Thursday, October 12, 2017

Vintage Basket Refresh for Fall

Last week I shared an old basket that I found on my latest vintage market shopping excursion, but I wasn't sure what I would do with the sad state of the finish on it. I thought about just painting it with a gray wash of chalk paint, but I really didn't want to mess with the original patina too much. 

Turned out it was an old fishing basket with a really wonderful canvas strap. I guess sort of like a large creel, but with legs. I'd been looking for something like this, not realizing that it was for fishing. I was walking out the door of The Vintage Peddler, when I just happened to spot it underneath a side table. I grabbed it up as it was in good condition other than the extensive water spotting and dryness.

I searched my stash of paint and wood refinishing products and found a can of Pecan Minwax Stain, that was down to the dregs. Turned out it was just enough to give it a good rubdown with stain, that turned out to remoisturize the wicker, and cover up most of the spots. Here are a couple of "before" photos that show just how dried out and discolored it was.

Not perfect, but much improved...

I let it dry overnight and the next day to air it out a little and let the "stain" smell dissipate, then brought it in to the Dining Room and filled it with Fall Foliage for some wonderful Autumn color.

I had some help with styling and placement. Miss Jenkins claims this little needlework footstool, and perches on it regularly to patrol her territory. She's the one that had Diabetes so severely last winter, but has pulled out of it like a champ with twice daily insulin injections. She's pretty good about it all, and doesn't ever put up a tussel over it. Sometimes she even comes around when she knows it's shot time. (she won't ever look directly at the camera, strange)

We decided to move it over under the windows, that way she could monitor the bird bath and comings and goings of the squirrel population.

Once she vacated, I plumped my vintage Scottish wool throws
and added a twig wreath and pumpkin.

 I imagine I'll find the wreath and pumpkin removed by the end of the day, so she can reclaim her perch.

joining in here:

Share Your Style at The Essence of Home
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Sundays at Home at Love of Home
Inspiration Monday at Refresh Restyle
The Scoop at Stone Gable
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


  1. What a unique basket Debra. I've never seen a creel with legs. You refreshed it perfectly. Love it filled for fall!

  2. Debra I love this basket. Such a great tip. I am so glad Miss Jenkins is feeling better and I hope you will too very soon.

  3. Hi, Debra! This is my first visit to your blog. First, let me say that I'm sorry about your spine problems. I suffer with chronic spine issues (I've had a complete fusion, a partial fusion, and numerous "procedures" over the last 3 years including all those wonderful steroids being pumped into my spine without positive results), so I understand where you're coming from. It's annoying at best, crippling for both body and spirit at its worst. I hope you are able to get to the root of the problem and find a solution that will bring you peace. I'm also sorry to hear about your AC shooting craps. I like how you were able to put it all in perspective, though. You exhibit great compassion! Last, but not least, GREAT JOB on restoring that basket to glory!!! I never would have guessed it was for fishing at all! (Maybe that's why Miss Jenkins is so fond of hanging out near it!) You did a really terrific job on it! Best wishes for a peaceful, pain-free, cooler fall!

    1. Hi Alycia, I'm so glad you came by and left a comment. You said it perfectly, when someone has a chronic health problem it "cripples both the body and spirit". I hope you're at a place where you are improving with your back problems. Thanks so much for sharing, I really appreciate you leaving a note!

  4. Debra,

    I LOVE what you did with the basket. I rarely think outside of the box like this. Well done! And your kitty is precious!

    I talk so much about my autoimmune problems, but seriously I'm a walking bandaid. Monday morning I tore a huge part of the cornea of my left eye due to the dryness caused by the injections I give myself for the autoimmune problem I have. Sorry-this should be an email but I'm writing with one eye! I've also never mentioned to any extent the problems I have with my lower back. Numerous disc herniations pressing on nerves, sliding vertebra, and from comparing MRI's from a year ago, to 3 weeks ago, it's progressing at a fast rate. Depending on how I look in 6 months, I may need a fusion. Seriously---I'm 57 years old, I am so worried I will be walking with a cane in 2 years and not be able to pick up my grandchildren. Okay-I'll stop my violin. But I wish you well as always. I am a very caring ear for you, as you have been for me.

    I hope you cool off soon. We did, and now we have a lot of rain. I'm happy because we had a huge amount of landscaping done and the Gods are on my side!!

    Love and hugs,


    1. Jane, my friend, I wish I could just sit down with you for a day and visit... share our lives. Thankyou for always sharing what is happening in your daily life. I think it's just so important that we be transparent with each other. Our readers need to know our lives are not perfect, and in sharing those things we can help and encourage each other. I'm just so concerned for you, and all that you are going through. Please know that we all care and lift you up in our prayers. This autoimmune stuff is so pervasive and systematically tries to bully our bodies. I'm seeing just how far back all the inflammation my body has been dealing with actually goes. My inherited cardiovascular disease is most likely autoimmune in nature and that scares me, because I've not yet been "diagnosed" or treated since I don't have the antibodies, even though my symptoms are pervasive. Keep talking Jane! and yay, the AC was installed this afternoon!

  5. Great job on the basket. Love its size. Yes, it helps to put things into perspective, especially when there are so many people who have lost everything, and even loved ones. However, from one who deals with chronic pain from spinal stenosis and degenerative arthritis, I can identify with you all too well. I had a cervical fusion a year ago this past June and have not had a migraine since. I also have a weekly massage and do two weekly sessions of Pilates and this helps tremendously. Staying as active as possible helps. So hoping you find a resolution to some of the physical problems that are giving you so much grief. Always enjoy your blog.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I really am so glad to hear about other people and how they are handling the neck, back, and head issues with chronic pain. Exercise makes my pain intolerable, I've tried and hoped that would help. What I've learned that there are so many possible reasons for these symptoms, and each avenue seems endless. Thanks for sharing what's going on in your life.

  6. Love that basket, and glad you were able to keep its original tone with remoisturizing. It looks great by the window that stool, throws & pumpkin. I was cautiously optimistic you'd have a better outcome with the steroids, and keeping you in my prayers for answers. It's been ridiculously humid here the past few days....we're running away for a couple days to try to catch some fall elsewhere in the state.

  7. I love this fishing kreel! I have a few myself and you have now given me an idea for how to change up my decorating this year. I might even put a little Christmas tree in one.

    1. Oh Elizabeth, I love the idea of the Christmas Tree in one!

  8. Hey! I like your blog too! Love the new finish on the basket. Your color choices with the plaid are so great looking here. Such a pretty corner. I'll gripe too. It seems more the rule than the exception with parts/repairs not happening efficiently anymore. :{ But yes. Counting blessings.

    1. thanks, J. just wanted to let you know that I ordered a big bottle of Tumeric, it should be here tomorrow. I'm getting started immediately! thanks for reminding me of that. I kindof got off everything when things started going down hill since I didn't know what was causing all my problems, I'm hoping it will help.

  9. The basket is lovely and decorated so pretty as one expects from you! Best best anti-flammation hers bare VitC Bromelain, Curcumin and Turmeric...A great combination I use for my inflammation. I got this combo from a Naturopath. I'll send you does amounts if you like. Its not been going well here...we're on our third contractor and not going well as the first two...might be firing someone on Monday. But these things are part of life and we should share...

  10. If I could edit the above I would...The best anti-flammatories are Vit C, Bromelain, Cucurmin and Turmeric. etc. This combination is a powerhouse.

  11. Pain is really draining, my "good" knee has been hurting me so much I haven't been able to move around easily and take care of business. Even though we all know that life could hand us all things that are much worse, sometimes you are entitled to complain, just a bit, so you get a pass.
    Funny, I looked at a very sad basket that would have been perfect for bread EXCEPT for the fact that it was dirty and the finish was worn. I decided I didn't need another project, but your post made me think about it again. I could have really given it a good wash, since it was willow and I think wetting those types of baskets is a way to reinvigorate the material. Then, I could have oiled it after it had dried out...and I think it would have been fine, especially if I used a napkin to line it...your solution really improved the look of it. What about oiling it to feed the wood?


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