Monday, November 21, 2011

Make Plans for the Christmas Blogger Block Party

After the long Thanksgiving weekend that's coming, I know most of us will be diving into our Christmas decorating headfirst. So get ready for a week long Christmas Extravaganza of Fun! Our sweet sister act from At the Picket Fence is once again throwing a great Blogger Block Party, and yours truly is planning some vintage Christmas fun.

So make a date to join in on the parties.
You'll be able to link up on one super duper linky party,
starting on Monday 12/5 thru Friday 12/10.

Check out the party themes and get your Christmas mojo workin'!
I'll be sharing some vintage Christmas on Friday 12/9 for 
Vintage Inspiration Friday
I have the party button for the block party on the side,
we'd love for you to grab it for your posts,
and then I also have my VIF Christmas Party button available too,
for each Friday in December!

Get ready, get set... get started!!!



  1. Hi Debra...schrickkk!!! time flies... I nedd to get busy with Christmas blogging!!

    Thanks for the reminder!!

    Tassels Twigs and Tastebuds

  2. What a pretty button, Debra! I put it on my sidebar right underneath the block party button. I'm hoping to get started on my decorating bright and early Friday morning. My son will be visiting until Sunday, so maybe I can nag him to help me! : )

  3. So much to enjoy and partisipate in- I wish I had more time, here before christmas :)
    I will put the buttons on my sidebar, dear Debra.

  4. Sounds like fun and inspiration abound! Can't wait to see all the Christmas goodness! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. I put up you Christmas Block Party button on my side bar... sounds like fun! Now to get busy with my Christmas post.
    Thanks for the invite.

  6. Fun! I'm putting this on my sidebar to help me remember. Have a blessed Thanksgiving sweet friend if I don't talk with you again before then.

  7. Sounds like fun!
    I will be sure to link up!

  8. Until I get through W&T's open house, I can't even begin to think about my own! I'll be following along for what I know will be great ideas.


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