Thursday, November 7, 2019

Enter Thanksgiving

I had a brief thought of just whizzing by decorating for Thanksgiving and doing a more Christmas look, but in the end I just couldn't get there. I love late Fall and Thanksgiving, and I just wasn't up for full on Christmas. So I compromised a bit and brought out my "oatmeal" tree (looks like oatmeal) and called it good.

I found this vintage print years ago during my active selling stage (where you head to flea markets and junk sales and garage sales several times a week). I've used it every year for Thanksgiving since. The colors and subject gently remind me to be Thankful for what God entrusts to us and whatever our circumstances might be.

I added creamy faux Hydrangea blooms to the little tree and a few leaves and Fall berries. I hadn't intended to keep any orange here, but the tree wasn't ready for Christmas, so I kept out the one lone rust colored fabric pumpkin. 

I made this painted leaf wreath a few years ago, and enjoy using it in late Fall.

Sometimes in late Fall I still want a lighter, brighter look.

I never know what the light will be in here taking pics.
I tend to try to take a lot of photos when I have good light coming in.

When I have my oatmeal tree out for Fall
I usually keep it out for Christmas with a little tweaking.
Orange berries replaced with red berries, Holly,
and sometimes tartan plaid ribbon.

I've been reminded recently to live each day with gratitude and being thankful. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself or what each day brings. It's easy for me to try to do that because I like a good plan and want to accomplish it. But when I do plow ahead, I end up missing the small things that I know are important in daily life. Just taking the time to enjoy each season and holiday is important for me. I need to contemplate "thankfulness" with the daily things.

Here are a few looks at previous Thanksgiving Entry posts.

My house was in full packing mode last Thanksgiving
so I don't think I had anything out on my Entry Console.
The new house was in renovation.
I really missed it.

What do you all do this time of year?
(I have a little of that going on)

Hope to see you Monday evening!

joining in here:

All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
 Celebrate Your Story at The Zucchini Sisters
Create Bake, Make at Across the Blvd
Happiness is Homemade at Blue Sky at Home
Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
Tips and Tutorials at Home Stories A to Z
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tuesday at Our Home at Our Home Away from Home
Homestyle Gathering at Serving Up Southern  
Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles 
 Talk of the Town at Knick of Time
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode 
Share Your Style at French Ethereal 
Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home
 Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur 
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Grace at Home at Imparting Grace
Farmhouse Friday at The Painted Hinge


  1. Love the oatmeal tree and I had to smile when I saw the print. My grandparents had that one, too.

  2. I love your oatmeal tree. That is so pretty and I love that you can use it for both holidays. The print is nice in your vignette. Looks great Debra.

    1. thanks Kris, can't wait to see your new cottage for Christmas!

  3. Love that oatmeal tree too. I have that print but mine is painted on large canvas. It reminds me to be thankful and love Gods soil for us to reap harvest. Will you contact me or how I can contact you? I have some house things that I want to give you....vintage. I can send you pictures.

    1. Hi Nancy, I'm not finding a way to get back with you. your comment hasn't come thru on my email feed. could you please email me on my address that's listed at the top of my right hand social media icons? I'd love to hear from you.

  4. Oh Debra, I love your oatmeal tree! What a perfect nod to the Christmas season while still focusing on Thanksgiving! I don't like it when Thanksgiving falls so late, like it is this year, we will surely all be in a mad rush!

    1. I know, it's a week less time to have the Christmas season. I may have to cut back a bit this year so as not to go crazy!

  5. I just love your oatmeal tree, it is so perfect for transitioning from fall to a Christmas. I have a similar little gold tree that has a funny smell so I have been planning to experiement with ivory chalk paint to cover the smell. As you know I am swamped right now but I would love to get it done before the Thanksgiving blog hop because your tree has so inspired me. I love the vintage print too. Everything is beautiful!

  6. Debra, I am just NOT in the Christmas mood with working and all, I am just too beat! But I did just stick my neck out there and say we'd host a Christmas party for friends on Dec. 21st from the IOOF (Odd Fellows here in Denton, TX), of which I am an active member. So you KNOW what I'll be doing while I am off over Thanksgiving week! Lol... ;0) Hopefully this Elf will have some renewed energy by then.

    Lovely post and I love the continuity of the Thankful painting in each year's photograph, in every home you've shared. <3

    Barb :)

  7. I adore that print. It was in my house growing up.

  8. I feel your pain, Debra.....Thanksgiving or Christmas?! My daughter came downstairs the other day and say "Happy Fallmas!"I said, "What?" She said the room looked like it couldn't decide whether it was Fall or Christmas! The life of a blogger:) Your entry table is always a treat to see, and this fall/Thanksgiving is no different. That vintage painting is priceless. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen


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