Showing posts with label kitties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kitties. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


There's a lot going on in my new little sitting area in the kitchen, so I'm going to share it in bitesize pieces. Most of the furniture in here you haven't seen before, and that goes for these counter height off-white chairs that match my kitchen table and china cupboard (at the other house) I didn't have a place for them upstairs at the other house, so they were at the bar downstairs, never used.

(pic from last July at the other house,
after I painted the tabletop with ASCP)

The white table has a leaf and extra chairs, 6 in all, is really heavy, and takes up a bunch of space. Space that I wanted for my cupboard and some wicker. Anyway, these two chairs fit perfectly here at the little counter height bar area of the kitchen.

I hadn't bought chair pads since we had moved to the other house 11 years ago, and I needed something new and fresh with a little pizzazz. So when Ballard Designs started their site wide 15% off sale, I jumped at getting new ones. I had to buy a set of 8 in "Medium", but then bought 4 more in "Small", as these little chairs around the round table are more petite in size.

I could have played it safe with a solid color cushion, but I'd seen this adorable toffee check, so I fell in love. I have fun mixing patterns on my wicker settee, so I thought these would go with most of my decor options.

When we knew we were going to lease this little house, I was thrilled with the larger dining area and knew that I wanted to fill it with more than an oversize table. It will more than likely just be hubby and I who will be having breakfast and lunch here, so no need for a big table "eating" up all the space. I've had this little round antique table (it does have a leaf for seating 6) for probably twenty years, but it's been in the basement at the other house. I found these chairs about 15 years ago; just perfect for this smaller size table.

Loving these Ballard chair pads, but measure carefully, they are bigger than you'd think. The "Medium" size was way too big for these chairs. I like the tailored look with the piping. What's great about these, are that you can remove the foam insert pad for cleaning, and they have lots of other colors and patterns for a new look.

Yes, that's the rug I had in the living room. 
All this dark wood flooring needed a visual break.

When I found this set of chairs, 
they had just been refurbished with repairs and new caned seats.
I'm not sure of the wood, but I love the darker cherry stain.

You can see hints of the other furniture pieces.
I'm enjoying using some things that are different than my usual white.
Lack of storage and cabinet space has had me getting a little creative.

Like many of you all out there, it's snowing this week...
we have it scheduled for every day...

I keep thinking I'll get an outside pic of the house, 
but each time I think of it, I'm inside with fuzzy socks,
so I don't want to get out.
...maybe by Spring.

But here are a couple of shots of the houses across the street, so you can at least see a little of what it's like here. Cute subdivision of houses, new, to about 6 years old. It's on the edge of town, with a lot of treed acreage around it so it's not too different from where we just came from. This one is from the front porch.

This is from the kitchen window. Sorry about the blinds, if you kinda squint you can see what I mean. The houses across the street are walk-out basement homes, this one is one level and just a two car garage, but for now it's great. Only problem, the cats and I might put on some pounds cause its' small. I may put them on the treadmill!

Don't start these videos unless you have an empty bladder.
just sayin'.

I'm joining in on these great parties this week:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspiration Exchange at City Farmhouse
Treasure Hunt From My Front Porch to Yours
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Inspiration Gallery at Craftberry Bush
Inspire Me Please at Liz Marie Blog

Oh, and I'm not affiliated with Ballard Designs,
 just love these chair pads.

stay warm,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sunporch Shenanigans

There's a little more fun going on in the sunporch this week that I wanted to share with you.  I always have an ivy that sits in my wicker floral container, ok...funeral basket. I hate saying funeral basket. Is that the only time anyone ever had one of these delivered? I guess they were the closest thing to "disposable" back then. so anyway... back to the funeral basket...

I like to keep mine "upbeat" with some seasonal decor thrown in for fun.

So this month it's been an "ode to black cats".
I love any color cats, 
but in my lifetime I've had several of those sweeties
all named...

wait for it...

I also had an adorable white kitty named "Whitey",
but today we're talkin' black kitties.
I think they get a bad rap.
My last "Blackie" was one of the sweetest girls around.

hmmm...this one could be a tuxedo.
but we'll just say it's black.

My girls were out here helping with the photos and trying to get a nibble
from the Angel Vine I just brought indoors.
They're naughty that way.

I found a wonderful little Elementary Reader a few years ago and used it to make some fun prints. That's a copy of the original 1920's page with another black cat and pumpkin image on top. I've always loved children's book illustrations from the 20's and 30's. When I was a kid, my grandmother had all my dad's childrens' books from the 30's. It broke my heart that someone cleared out the attic stash and threw them all away.

In just a few days, we'll be gearing up for Thanksgiving and the turkeys will take over. So for this week the owls and black cats, are still on the loose. Even one of my lambs wanted to join the festivities out here by sporting a new scarf...

don't tell him it's just a ribbon with a little glitter...

This is my second post today, the first one was "unscheduled" when I got these photos and texts from my daughter. Just wanted to share them and have a laugh, if you haven't read that post, CLICK HERE

Linking up with these wonderful parties:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspiration Gallery at Ella Claire

Here's a Note from Lucy, owner of Bel Monili:

Hi Everyone, Tomorrow is my end of the month sale AND it's my birthday! I'm running the sale Thursday, October 31 (my 33rd birthday! eek!) through Sunday. Use coupon code birthdaybel20 at through Sunday, November 3, 2013 to receive 20% off of your ENTIRE purchase of $10 or more. Since it's Bel Monili's birthday, purchases of $50 or more will receive a FREE 3 pack of pearl bobby pins as a gift, and purchases of $100 or more will receive a FREE quote bracelet of your choosing! This is the perfect time to get your holiday shopping kick-started at bel monili, where you always enjoy free domestic shipping. Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

French Lavender

What is it about the fragrance of Lavender? 
To me it just smells like Summer rain..

My long awaited dried lavender bunches arrived from Antique Farmhouse and I couldn't be happier. It's so hard to find lavender here in the Midwest, and online prices generally run high for just a small bunch. I tried growing my own last year, but bees took over our back yard and built hives in the birdhouses and pool equipment... that was the end of my lavender growing.

If you don't know Antique Farmhouse then you should. They have beautiful items with new "events" daily. Things sell out fast so you have to be quick. I don't think it's available at this moment but keep checking back they may have more in. Anyway, I bought two orders of 3 bundles each, and I could smell that magical fragrance before the box was opened. I had to do a little styling in an old Frenchy basket. Anyone know technically what this basket was used for? Harvesting flowers maybe? I've also used it for wine bottles, and French Baguettes. 

I collect these little gift books from the early 1900's 
and this one has precious illustrations.

We're in the Living Room on one of my Bergere Chairs that I slipped a few years ago. And I wanted to show you my new grainsack that I talked about here. It's heavier than my others and has two yummy caramel stripes down the center. 

 The bundles came banded with rubber bands, 
so I just covered them with some burlap ribbon.

I just used three of the bundles in the basket, so the rest came into the Dining Room and found a spot on the breakfront in a wine crate.

Styling Assistant at the ready...

she didn't want to eat it, just roll in it...

It's been raining for days,
and I'm ready for Fall...

joining in with these party gals:

Inspire Me at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Blitzed on Pinterest at Debbiedoos
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspiration Gallery at Ella Claire
It's a Party at DIY by Design
Blissful Whites at Timewashed
What's it Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants 
TTT at Stone Gable

Hope you're having a good week,

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Around the house and a photo bomb...

This is turning out to be a busy weekend. The big kids are here for their 20th high school reunion ... yikes...just saying that makes me feel old. And Sunday is my last day at Relics Antique Mall, so I'll be clearing out whatever is left of the booth and call it done. I've loved the experience of having a space, but for the last several years I've had to do things on my own, and that part isn't fun. Time to move on to new things, and I'm looking forward to having that day each week to catch up on some other projects that need taking care of.

And speaking of flea market shopping, I found this great little "God Bless Our Home" cross stitch recently.

I have a little soft spot for "homestyle" cross stitch pieces; I created my share back in the 80's and 90's. I always admire the amount of time the stitcher put into the piece and when I see them for just a few dollars I always want to rescue them and give them a new home. I found this one a few months ago, but the dark frame didn't work for me, so when I painted my kitchen table it got the ASCP treatment.

The browns and golds and orange on the shutters made me think to put it out here on the sunporch with the other late summer colors. I tried several places but it ended up on the baker's rack.

And while I was digging through some cabinets yesterday, I found a good bunch of tan striped ticking that I bought last year for a table runner....totally had forgotten about it. So now maybe I can get that made since I'll have a little more time.

LOVE this wonderful wreath!

So, while I was out in the sunporch takings pics, 
who shows up for a little nibbling of the greens?

hmmm...which one looks tastier?

I guess we all need our fiber...

joining in on these parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch
Knick of Time
Savvy Southern Style

Hope you're having a good weekend!!