Sunday, November 15, 2015

Out and About, a "Pre-Christmas" Tree, and the Give-Away Winner...

I had a few things I wanted to share with you today...
Hope you don't mind a little bit of everything.

Check out the oh so cute animal portraits...
with scarves!

My Sis and I headed to Ozark,
 to check out some of the shops.

My cell phone had to take the photos.
They never turn out very well,
 but there were some really cute photo ops.
Hope you'll bear with me.
 There were so many fun ideas.

This is a Christmas Tree made from birch it!

This is a form for a taxidermy deer
covered in old lace or crochet.
Looked like it might have been an old lace tablecloth.

 cute couple!

They had these adorable snowflakes hanging from the ceiling.
Not sure if garden stakes were painted to look like this,
or if they were old trellises taken apart.

Moss covered twiggy reindeer.

Old bottles Decoupaged for Christmas.

I took a lot more photos,
 but they just didn't do the wonderful creations justice.

and yes, I DID come home with a couple of cute items,
I'll share next week.
It's dark, and I hate using a flash.

So this is what I've been up to this weekend...
 Putting up my Autumn Tree,
and continuing the transition from Fall to Christmas.

Here's a peek,
I'm trying to get a little jump on the Christmas decorating.

I'm going to announce this next week,
but I'm going to be hosting a
"Come As You Are" 
Christmas Open House Link Party
on Wednesday December 9.
(I first thought Monday the 7th, 
but I think the 9th will give us a little more time)
A place to share your Christmas Home Tours, DIY, and Vignettes.
past and present.
Be watching and mark your bloggy calendar.

I also wanted to share the winner for the
 Timewashed Velvet Pumpkin Give-Away,
it's Jane from Blondie's Journal.
Yay, Congrats, Jane!!!

Let's see...Yep, I think that's it.
I had a lot of good stuff to cover.

joining in here:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
The Scoop at Stone Gable
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style



  1. Hi Debra: That first photo is enchanting. I love everything about it right down to the little foxes. So adorable. It's fun getting a jump on Christmas. Your bird tree is beautiful. Deb

  2. Hi Debra! Oh, what charming snaps. I love the little couple. I have made some little dolls from that family and they are called "Tildas". I've thought of making the Christmas couple but my dainty fingers have been doing other things! :) Oh, your little white tree looks so sweet. I hope I can join your Christmas home tour. Hope all is well with you and congratulations to Janie!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. I love virtual shopping, and you captured some great things, Debra. Looking forward to your come as you are party, and congrats to Jane!

  4. So many cute things. I like the branch Christmas tree! Sheila

  5. Those snowflakes are fun...I am a snowflake-aholic ;) Lots of good inspiration here, Debra. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your holiday decor and also to your link party.

  6. What a cool store - I would have come home with more than a few items for sure!!

  7. Everything in the shop is just darling! The pet pictures with scarves are so cute but I loved hoe they did that Christmas tree with branches on the wall... Great ideas! I'm excited to join your come as you are Christmas party that is coming up!! Sounds like a great party!!
    Karin :)

  8. Wonderful inspiring pics - and congrats to Jane! (She's a sweetheart!)

  9. You have the very best shops down there in your area, Debra---I think I've said that before and one day I'll get there. That birch branch tree stole my heart. We lost a birch tree a few years ago and we still have all of the logs my husband cut as well as branches. I think I have an idea!!! And I love your white tree. Can't wait to see your new treasures.

    I want to say thank you again for having such a great giveaway, I can't believe my luck! And I sent Becky a thank you, she's very sweet.

    Jane xxx

  10. I love the wood on the wall with ornaments for a christmas tree...what I should do this year since I have NO place to put up a tree! Oh maybe the garage but I wouldn't see it too often. Beautifully inspiring pics.

  11. OOOH...what a great place, I also LOVE the animal cute. I went out the other day with no phone and no camera...duh, some blogger I am...I will ahve to take a post of my treasures tomorrow if there is any light, thanks for sharing, Sandi

  12. Debra,
    Thank you for sharing your virtual out and about Christmas Shopping Spree!!!
    The past two weeks have been filled with Christmas Open House in our area!!!
    Christmas is my favorite Holiday and I could spend week's just shopping!!!
    Love the "glimpse" of your Autumnal Tree, dear friend!!!

  13. I enjoyed seeing the cute things for sale in that shop! Right now there are a lot of shops having Christmas open houses around here too. I look forward to seeing your Christmas home tour. Congrats to Jane on winning the giveaway too.

  14. What a cute shop. I'll be back for the link party.

  15. Oh, thanks for taking us along on that shopping trip. Always fun!
    Congratulations to Jane! I'm so happy she is the winner. This will put a little something fun and positive in her life. She has been dealing with a lot this year.

  16. Love the bottles, especially because I enjoy playing with bottles myself. All the shops are looking so cute, now, aren't they?

  17. Hi Debra! I love all the Christmas inspiration! Looking forward to your Christmas party on the 9th!!! Have a great week, take care, Tara

  18. Such lovely inspiration! Love that birch log tree.
    Have a wonderful week!

  19. Debra,
    Thank you for taking us shopping with you...LOVE that LACE DEER!!! Congrats to Jane on the win! I will be sure to mark my calendar for your holiday party.


  20. I love the tree AND everything else you shared pictures of!


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