail oriented person;
 but not to be confused with "perfectionist",
'cause that, I am not...

I really admire the people that can put out a vase of flowers 
or one or two items and call it a day with their decor.
I just can't...I enjoy that look, I just can't get there.
I like "things"... and I like having them around where I can enjoy them.

Hopefully, not to be confused with "materialistic".
Just because I enjoy them doesn't mean
 that I count them as Most Important. 
I think you know what I mean.

One thing I really love are old religious prints,
I'm getting a nice collection,
 not to worry if they are water stained or crumbling,
that just makes them all the more precious to me.
A couple of them are hanging in the Dining Room,
more come out at Christmas.

I'm particularly fond of this next one,
with all the pen scrolls and flourishes.
If anyone out there knows the technical name
 for these type of pieces, I'd love to hear from you. 

It's very old and in it's original frame.

A few other vintage pieces are here too,
the frame on this one (the Gleaners)
is very worn and there is a prominent water stain,
but it's very dear to me.

I collect sheep and lambs and I do move them around,
but they mostly live on the buffet.

This is my  new baby from St. Louis.

And I showed you my new tablerunner that I made, 
I'm seriously in love with it and don't know if I can 
change it out for Christmas.

I have two of these plates with the crown.
I assume they must have been from a restaurant, 
because of the heaviness of the plates.

This French metal basket is something I always keep on the table,
I just change out the flowers, 
but usually it has faux hydrangeas of some sort in there.

I consider William Bouguereau to be my favorite artist.
 His paintings of Madonnas are so ethereal.

A vintage floral print

OK, this is just packed, but I can't help it...

So many of you mentioned my church pew yesterday.
Honestly, it must have ten layers of ugly paint on it, and it's pretty rough,
but I had a church pew about twenty years ago that  I parted with
due to downsizing,
and I've kicked myself a million times!!

a very old doll trunk is underneath.

Thanks for letting me share my things.
Playing in the dining room is my therapy.

I'm linking with these parties.

Hope you're having a great week,
be sure and click here to join in for the Give Away
 if you haven't entered.

Oh, and I just loaded up the Etsy Shop 
with some new necklaces!



  1. I have dishes that resemble your pattern. I also have it listed on my blog. Feel free to visit my blog.

  2. The Hollowed Heaven print is so wonderful. That collection is serious, different, and I like it.

  3. I looked up my pattern and found out that it was crown dual. Hope this helps.

  4. Debra, I love your religious prints. Especially "The Gleaners". I have recently started collecting Nativity Scenes. I LOVE them!!

  5. I can see that you have a lot of "precious" belongings in this room. Since dining rooms are often where we spend special occasions, then it is fitting that these items are in there. Since you love your table runner so much, you can still use it at Chrismas if you're going with a vintagey neutral colorscheme. I think it would be lovely.

  6. Hi Debra,
    Now that I've seen your lovely dining room I want to change mine around and add some vintage pieces. I love your religious artwork and it all goes so well in the room. You have such a wonderful eye for detail and design.


  7. I, too, love the simple spare look (in magazines and photographs), but when it comes to our home, there are way too many things that I don't want packed away in boxes. Your prints are lovely.

  8. Oh so pretty. Everything is just gorgeous and no wonder you can't seem to do the less thing, you have such beautiful pieces and accessories. You do have them displayed beautifully. That's a real talent. Thanks so much for the tour and for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  9. Debra you have an awesome collection and I agree you have them displayed so beautifully!!

  10. I so enjoyed seeing all of your dining room treasures today. I scrolled VERY slowly so I wouldn't miss a thing! Everything is beautiful, Debra. You have that magic touch with displays and vignettes! Bravo!


  11. Debra, I love your collections! Everything looks great together. I am a collector too, I just haven't pinned down any particular categories...I think I collect everything!

  12. What lovely pieces and arrangements, Debra. I like that everything looks well loved and not too shiny and new. I really like your religious art, sometimes I think it can look a little creepy, but yours looks fabulous.

  13. I think your "gathering" of vintage treasures is wonderful, Debra!
    I used to worry about being a clutterbug. Now I just consider myself a "gatherer".
    You have a talent for displaying all of your pieces.

  14. Debra,
    Displaying your treasures the way you've done is a real art. I have an old church bench, too. I've had it since the 1980s, and I have moved it many times since then. But I would never part with it. I really like yours painted white.

  15. I can feel the love in the room from all the meticulous details.
    Would luv for my readers to discover your blog, will you please join our weekly party at
    have a great crafting week!

  16. Pretty room and you should be surrounded by what you love.

  17. Lovely, all your treasures are so pretty. Love your style and enjoyed the tour of your Dining Room.

  18. I totally "get" you about loving your stuff around you. I'm constantly trying to pair things down. And I looove your St. Louis lamb. He's got the sweetest look on his face.

  19. I too like "things"! & i know its okay to do so now that you said it first! ha :) hugs to you! xoox, tracie

  20. Debra, what pretty vignettes you have here! I can tell that you really love your things! They look like they are truly cherished! Thanks so much for sharing!

  21. My favorite is your Sacred Heart of Jesus. I have one that belonged to my parents. They had it since I was a few weeks old so of course it was in our home as long as I could remember. After they passed I was able to bring it to my home. It means so much to me to have it.

  22. Debra,
    I just love everything you do! Crazy for your religious print collection-

  23. Debra, You nailed me on the head describing yourself and decorating. I can't just set one thing out either. I like things and l like making vignettes with the things I love. I like seeing other people decorate with a little something here or there but when I try it looks void and doesn't feel right.

    I also love your photo of the women working in the fields.

    Bouguereau is my favorite artist to. I've been so fortunate to see some of his works in person and they are absolutely breathtaking!

    You know I love all your brown transferware! In fact, I could easily snatch up one of those pitchers you have grouped together! If it ever goes misssing, well...uh,,,,er....


  24. Your transferware pitchers are gorgeous! My family thought I was totally nuts when I bought a dead person's funeral book @ Salvation Army for $1. It was kind of a strange thing to be donated, but it has the most gorgeous religious prints that I plan to display @ Easter, etc. Love your collection of sheep. I bought a picture off of Etsy from an artist and she has a cute sheep print. Her work reminds me of something Miss Mustard Seed might like. I'm going to come back w/ the link, in case you're interested. Her prints aren't very expensive. (I got the pumpkin one for fall). Can't wait to see your finished tree.

  25. This is the link. She has alot of various sheep prints, but this is the one I think is kinda cute.

  26. Sooo interesting! Your home is a place you can visit and just look and look and feel like you still have not seen it all. I love that. SO interesing. Things you don't see every day...it's what some of us want and something it takes time and interest and a passion for collecting things..that makes it so individual, unique and charming!! Made me smile!!!

  27. I collect religious pieces too. Some were handed down. I have 5 rosary's from my grandparents which I drape over lamp shades. I have a mercury glass Madonna and A Jesus statue, he is fully dressed in velvet and silk with a crown on his head. I have a collection of large crosses that belonged to different family members. I have stuff too, but while I enjoy them, they are not everything in my life. Well except for my books.lol

  28. Hi my sweet
    Everything looks lovely! I need a play day in my house! You have inspired me to do so. I have a house full coming for Thanksgiving and the dining room needs a lift. Maybe I will make a runner :)
    Blessings to you today

  29. Hi Debra...I loved seeing all your precious things! I think you know that I'm a thing person too...
    Sometimes I feel a bit guilty about loving material things ...but like you my stuff is not the most dear to my heart. Your collections are wonderful. Take care, Laura :)

  30. Your church pew almost exactly matches mine! (except mine hasn't been painted) Mine also lives in our dining room, and it has a pad and a crib quilt on it, so the cats can use it for a daybed. :)

  31. Beautiful! Love your table runner and sheep!

  32. I love religious pieces and you have such a wonderful collection. William Bouguereau is also one of my Favorite artist!

  33. I so understand playing in my house being therapy. It calms me.

    I love all of your stuff and I so understand loving lots of it!

  34. I can not find your post about the table runner!! It is beautiful. did you male it?

  35. Hi Debra, Thank you so much for joining my party this week. I love the religious prints and the cute little lambs. Your dining room is beautiful!

  36. Gorgeous! What an amazing room, so many pretties and beautifully decorated! Love your bench and I agree, leave the runner for Christmas, it is beautiful!!!

  37. amazing! I love the spiritual elements and symbolic feel- and I love to show off things I love to. I love being surrounded by lovely stuff! The more the better.

    What a great post!

  38. What a beautiful home you have! Bouguereau is one of my favourites too and I love to try to emulate his style in some of my own paintings (I can dream, can't I?) LOL! Glad I found your site. God bless x


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