Saturday, July 13, 2013

Gotta Go Sale

This is a post, that I'm semi, sort of, embarrassed about, but I'm doing it anyway, hoping you don't mind looking at a few photos that are old ones from my space at Relics, (here in Springfield, Missouri) from last year. I wouldn't take pictures and post them on a bathroom wall, of what my booth space looks like right now. pretty much like a tornado went thru a junk store... yep that's pretty much it. 

These are old pics so it doesn't look anywhere
 near this good in there anymore.

I'm closing my space out by the last weekend of this month. On July 27 and 28. The reason I'm posting all this mayhem is that big architectural window in the has to go. It won't fit in the back of my husband's suv and I'm not paying someone to haul it home for me. I don't have anyplace to put it, but it's super cool piece. It's an actual window (no glass panes, though) that is probably about 7 to 7 and 1/2 foot tall, in good shape. It would be so great for an outdoor arbor, or for a gardener's many wonderful ways to use it, except I don't have a place for it. I'll probably kick myself later, but at this point in time getting my husband to try to build something wouldn't be practical.

I also have a couple of tables and small tabletop bookcases that I've used for display that now need to go too, and they're marked at a good sale price. It all has to go, so if you're local and want to see about any of it, it's at Relic's Antique Mall, on West Battlefield, just west of Kansas Expressway and the Grizzly Tools Showroom. I have $95 on the big window, a real steal. Now remember, it's big, and behind a bookcase, so it will require some manpower to untether it and haul it to a truck. First come first serve. My booth is the first row to the west of the restrooms and tearoom, it's in the middle of the store, on the west side of the aisle. 

Just about forgot that I have two or three old doors also, one is 17 or 18, the other ones are 25, (but not marked at this time) also behind furniture. I was hoping I could get those out for whoever wanted them on that tear down weekend.

Most of all of this is gone, 
except the wonderful white metal fence gate is still there, for $50 I think.
I still have some smalls for good prices, too.

OK, I'm done groveling.
 I just need to see this stuff gone
 so it's not home in my marriage won't stand it.

thanks guys,


  1. Oh my, I wish I lived closer. How fun some of those things would be in my gardens.

  2. As Brenda said, I too sure wish I were nearby 'cause I'd snatch it up in a heartbeat!!! Best of luck helping it find a new home ... Judi

  3. Yes, I wish I lived closer too, I would certainly take that window right off your hands! I love it!

  4. Like everyone else, I wished I lived close by!... so you are not going to have a both anymore at all?... I don't know how you have all the energy you have to do ALL the things you have going girlfriend!... I would love that huge window for someplace in my garden (Jack would be THRILLED!... tee hee hee... that's a joke son!)... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. That was supposed to say "booth" not both... sorry, I type so fast, I need to start proofreading my comments...

  6. Well someone in Missouri is going to be VERY GLAD they stopped by.

    I am sorry you are closing down, but sometimes it's all just too expensive to rent those retail spaces.

    Best of luck unloading all the treasures - you have a true flair and eye, Debra.

    Have a wonderful weekend. hang in there.

  7. I wonder if I can get my husband to make a road trip from California to Missouri tomorrow?

    Seriously, the last vintage door I saw for sale near me was $850.

  8. Too bad I don't live in your area so I could shop your booth sale going on! Why are you closing your booth?

  9. I would be there in a heart beat if I was in Missouri! I hope everything is okay...I hate to see you give up your space.

  10. Oh my goodness how amazing is that window and for that's a steal. Love it.

  11. Your prices are divine! Lots of good treasures in your booth.


  12. That window is so fantastic! I can imagine it being the start of a great garden folly. I can't believe you don't need that gate in your home somewhere. If I was closer...I'd buy that for myself. I've always wanted an old gate.

  13. Good luck with your sale. Wish I lived closer. I really enjoyed our visit to Relics and would definitely drop by. ~Roberta

  14. Hmmm... I'm in Kansas City. Springfield's not THAT far! I'd love to have that old metal fence. Good luck with your sale. I have two booths here. Just shut one down at the end of June, because the other does so much better. But half of my garage is now full of what my dear hubby calls "all that junk"! :)

  15. OMG I wished I was close to you. I need the old doors so badly! Good Luck.

  16. Your Treasures are great ! I know they will be snatched up QUICKLY. Wish I could take a road trip !I would take it ALL !

  17. Oh, I wish I were a local!! Would love to take advantage of your items!!!

  18. I wish (like everyone else) that I was closer! Great stuff

  19. I don't think we will be down that way this Summer. Would love to have the window and the gate. No plans for a lake visit at least until August and more than likely, it will be Fall before we get down by Spfld.:-( It would only be a hop skip and jump to Springfield from the lake and I know the vicinity of Relics like the back of my hand...sigh.

    Wish I could help you out, Debra!! These are beautiful! Good luck!

  20. Hi Debra,
    So wish I lived closer and I am sure you are tired of hearing that from us that live way to far away to shop. That window should go home with you and mount it to the wall somewhere, or maybe as a headboard to a twin bed. It could store on its side sliding it behind or up against the wall of a garage until a strong buyer is ready for a piece this this, you have it way to cheap! Here in California it would be in the hundreds $
    It's a piece if I had to sell it I may down the line regret selling as well.

    I am sure giving up your space will be an emotional move for you and I am praying that your next journey is of comfort and joy.

    Thank you for sharing from time to time your space of creativity and styling that inspires all things euro- flea market chic ness.

    Truly wish I could shop it but I know you are going to do good in sales this month.

    Looking forward to seeing what's next for you.



  21. Debra,
    OMG!!! I wish I lived closer I would be all over that window!!! That is a steal for someone. Those go for so much money what a treasure for the person that scores that. I love the round coffee table too. Good luck with the sale I know it will all go quickly. Are you sure you cannot find a sweet place for that window in your home maybe out on the sun porch. That is too beautiful to let it go and for so cheap. Oh Debra I hope you reconsider and keep that beauty.

  22. I need, need that gate, wish I was closer!! Man, girl that window is awesome. It makes me drool. Good luck on selling everything, you have such a good eye. Di@Cottage-Wishes

  23. Debra,
    Great merchandise, dear friend!!!
    I'm sure someone will be very pleased to reap your hard work and great finds. I don't think I ever found your booth the day we were @ Relics. . .I was overcome at how huge this Antique Mall is!!!
    I have a friend who has a booth there...I'll send her a message and let her know!!!

  24. I think you need to post photos of where that window ends up! I'm sure it will be gone in no time at all, along with the gate and all your fabulous merchandise!


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