Showing posts sorted by date for query Valentine's Day. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Valentine's Day. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Vintage Valentine Postcard Vignette

I've had a love for antique and vintage paper goods and ephemera for many years; old post cards are a favorite. Photos, cards and personal notes, botanical specimens, book illustrations and so many other bits of odds and ends have found their way into my possession. Often old books are literally falling apart or have suffered some sort of damage to the point they cannot be kept, but let me look through them first to remove any pages of art or illustration that I can hang onto.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

All About Home #78

Hi Friends, welcome to the All About Home Link Party.
It's February, and before we know 
it Spring will be knocking on our door!
We so appreciate you taking the time to come by 
and join in on the fun and inspiration of
 Valentine's Day  fun and the Winter Season! 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Vintage Valentine's Day Entry

Hi Friends, are you having a cold weekend? Wow, we are and some of our coldest weather of the year is still ahead of us. This last week or so I've been using Valentine's Day decorating to bring in a little sense of Spring. I've put away most of the evergreen stems and have concentrated on a few late winter florals that give a feeling of the warmer weather that will eventually come.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Valentine's Day in the Holiday Cupboard

Hi Friends, I cannot believe it's actually February
and in a little over a week it will be Valentine's Day...
So I wanted to do my monthly/seasonal "restyle" of the Holiday Cupboard.
I have so many little odds and ends that it's always fun
to give them all someplace to go hang out.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Valentine's Day DIY at All About Home #77

Hi Friends, welcome to the All About Home Link Party.
We're stepping into February and before we know 
it Spring will be knocking on our door!
We so appreciate you taking the time to come by 
and join in on the fun and inspiration of
 Valentine's Day  fun and the Winter Season! 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Winter Botanical Tabletop Garden

Hello Friends and Welcome to a very fun 
and a bit different Blog Hop
that my friend Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home
has put together in this very cold and dreary month of January.

Yes, you read it right, it's a Hop where we're sharing 
our "Winter" Botanical and Garden ideas.
Thanks so much Amber, for putting this all together
to share some fun ideas and inspiration for winter into spring.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Romantic Valentine Review

Hi Friends, are you doing any Valentine's Day decor at your place? Well, I'm still decorating around here and putting away a few of the Christmas holdouts, so today I thought I'd share a few pics from previous posts. This first one is from last year on the Cookbook Nook with some Valentine fun. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

All About Home Link Party #76

Hi Friends, welcome to the All About Home Link Party.
We hope you're having a great January.
We so appreciate you taking the time to come by 
and join in on the fun and inspiration of the Winter Season! 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Winter Fun at All About Home #75

Hi Friends, welcome to the All About Home Link Party.
We hope you're having a great January.
We so appreciate you taking the time to come by 
and join in on the fun and inspiration of the new year! 

Friday, January 15, 2021

Cows in the January Cupboard

How do you feel about January?
Are you excited about a clean slate and look forward 
to putting together some fun fresh decor 
or does it take a while to get out of the post Holiday season blahs?
I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. 
I love the  excitement and cozy Christmas decor with lots of color and twinkle lights,
but I'm usually ready to put it all away and look forward to 
a more pared down and neutral look.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Starting on Spring with Green Transferware

After Valentine's Day I'm starting to think about Spring and Green and needing a change from the cold and dreary February weather. It's too early to be going all "Easter Bunnies" for me. But as I was thinking about my Holiday Cupboard in the Garden Room, I realized that bringing out some of my Green Transferware might be the first step that I needed.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

February Inspiration at All About Home #27

Hi Friends, I hope you all had a fun Valentine's Day weekend. We stayed low-key and enjoyed a dinner in with a movie. Thanks so much for coming by each week to share what you've been up to. There's still a lot of romantic Valentine inspiration from last week, so I'm sharing a little of that as features this week. We're all looking forward to Spring, and I know it will be making a showing soon. 

Friday, February 14, 2020

Vintage Paper Heart Garland with Love

A few weeks ago I was admiring a post from Angie at Postcards from the Ridge and fell in love with a vintage paper garland she had purchased from Etsy a few years ago. Now, I don't want to be labeled a "copy cat", but I went right to the Etsy Shop, LaCasaMia, and ordered one for myself. I DO love vintage ephemera and paper collage pieces, so I was so excited to see it arrive a few days ago all the way from Belgium.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

A Vintage Valentine Entry

I had fun bringing out my vintage Valentine pieces for this "new" Entry display. We will have been here, at the new cottage for almost a year. I've decorated and celebrated all the other holidays here, so this is the last holiday that's "new" to this house.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Celebrating Valentine's Day at All About Home #26

Hi Friends, so glad you're here!
Do you have big plans for Valentine's Day? Yay, it falls on Friday this year so I'm sure more of us will be out with our sweeties and friends. Whatever you have planned, have a fun weekend!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Share the Love with a Valentine Link Party

Hi Friends and welcome to the Valentine's Day Link Party, put together by our hostess Amber, from Follow the Yellow Brick Home. Do you have Valentine's Day posts to share with everyone? Decor, recipes, DIY, vintage valentines and crafts? Join the fun and share your Valentine posts with us! Scroll on down, The Linky is here at the end of this post.

Sharing a few images from my Valentine's Day archive.

Please keep the links Valentine's Day related and as a courtesy 
please place a backlink to this blog within your post. 
Thanks for joining in,
Let's have some fun!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter

Friday, February 7, 2020

Weekend Inspiration and a Valentine Linky Invitation

Hi Friends, January was definitely a gray and gloomy month here in Missouri. We were cold and icy most of the time and the first part of February has been the same. I gave my decor a rest during January with mostly neutrals, but I've enjoyed bringing out the romantic reds and pinks of Valentine's Day. I have a few more Valentine vignettes to share with you all before next week, so here are a few pics from the top of the cookbook nook in the Hearth Room.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Farmhouse Table Valentine Tableau

My Garden Room farmhouse table needed a new look once February arrived. I'd been using my rustic vintage wooden ice cream-maker bucket which I've loved, but I wanted something a little more garden-y and "french-y" for Valentine's Day. I cleared the table top and tried something fresh for February.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Hello February at All About Home #25

Hi Friends, so glad you're here!
Everyone glad we're on to February? January is always a hard month because we have the anticlimax of "after Christmas" and things just seem sort of blah to a lot of us. I'm ready for all the fun of Valentine's Day and some "sweet" inspiration.  You too? so you've come to the right place. Let's have some fun this month!

Friday, January 31, 2020

Vintage Valentine Vignette

I've been trying to round up some of my Valentine's Day decor and realizing a box is likely hidden underneath a stack of boxes in my storage room. I know... story of my life these last 6 or so years. I know exactly what's missing, I just don't know where it is. So I'm using a few vintage cupid pieces that were easy to get my hands on in the china closet.

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