Thursday, April 2, 2020

Farmtable Bunny Basket Centerpiece

Today I wanted to share a Bunny Basket I put together a few years ago, that this year is on the farm table in the Garden Room. Since there hasn't been any shopping for a while, I'm celebrating Spring and Easter with a few old friends.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Spring Inspiration at All About Home #33

Hi Friends and Welcome,

We're so glad you're here for the party.
Let's enjoy all the Springtime inspiration!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Change in plans...

Happy Sunday friends. I hope you're having a good weekend. We finally have some sun, and it's time for our first mowing. Spring is here, no matter what's going on around us. 

I wanted to check in and let you all know that I received a call Friday telling me all surgeries at my hospital had been cancelled. Not just elective or qualifying but all non emergency scheduled. So, since mine was "scheduled" it's not an emergency to them, despite my neurosurgeon advocating on my behalf. We don't even have that many cases of the virus in our town, but that's what has happened. You can imagine how disappointed I am with that decision, because we all know the effects of the virus are going to be long term. I have no idea how long this reschedule will take. So, I'm going to continue co-hosting All About Home with Amber until I know something otherwise. Just like the bunny below... I'm going to enjoy the Spring season and celebrate Easter as usual.

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