Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Be Inspired Top Visited Links

Hi All, it's Wednesday, 
and time for a look at the top visited links from last week's Be Inspired.
If you haven't checked out these posts you'll want to run by to see
"...the rest of the story."

A new kitchen in the basement?
 Take a peek at this wonderful Farmhouse Glam Kitchen
from Jann at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson.

Rita from Panopoly 
shares a Lesson from A Master of Making Slipcovers
 with a wonderful chaise that got a makeover from a very talented lady.

shares what happens when you move 
large pieces of furniture from one room to another.
She has such a lovely home, it would be fun mixing it all up again.

thanks so much ladies for joining in and sharing all this inspiration!

See you all tomorrow morning for

Have you missed a post this week?
If so, you can easily check and click with the photos in the header.



  1. Debra,
    Gorgeous freatured guests!!!
    After the Wedding on Friday, I'll have more time to visit others on Be Inspired Friday!!!
    Thank you for hosting each week, dear friend!!!

  2. Debra,
    Thank you for the feature - Doris will be thrilled that so many admired her work, and I'll be sure to share with her!
    Thanks for your continued work at keeping us all inspired!

  3. It's always good to see these features. With so many great ideas -- I find I can't always visit them all.

  4. Debra, what a nice surprise! Love sharing at Be Inspired! The slipcovers are wonderful and I do love Mary Alice's home.


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