Monday, November 2, 2015

LED Woodsy Tree and Transitioning from Fall to Christmas

So yesterday, the first thing I saw on my bloglist was a sponsored group of bloggers with Christmas Trees. Please don't get me wrong, I understand all about advertising and sponsored posts, and being out front for the seasonal rush for products, sharing ideas and offers. And it's nothing personal, these are a great group of bloggers.  But golly, I'm not ready to have anything Christmas shoved at me just yet. I like to eeeaaaase in to Christmas. I don't like to go "Cold Turkey" and leave out Thanksgiving.

"Transition"  is the key word for me.
I don't want to box up "Fall" and drag out "Christmas".

not yet, anyway.

This is just my personal viewpoint on this.
If you can't wait to bring Christmas out, 
I'll still be visiting and pinning away.

I just wish someone would have told Abraham Lincoln
that the last week of November is too late for a Major National Holiday.

Last year, we moved into this house on Halloween,
 so I wanted to enjoy some Late Fall decor,
 not run headlong into Christmas stuff.

This year, I'm going to make a transition into 
winter decor;
that's the easiest way for me to go.

I bought this little LED Woodland Tree last year, and used it for Fall and Christmas. But somehow since then, it's base came loose and to give it some stability, I stuffed it into a galvanized "French" florist bucket. I actually like it better in there. 

I worked on putting the Fall Leaves back on early in September, but somehow doing a post on it escaped me. Probably because I didn't have room for it yet, and it stayed in my studio. Several other bloggers have done great posts on their methods for doing something similar. I just cut off or removed leaves and berries from a Fall garland and then used florist wire to secure them on the "limbs" of the LED tree.

 This method of adding flowers, or vines, or berries,
would work for any Season or Holiday. 
I need to try it with some Forsythia for Spring.

These pics were taken at night and the lighting was from my Entry Lantern; 
not particularly blog-photo friendly.

Here it is last year at Thanksgiving,

and then for Christmas.

So give me a little more time to savor the joy of November,
then I'll be ready to decorate for Christmas.
As always, I say that I'm not going to go nuts decorating for Christmas.
We'll see...

joining in on these parties:

Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Inspire Me at A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Dream Create Inspire at Lehman Lane
Share Your Style at The Essence of Home


Did you catch my last post?


  1. I agree. I love that you decorate for Thanksgiving. I actually looked through your archives this morning before I got the "Turkey trot" started at my place. I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year so I really don't want to get Christmas out before then. As soon as the guests leave and the dishes are washed... then it is on! I love your LED tree.

    1. oh thanks Katie. I've got to get all the little turkums out this week! I always hosted Thanksgiving, up until a few years ago, so Thanksgiving is hardwired into me!

  2. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who doesn't rush into Christmas, Debra. I really love Fall and, especially, Thanksgiving. Your tree is so sweet :)

    1. me too, I'm such a fan of Fall, even late Fall. It's just such a wonderful time of the year!

  3. Awwww, I am so with you on this one. It's bad enough the stores were pulling the black and orange off the shelves and whipping up glitz, glitter, and red*green. We still have some Fall time, and Thanksgiving (my FAVORITE) just gets thrust to the wayside, like an old shoe. So I clean up my pumpkins and rearrange my leaves, adds some berries and transition---I do like that Transition into Winter. Grins, thanks for the wonderful idea for the the LED tree, which I may do on the front porch if I dont' cut down a big branch this year. Sandi

    1. ooooh, the branch sounds wonderful. we had to have a little tree removed and I really wanted to keep the main part of the tree to decorate, but at the time I wasn't up for the "fight" with hubby. It's like, where would we store an actual "tree"? pooey.

  4. I'm with you Debra....I leave my fall/Thanksgiving up until the weekend after Thanksgiving then put out my Christmas stuff. Granted, I don't decorate as over the top as I used to, but it's just enough that we can enjoy it through Christmas Day, then I'm ready to get it packed back up!

  5. You took the words right out of my mouth with your first paragraph! I feel the exact same way. If I started decorating now for Christmas, I would be sick of it by the time Christmas actually got here. I love your Fall tree. That's a cute idea.

    1. I feel that way too, that's why I change things up so much. I don't want to tire of the beauty of the current season.

  6. Guilty as charged on the retail front, but you won't catch me decorating for Christmas at home until much closer to Thanksgiving. I just emptied my containers outside today, but still have the entire yard (other than annual beds) to whack down. Even my fern & mum on the front porch (protected) are hangin' onto Fall, so they stay. Love your tree, and savoring fall.

    1. I totally get the retail part. I'm looking forward to the vintage stores open houses, they always get me in the mood. It's important that retail is ahead of the game. I just don't want to feel pressured to drag out a dozen trees and glitterize my whole house, at least not for a few weeks. te he

  7. Gosh, I don't want to see Christmas stuff so soon. In all the stores it's all you see. ugh, ugh. I so glad I don't have to do sponsored post and live how I want, in each season, as it comes. I like to decorate for thanksgiving too and it helps to be in the mood for the first holiday before I move to another one. Love you tree...

    1. Living in the moment in the blogasphere can be hard to do. but I'm with you Cathy. Savor each season and enjoy the beauty and fullfillment each day brings our way!

  8. Since I love fall colors, I'm all for keeping autumn decor around until the day after Thanksgiving. That's my tradition and I'm sticking with it! I do love your sweet little tree whether it's wearing leaves or sparkly birds.

  9. I LOVE Christmas, but we are hosti Thanksgiving so I am keeping it Thanksgiving themed in the dining room and kitchen and slowly going to introduce Christmas in other rooms in the house... Went to the mall to find some thanksgiving decorations and everything was Christmas! But I need stuff to set the centerpiece on the second table, oh well,guess I'll think of something!

  10. I am totally in love with everything about Christmas but not until after a proper Thanksgiving. My tree goes up the day before Thanksgiving but it is left with the lights off until Thanksgiving night. The other decorations make their way in that weekend. I posted a free Thanksgiving printable today, that's how not yet ready for Christmas I am.

    1. I do the same thing, tree up with only lights. that gives me a jump on the harder decor stuff.

  11. I agree.....Thanksgiving Day should not be at the end of November!!I It should be at harvest time in October!! With that said.....I truly enjoy every bit of Fall....every glorious moment!! Christmas decor will show up right after turkey day......

  12. I agree with your transition. I don't do Halloween. I love autumn so no packing away witches and goblin stuff, etc. I transition Christmas decor after Thanksgiving for the most part. Anything I do before that is in neutrals, whites and less Christmasy things. I'm decorating less with red and green and more whites, silvers and pastels and moss greens. I love it and it transitions into January easier as well.

  13. I agree so much! I like to actually celebrate Thanksgiving before bringing out the Christmas décor. I'm saying I am not going to do a lot of Christmas decorating, too. Hmmmmm, hope I can stick to that! Love how you did your tree. I have one,but don't use it. Now you've given me an idea for it. Love the ways you've decorated with yours.

  14. I am totally with you on this! I don't even want to think about Christmas until December first. Your little tree is great and so versatile!

  15. I am with you on this! There were many blogs filling my feed before Halloween with Christmas stuff already in full swing. Geesh. Just want to get through the holidays in order- Thanksgiving up next!

  16. Love the tree! As much as I love getting inspiration for Christmas decor, I don't pull my decorations out until the day after Thanksgiving! We host Thanksgiving every year and I like to keep a fall look going until then. Then on Black Friday while everyone else is shopping, the kids and I start bringing the boxes up. It's a fun but messy day around here!

    1. me too, Shelley, I hate to get out to shop on that Friday, it's way too crazy! Let me stay home and decorate!!

  17. As much as I love Christmas, I'm just not ready for Christmas posts yet either! Saw several starting last week. But to each his own! :) I do love your LED tree, and it's versatility! It looks pretty for fall, or with the sweet little birds for Christmas. I've not seen these trees "dressed" before... great idea! ~Rhonda

  18. Hi Debra!
    I'm with you and many others --- not ready to jump from Halloween into the Christmas rush just yet.

    I was looking for mums the last week of August and walked out into our Walmart stores outdoor
    section only to find dead mums surrounded by a large section of Christmas trees!!!!
    AND get this ----they were also playing holiday Christmas songs on their speaker system!!!! CRAZY!

    I felt bad for the employees who have to listen to the tracks play over and over for several months?
    Don't get me wrong ---- I ADORE Christmas ---- but not in August/September/October/November.... that's just

    Love your little twiggy tree.
    Super cute.

    Enjoy your day!
    Alison :)

  19. I am hanging on to fall a bit longer also. But I am surfing blogs and online catalogs for Christmas decorating ideas! Ha. I am slow so I have to get things in my mind early. :-) Sheila E

  20. Respect the bird!! Thanksgiving, which is such a universal holiday and concept, gets rushed through and seems like it is, to many people, a roadblock on their way to Christmas. I wish retailers would make Black Friday a day unto itself and stop competing with family time during the day on which we should be giving thanks, not looking for more stuff to buy. Have Black Friday be a couple of weeks earlier as people are already Christmas shopping anyway. I wonder if Mr. Lincoln could have EVER envisioned what the holiday season of today has become. :-)
    p.s. I love your blog!!!!

    1. thanks Chris, I'm sure he had NO idea what a stress filled month he had created. I know it's us, but November and December have become a really difficult time, instead of the lovely family time it should be. too many external stressors have invaded our Holidays!

  21. your post is so "spot on" Thanks for sharing your beautiful fall decor. Would you share the source of the white turkey? It is soooo adorable.

    1. Hi Nancy, not sure, I've had it for years, probably Hobby Lobby, but it was too bright and garish, so I painted it white several years ago. I've seen this same turkey around the blogworld and Pinterest.

  22. Love your fall decor, yet I know I am going to love winter even more... Your bare tree where winter is apparent looks so calm, bitten with a bit of frost where your birds have taken refuge.
    If I were a bird this is the tree I would want to nest in.

    Debra, I have don't this very theme about ever year, I am looking to be inspired this year with a different theme....
    Yet, you may inspire me to change my mind:)

    Beautifully inspiring November to you dear.


    1. Hi Dore, I'm a lover of all the Seasons, aren't you? I find beauty in them all...even if it's under 8 inches of snow!

  23. What a great little tree to have, so versatile and can be made so pretty and enjoyable.
    Had to wait a bit to do Fall as hubs nixes it if I even hint at it. I think I've almost had it with most of Fall stuff so am putting most of it away to let house breathe until Holidays. Also this year will be having shoulder replacement surgery on Dec. 7th so most of my decorating will have to be done by hubs, (oh no). There will be no getting on floor or bending over, will have to take it pretty easy. Wish I could wait til after first of next year but have endured discomfort with this darned tired old shoulder long enuf. Want to get if over with as other shoulder will be waiting for it's turn. I'll be bionic woman as both knees had been replaced about this time of year also. Actually it will be kinda nice not to have to do too much and then the taking down which hubs will have to do. So I know not much will be done.It's just one year and it's just two of us old folks. Our daughter calls us old farts. Nicely meant of course.
    I think Hobby Lobby started having Christmas stuff in store by May already, yuk. Let us have summer for pete's sake.
    Well girls, have great season and enjoy it all. Fall is a wonderful time of year to enjoy and let last. Happy daze

    1. well, you have the perfect excuse not to go crazy at Christmas. take it easy and use this time to rest and heal!

  24. Oh Debra, I love this post!... I so agree with you... I wish October would never end!... and now here it is November... and I want it to linger as well, and enjoy Thanksgiving like you!... Thanksgiving is such a beautiful time, and I want to savor everything it has to offer, as well as count my many blessings... your woodland tree is just beautiful!... and I love how it looks with the leaves on it... I will ease into Christmas as well... not yet!... I was in Michaels the other day, and ALL Christmas is already 50-75% off!... I could not believe it!... I swear, Valentines will be out in a week or two!... sending much love, missing my blog some, but still not ready to go back to it... so many Tessy memories... I am posting on instagram and signed up to follow you... xoxo... Julie Marie

    1. Hi Julie!!! I just can't get into Instagram, I probably need to try harder! miss you bunches!

  25. Debra, I totally agree! I wish there was more time to enjoy Thanksgiving before Christmas starts and I love decorating for both:). I am a big fan of decor that can transition from season to season. How to smart to add leaves in the fall and the birds over your manager for Christmas. So pretty! I hope you are having a great week and take care, Tara


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