Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Comfort of White

I was hoping to share some outside photos of the flowers on my back deck,
but the storms of the last few days have them beaten down and sad.

My heart is still heavy over the loss that has occurred in our area.
We have a beautiful sunny day today,
but they are saying that it could cause more storms to "fire up" this evening.

Late Spring is a beautiful time of the year,
but the threat of tornadoes and storms
are always in the back of our mind.

I collect old frames of every shape and size;
you never know when an opportunity will come along
to frame some sweet prints or book pages.

This is a page of a wedding album
The white roses and sweet verse about May
sent me searching thru my stash.

And the little antique gift book
expresses my thoughts today,
for all those who are facing tragedy and loss.

(Photo Feature Friday)

A little antique drawstring purse
that is aged, but still so sweet.

Lacey, leafy ironwork on the back of the baker's rack...

And some angel vine in a cottage teapot.

I buy anything that resembles a birdhouse.
A whitewash for Spring and it's heading outside. 

an image from a Catholic church in Joplin, Missouri.

Thank you each and every one of you,
who left such sweet comments and prayers
on my last post.
Bless You!



  1. Lovely images, Debra.

    We are due to have some nasty weather here tonight, too...it's so scary these days, it seems like the weather extremes are completely out of control.
    Even the threat of a little thunderstorm, which we badly need, has me freaked out!

  2. Oh Debra,
    I just read your last post and it brought me to tears! I am praying for all of those who experienced this tragedy and I will pray for yours and others safety as you go through more storms!
    Take care Debra!

  3. Debra,
    Gorgeous pictures you've taken of some lovely things....God bless your family and I'm praying for all affected by these awful storms!

  4. Thank you for a lovely post! It is heartbreaking to see the devastation in your area. My Dad was born in Missouri and though he past a long time ago it make me think of him and how sad this is and how he would feel. Hugs and prayers sent your way from my home to yours and all the others affected by this terrible storm. Blessings, Marilou

  5. Hello dear Debra... my heart has been heavy too hearing the news of the tornadoes... your post is very pretty and heartfelt... my prayers are still going out for everyone... I love that the Cross is still standing tall despite the destruction at the Catholic Church... reminding us to have faith in Him... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. I read your post last night and was very moved and saddened by the terrible tornadoes. I do hurt for all affected by the storms and know from our town being hit three years ago how it affects you. It hit our high school and six high school students were killed. The high number of lives and destruction in Joplin is so tragic. I am praying for all. Please know I am praying for all because of the predicted bad weather tonight in your area.

  7. Love all your whites! That picture of Joplin made me get goose bumps!

  8. Very pretty images Debra. I love all the whites and textures.


  9. Gorgeous. All of your pictures are wonderful and the vignette is fabulous. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  10. What a sweet, comforting post, Debra. Our heartland is getting hit today with yet another round of storms. Stay safe!

  11. Gorgeous whites. I agree with Ricki above...this post was comforting. Trying to figure out how best to help. A Red Cross donation just does not seem enough. If you have any suggestions, please post or email.

  12. Gorgeous photos and yes, our prayers go out to Joplin too. =(


  13. This has really been a difficult week, hasn't it? I can't get all those homeless people out of my thoughts. Don't you wonder where they all sleep & where they'll sleep in the futures. Take care, Jan

  14. Debra I have been praying for your safety, knowing that you are expecting more storms tonight. I am so sorry for all the losses the people in your area have had. My prayers are with ALL of you!
    hugs from here...

  15. Your post is lovely and heartfelt, Debra...praying for all those affects by these storms...XO

  16. This is a lovely post. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those affected by these storms.

  17. Debra,
    This is beautiful!!! You are really doing some great photography with that new lens. Love this vignette and the images you got from it. I want that teapot! Beautiful post to echo the sentiments of sorrow we all feel seeing Joplin. Wonderful job!

  18. Hi Debra - your photos are always so pretty and inspiring. All of the textures are just amazing. And I will continue to pray for you and those around you down South. ♥

    xoxo laurie

  19. Everything looks so pretty Debra. The weather has been so scary lately, hasn't it? It seems like it has been much more rainy and stormy here than usual too.


  20. More and more and more I'm loving WHITE. What will I do with all my pinks?

    Hmmmmm?????? Much to think on~

    Love your beautiful treasures. My house stood through the storms. Whew! Thank you, God!


  21. Simple elegance...Love this vignette! That sweet vintage book is my favorite!!

    Keeping you in my thoughts!

  22. I have always loved that verse and print...so sweet and beautiful!
    The situation in Joplin is just heartbreaking...but there is something so striking about the photo of destruction with the cross above it all...the cross is hope. Praying for you all...

  23. Just a horrible storm in Joplin. Minneapolis (not too far from us) had a tornado rip thru just a few hours before Joplin, all part of that same system. it's just so heartbreaking to see the devastation.
    On a lighter note…I just loved your bird pictures last week. I’d love to find some old album pages and do that…it has been on my mind ever since.
    Happy WW!

  24. Lovely post Debra. Such moving images all around. Prayers go up for all affected by those horrible storms.

  25. Such lovely things you have displayed, I love that purse, so femine, bless you and the little church in Joplin, wonder if the Tornado too it down too? Good post

  26. Our prayers continue for Joplin(MO), OK, Ark, Tn and all those dear folks who are rebuilding their communities after weeks for unrelenting tornadoes.
    Thanks for the lovely pictures and comforting words.
    Why is the vine called an "angel" vine? I am unfamiliar with it.

  27. Debra,

    Your post is beautiful. I hope you are getting some better weather today. I am so saddened by all these awful devastating storms. I pray God keeps you all safe.


  28. What lovely white images, Debra! The weather and the destruction ensuing from it all sure has been awful. So many lives have been affected by it all. Hope you continue remain safe. It was scary here this evening. The sirens blared forever and the hail was huge. Aside from that, we were spared. ;-)
    ~ Sue

  29. Debra, I tried so hard to leave you a post after the tornado, but blogger was acting up. So glad you're safe. Your whites are gorgeous, but I especially love the pic of the Cross still standing. What truth there is in that... when all else around us falls apart, our rock and our redeemer will still be our firm foundation.
    Blessings & Hugs,

  30. Lovely pictures and heartfelt words. My prayers go out to everyone in your area who have suffered.

  31. Your whites are so calming and peaceful.

    That last photo is powerful - the cross will always be standing for us even at the most horrific times in our lives.


  32. Thinking of you and your friends. We have seen images of your storms on our news. (Aust) Hope you have seen the worst of them. Your photos are lovely.


  33. Hope you have seen the worst of the storms is what I was trying to say. I hope they are behind you.


  34. WOW, absolutely stunning! I love the Antique purse..so sweet. May God keep you safe ~ The Cross does stand tall in the midst of disaster. We have family in Alabama that lost everything, but God provided a way through the storms. Have a peaceful weekend ~

  35. Such beautiful pictures Debra. You have some wonderful treasures. I especially love that little drawstring purse.

    I just wanted to pop back over and thank you for sharing your post a Photo Feature Friday. Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)


  36. Such pretty pictures. White is a calming color... hoping for peace and calm for all those who have experienced such chaos with the storms. Thanks for linking to my Share the Love link party.

  37. Debra, Thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs and lovely things at my party. Take care.


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