Friday, July 22, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 47: My Potting Bench

I thought I'd better get this post out about my potting bench
before the snow started flying.
I had a lot of fun putting it together this Spring.
and guess what...
I've really been using it!
It's been great having a "garden central"
where I can keep all my garden tools, gloves, potting soil, etc.
Instead of searching all over the place for them.

Under the deck and sunroom is pretty dark and dreary.
I'd never really considered it as anything but unsightly

It's a place to stash pool chemicals, garden equipment,
and the occasional raccoon potty.
(you'll notice I won't be showing before photos)

(OK, this photo is a close as you get to having the feel of the "before")

I've wanted a potting bench for forever...
but duh...
it never occurred to me to put something...
under here.

I'd been thinking about a base table or bench,
and had actually tried another smaller one,
but that just looked silly and not to be taken seriously.

But a while back when we attended
ta da!!!!
there it was in all it's sturdy glory.
Just what I had been looking for.

I imagine it had been in someone's garage to use as a tool bench.
The top had been sanded down to the bare wood,
probably to get rid of all the paint can rings
(works for me!)

I wasted no time floofing it up with garden goodies;
old pots, a galvanized tub of my mil's, jars, seeds, and carriers.

I'd love to have a separate potting shed,
but in this neighborhood you have to get permission
from 50 committee members,

you actually have to build one...hmmm...

So, I'll just set here in my chippy Adirondack chair with a garden magazine
and drink my lemonade in the shade...

and try to avoid the raccoons!

Now for some fun from last week.
These are just a few,
I wish I could feature all of you!

Laura from B &B's Nest
takes us shopping where she finds this adorable mini hutch.

My good friend and super-talent,  Dore, from Burlap Luxe
shares her home "that speaks French".
If you've not met Dore,
please go visit, her blog is full of wonderful French inspiration!

Lezlee, from Prior came up with an "out of the box(springs)" idea for a window treatment.
Go check it out!

and Laurie from Heaven's Walk
creates a wonderful chalkboard, with a perfect message!

If you've been featured here at VIF,
please grab the "featured on" button for your sidebar.
(thanks for spreading the party love)

Here's where I'll be partying this weekend:

Hope you'll join in on Vintage Inspiration Friday
"anything vintage or vintage inspired"

pretty please link back to the party with a link in your post
or directions to a button on your sidebar.

Now. What's been inspiring YOU?


  1. Oh Debra... that would make me want to garden!!! It's alllll gorgeous - I like the little yellow drawer!!!

    ;-D xoxo

  2. Debra,
    Your potting bench is so cool! Love that it's white! It looks like the perfect place to do a little gardening, sit and drink a little tea, and just relax and enjoy!

  3. I love the idea of using an old drawer as storage!!!! Saved that idea for future use! I recently put together a potting bench also and it has certainly relieved some of my gardening confusion!!!

  4. Hi Debra, I like your potting bench that is a great idea to use old drawers. Thank you for hosting today have a great Friday.....Julian

  5. Just beautiful!
    But I have the brownest of thumbs, so I'll just join you for a lemonade. Oh, and gossip, too. ;-)


  6. Oh your potting bench is so cute...and all the trinkets on it! Great place to have it...and I know about thing is they are bigger than you think they are! and stinkers!!

  7. oh, you lucky girl you! I have wanted a potting table forever! now I am really inspired- terrific!


  8. Debra, love your potting bench. Sure wish I had one. Thanks for hosting this party.

  9. Debra, I love your potting bench! It looks perfect there. I love your gravel area. I have been wanting a gravel area out back and hubs isn't convinced yet. He pictures the mower going alongside it and breaking windows. Ha. Thanks for linking it up at HSH and thanks for having us over to your delightful party!

  10. If my potting bench looked as good as yours, my yard would be looking much better. Love the sweet cozy area you created.

  11. Beautiful Debra. I would love to just hang out there. Thanks for hosting.

  12. I love your potting bench, I gotta get me one of those, I transplant my pots in the kitchen and is a total mess. Thank you for the inspiration!
    Have a great weekend!
    XXX Ido

  13. beautiful photos,, lovely potters bench,, just right,

  14. Debra,
    I love it! I think my favorite part is that yellow drawer underneath.
    How inspirational. I think it's time mine got cleaned up, it would be pretty jealous right now!
    Blessings to you dear,

  15. The potting bench is perfect. You make me wish I had a place to put one! Thanks for hosting the party each week!!!

  16. i love things that are pretty and your sweet potting bench...all linked up my friday friend!

  17. I could putter around at your potting bench all day! You've arranged it perfectly!

  18. Your potting space is pretty and practical, Debra! I love how you have it all arranged. The little caddy is so cute and I like the jar with the seed packet inside. I have my own little section of the workbench in the garage...I need to spiff it up! Thanks for the inspiration!


  19. Debra, that is one gorgeous potting bench!!! All of your lovely vintage touches are so perfect of course. :-) I have been so surprised by how much I use my new one too and I think hubby is glad it isn't just out there to be pretty to look at. LOL! Thanks for hosting Friday Friend!

  20. ...oh to have a potting bench would be divine!!
    ~ love yours:)
    Happy Vintage Inspiration Friday dear Debra!
    xo, Rosemary

  21. Great potting bench, Debra! I love how you've got your stuff displayed on it ~ functional and very pretty!

  22. Debra--what a pretty little potting area! I wouldn't have thought to go under the deck either; it actually looks nice and bright under there! I wish my deck was taller now!

  23. What a perfect place for a potting bench! I need something like this! Thanks for hosting!!!
    XO Faye

  24. Hi Debra! I love your "Garden Central"!! Thanks for hosting.

    Susan and Bentley

  25. Ok Debra, I am totally drooling over your potting bench! It is gorgeous! I love all of your wonderful accessorizes, such as your baskets, and the former dresser drawer, too! Now I want one:) Thanks for the inspiration!!

  26. This is such a cute little potting bench! Like the addition of the drawer as storage and all those sweet accessories make it look so useful! I'd love to have an actual "conservatory/potting shed" but our neighborhood doesn't allow any outbuildings. Think I could classify it as a gazebo? They are allowed- go figure! What's the dif? LOL Thanks for hosting, once again. :-) Sue

  27. I love your little potting bench. I'm happy you made use of that space!
    Your features? love that chalkboard!

  28. Debra, I love your potting bench. It looks so sweet with all your vintage decor on it! I've found some racoon poo around here lately too. We hear them running and chattering around the yard almost every night! They keep us awake! Have a great weekend.

  29. Debra your potting shed is adorable and the features from last week are so creative! Thank you for hosting, I am very happy to link up this week! Marcia

  30. Hi Debra! I love your potting bench and everything on it!! I hope you're getting a little hang out time on that chair! Thanks for the fun! xx

  31. Hi Debra! Thank you so much for featuring my chalkboard! What a fun surprise! :) You are a sweetie! ♥ I am just adoring your wonderful potting bench and work area, girl! What I would give for a sweet little cozy place like that! Love your vignettes on it and that chair with the pillows adds just the perfect comfy touch!

    xoxo laurie

  32. Hi Debra! Wonderful features and thank you for hosting this fun party!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  33. I would love to have an adorable potting bench like yours! Thanks for posting the wonderful features and hosting the party.

    Ricki Jill

  34. Love love love your potting bench! Thanx for such a great party!

  35. I've always wanted a potting bench and now I want yours! ;-) I think my favorite part is that cute yellow drawer tucked in below. Or the little aqua bucket nearby. It's all good!

  36. Love your potting bench. I'll bet it's being put to good use, too. I noticed that vintage kitchen scale....great color....along with the blue wooden bucket. A fun place to relax and plan your garden.

  37. Debra, I like your vignettes on it and that chair with the pillows adds just the perfect comfy touch. It is really beautiful arrangement.
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  38. Cute potting bench, Debra! You always have everything looking so beautifully decorated.

    Wow, that box spring window treatment is definitely out of the box!

    Come by my blog...there's a treat for you!


  39. I love your potting bench. I've been wanting one so much but have yet to find the right thing to make one of. I'd say that table is perfect!

  40. My inspiration just skyrockets after visiting your Blog and Blog Parties!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  41. Oh Debra! Your bench looks amazing! I really need to do something with my back porch, it is a barren waste land! Have a great weekend!

  42. Hmmph...who cares what 50 ol' people say. I think it's a great use of a little hidden spot. Why couldn't you trellis in the front part and maybe give it a sanctuary look...your neighbors wouldn't suspect a thing!

  43. May I please hire you to come take care of my garden??! I'm so jealous of yours. Love, love, love all your vintage ideas too! I'm a new follower :)

  44. Thanks for hosting another great party! Love your garden bench, it's beautiful! Looking forward to visiting all the vintage beauty in blogland.

    Mary @ Redo 101

  45. Hi Debra... oooh, I just love your little potting bench, and what a perfect place to put it!... how fun it would be to sit there with you, sipping on lemonade and chatting about plants and birds and such... wishing you a beautiful day in your little special spot... xoxo Julie Marie

  46. Hi Debra,
    Love, love your post today. I love to garden and adding vintage makes it all sweeter. I also love your link party. I made a link mistake today because I added an URL that was from my blog editor. Found out too late that in Blogoworld must get the spelling correct. I feel like I'm such a slow learner when it comes to all of this...OK enough boo hoo from me...must say again love your blog. Thank you for the opportunity to join in today. Hugs...Maryjane from Storybook Cottage

  47. Debra, I love your potting bench. I used to have one and miss it so.

    Joining you for the first time. Many thanks for hosting.


  48. Debra you have turned this space into something garden magazines are made. Love every square in of it...and no commitees to make happy either. My genius friend.
    hugs from here...

  49. Love your potting bench Debra. thanks for hosting and enjoy your weekend:-)


  50. When I saw the
    first pic, I thought
    it was from a magazine!
    Gorgeous! And girlie,
    you FLOOF with the best
    of them : ) Happy Friday!
    xx Suzanne
    PS: So happy you are
    joining my show and tell!

  51. Love how you brightened up under your deck. I have a separate garden shed with potting bench but yours is much brighter and fancy looking!

  52. Love the drawers used on your potting bench. So many great finds you shared to inpire us other gardeners! Thanks for sharing at Fishtail Cottage's Garden Party this week! xoxo, tracie

  53. I'm thrilled that I could link up this week - thanks again for hosting! I'm off to be inspired! -diane

  54. I shared your post on my Top 10 Pretty Things :)

  55. Love your potting area, looks gorgeous and useful! Have a blessed day dear Debra, HUGS!

  56. I am sending this to my friend Mary Ellen who just got a potting shed! You have created some real beauty here Debra!!

  57. Your potting idea is awesome. I like to appreciate you for sharing at Fishtail Cottage's Garden Party this week. You created real beauty in your blog.
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  58. I'm glad you finally got your potting bench, Debra! I've been wanting one for ages, too!


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends