Friday, July 22, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 47: My Potting Bench

I thought I'd better get this post out about my potting bench
before the snow started flying.
I had a lot of fun putting it together this Spring.
and guess what...
I've really been using it!
It's been great having a "garden central"
where I can keep all my garden tools, gloves, potting soil, etc.
Instead of searching all over the place for them.

Under the deck and sunroom is pretty dark and dreary.
I'd never really considered it as anything but unsightly

It's a place to stash pool chemicals, garden equipment,
and the occasional raccoon potty.
(you'll notice I won't be showing before photos)

(OK, this photo is a close as you get to having the feel of the "before")

I've wanted a potting bench for forever...
but duh...
it never occurred to me to put something...
under here.

I'd been thinking about a base table or bench,
and had actually tried another smaller one,
but that just looked silly and not to be taken seriously.

But a while back when we attended
ta da!!!!
there it was in all it's sturdy glory.
Just what I had been looking for.

I imagine it had been in someone's garage to use as a tool bench.
The top had been sanded down to the bare wood,
probably to get rid of all the paint can rings
(works for me!)

I wasted no time floofing it up with garden goodies;
old pots, a galvanized tub of my mil's, jars, seeds, and carriers.

I'd love to have a separate potting shed,
but in this neighborhood you have to get permission
from 50 committee members,

you actually have to build one...hmmm...

So, I'll just set here in my chippy Adirondack chair with a garden magazine
and drink my lemonade in the shade...

and try to avoid the raccoons!

Now for some fun from last week.
These are just a few,
I wish I could feature all of you!

Laura from B &B's Nest
takes us shopping where she finds this adorable mini hutch.

My good friend and super-talent,  Dore, from Burlap Luxe
shares her home "that speaks French".
If you've not met Dore,
please go visit, her blog is full of wonderful French inspiration!

Lezlee, from Prior came up with an "out of the box(springs)" idea for a window treatment.
Go check it out!

and Laurie from Heaven's Walk
creates a wonderful chalkboard, with a perfect message!

If you've been featured here at VIF,
please grab the "featured on" button for your sidebar.
(thanks for spreading the party love)

Here's where I'll be partying this weekend:

Hope you'll join in on Vintage Inspiration Friday
"anything vintage or vintage inspired"

pretty please link back to the party with a link in your post
or directions to a button on your sidebar.

Now. What's been inspiring YOU?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's a Birthday Party!

Attention all you furry kids out there!
A superstar of the feline variety is having a special Birthday Celebration.

Baby Kitty
 our amazing "co-host" from
(click above to get party times and directions)
is turning the big 8 on Friday
and we're all gonna

It's a little early for the party,
but the girls and I thought we'd send out a head's up invitation
to one of the biggest little parties in blogdom.

They're taking a break from their supervisory painting positions
to get spiffed up and send hugs and kisses
to the most handsome dude around.
Baby Kitty, himself!

Miss Jenkins...

and Miss Wrigley

are saying,
"Come on all you cool cats and pups,
let's get down with the fun!"

Be there, or be Square!!

See ya back here Thursday afternoon for
Vintage Inspiration Friday!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Under Glass

Playing with my Living Room decor has become so much easier
and more inspired since the paintbrush came out last week.

Decorating with a white palette has been what I've been striving for
and now I feel like I have so many more options.

What can be more "summer" than seashells?
I have a conch shell that was given to me by my mom
that she and my daddy had their entire married life.
Believe it or not, it was a doorstop for the front door.

I'm not an expert, but it seems quite large to me as conch shells go.

I added another smaller one,
and a nautilus shell to some old books
for a summertime cloche vignette.

I'm painting my sofa table and some picture frames today
so these were taken amid the mess.

I also finished my frenchy toile sofa pillows,
you can see one in the background.

They weren't an easy job,
as I'm no professional seamstress,
but they look pretty good from a distance!

I found my husband standing in the middle of the Living Room last night,
"It's really growing on me", he said.
"In fact, I really like it."
Now there's a man with a "chippy" gene.

I'm joining Marty for her Summer Cloche Party
and the rest of these fun parties.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

In the mail...

The redecorating ninja is at it again,
this time not as much work to do,
just some long overdue new bedding.

I've been scouring the catalogs and online for what I think
could work with some of my existing pieces;
An heirloom white on white medallion quilt,
antique white shams, and a bed skirt that fits inside our sleigh bed.

I'm excited to get these pieces from Pottery Barn.
(new pillow shams and a duvet cover)

I've chosen the taupe "natural" in the foreground, below.

I don't know how accurate this color swatch is but it's close to our wall color.
Sort of a "camel, butterscotchy, caramel" color, by Benjamin Moore
Doesn't look this bright on the wall.

I haven't shown our master bedroom,
because we tend to be a little "techy" in there with my husband's
laptop and stock manuals.

But I'll do a one-day "put-away" when I get things together.
Hope it looks as good as I think it will.

Hope you're having a great weekend.
I'm still tweaking in the Living Room,
more of what I've done, this next week.


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