Friday, November 25, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 65: Your Inspiring Thanksgiving

Having a bout with the sickies this last week
 has put me at the bottom of the Inspiration Barrel.
Good thing I have you guys to turn to for some of the best out there!

I do have one fella I don't want to leave out.
I'm particularly fond of this little guy,
I guess it's his neutral coloring,
or maybe all the wonderful crazing he has...

so he gets to strut his stuff for a few photos today.

Our younger daughter and her husband that live here in town
are hosting Thanksgiving Dinner this year; her inauguration!
I did make a Birthday cake for our older daughter;
 Mississippi Mud, and a Waldorf Salad,
the whole time wearing a Hazmat Suit. 
(you know the protective suits they use for hazardous 
or toxic spills...only I'm the only thing that's toxic!!)
I haven't had a cold in years, what wonderful timing this was! 

My mom and sister are doing the heavy cooking. thank goodness.

So I'm wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, 
full of God's Blessings.

Loved this from Pinterest

Let's take a peek at some of that Inspiration from last week.

Michele from Primp shared a Thanksgiving bunting
 that she had made from a free download. 
I've seen a lot of garlands and buntings,
 but this one really has a wonderful vintage look.

for a wonderfully simple and "homey" Burlap Wreath.
Love that chalkboard background too!

Renee from Where the Grass is Greener has transformed 
some little muslin bags into Holiday treasures.
You'll want to go by and check them out

has been decorating her front porch, 
you'll love all the fun vintage elements she's used.

creates a Whimsical Nature Themed Tablescape that is so pretty. 
You'll want to see all the fabulous photos.
"White" and antlers...hard to get better than that!!

Honestly I could do a dozen more features of all the great tablescapes, 
and wonderful furniture and decor ideas!
You guys are awesome!

Hope you'll join in for the party,
"Anything vintage or vintage inspired"
and all your Holiday Decor!
Please have a link within your post.

There's still time to enter the Give Away,

and I'm joining in with these great parties,

love you all bunches,


  1. Get well Debra. Thanks for hosting, and have a great Thanksgiving.

  2. Debra, I sure hope you feel better and can have an enjoyable Thanksgiving. Thanks for hosting.

  3. Hope you feel better soon! Take care and enjoy being with your family for Thanksgiving.

    Blessings and best wishes,

  4. I'm not sure what the suit is but I hope you're feeling all better tomorrow so you can enjoy your day, Happy Thanksgiving

  5. Love those features! Hope you feel better by tomorrow and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanks for hostessing the party!


  6. Hi Debra,
    Did I catch the sickies from you! I have been down for about two days now and finally today, I'm feeling better. It's a good thing, we must carry on!

    Love all the pretties you are highlighting and I love your turkey.


  7. Thank you for hosting Debra. I hope you feel better soon, and have a lovely Thanksgiving!
    - susan

  8. Hi Debra, It's starting to be that time of year again....hope you feel better soon! Thank you for hosting!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for featuring my little muslin bags!

  10. Hello Debra... sure hope you are getting to feeling better, I want you to enjoy Thanksgiving!... love your little turkey!... I am too pooped to join your party this week, but I will visit as many as I can... then next week, YIKES!... Vintage Christmas!... Can you tell I am excited for that???... love to you, wishing you and your family a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving... xoxo Julie Marie

  11. Love your turkey. It's perfect. Have a happy Thanksgiving & get better.

  12. Mississippi Mud Cake...oh so yummy!!! Happy Thanksgiving Debra!


  13. I love your turkey, Debra. I also love that wonderful old hymn, "Sweet Hour of Prayer". Thank you for hosting! I wish you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving!

  14. Hope your feeling better Debra and wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends.

  16. Isn't it funny how just the right amount of crazing on a sweet turkey can make us weak in the knees? I hope you are feeling 100% very soon! Happy Thanksgiving Debra and thank you for the party! t.xoxoxo

  17. Dear Debra- I so hope you feel better today, and can enjoy the feast with your family- I wish you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING and to be well soon again.
    Thankyou for the beautiful inspiration you alwayes show here on your blog, and thankyou for your friendship.

  18. Happy Thanksgiving Debra!
    Hope you are feeling better~
    May you be abundant in blessings today!!!

  19. Hope you're feeling better soon! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!



  20. Beautiful post Debra! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

  21. Debra,
    May you and yours have a blessed holiday! I hope you feel better soon! Fabulous vintage post for Thanksgiving. Love your turkey and I love that song Sweet Hour of Prayer! Wonderful features also! Looks fantastic over here! Thanks for having us over.

  22. Feel better soon, poor thing!


    "in all things give thanks"

  23. So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I hope you are having a good Thanksgiving anyway!

  24. Debra,
    Get well, dear! The holidays is not an easy time to be under the weather! Blessings to you on this Thanksgiving Day!

  25. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Hope you are feeling better soon. Happy to be linking up this week.
    ~ Julie

  26. Your little turkey is gorgeous and hope you get better soon xx j

  27. Hi Debra,

    Thank you for having us today. It's our first time joining you and we're very excited to be linking up our Beginners' Guide To Gilding!

    We're based in England so are sad not to be velebrating along with Thanksgiving. :-(

    The Relics Team

  28. Hope you are feeling better soon! Great simple photo with the book and turkey. Thanks for hosting. Linda

  29. I hope by now you are feeling much better, no good being sick on the holidays :(

    I linked my handmade and very bright wreath with my very first handmade bow (of course learned from another blogger!).

    Thanks for hostessing.


  30. Thanks for the party, Debra! I just linked up my dingy vintage dresser turned coral beauty queen--#84.
    And boooo for being sick on Thanksgiving! I've been battling the beginnings of a cold for over a week now and am just praying that it never fully develops!

    ~Abbie (Five days...5 ways)

  31. I need that Keep Calm and Be Thankful poster everywhere I go. That golden acorn is quite lovely as well.

  32. Hope you are feeling better. It's no fun being sick this time of year. Thanks for hosting the party again this week. And I love your turkey. Such great colors on him.

  33. Love the post and hope you are feeling better! I just linked up (this week has been so crazy, I forgot to do it earlier).

    Thanks for hosting and thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday!

  34. I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, Debra...hope it passes quickly! Thank you SO much for featuring my post!


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