Thursday, May 6, 2010

Vintage Botanicals and a Garden Table

This little metal outdoor table
at one time was in my booth space at the antique mall,

funny thing...

it never sold.

And you know what happens when things sit too long,


they come to live at my house.

So now it sets right under
my kitchen window on the deck.

You can see it from the sunroom,
 so I really enjoy decorating it with my vintage
garden thingys.

A black birdcage covering some hearty ivy and my "Collegian" botanical notebook that I found several weeks ago at Spring Creek, are sharing the table with some silver of the galvanized zinc kind. I have several old watering cans, but this was a Birthday present a few years ago from my older daughter from Restoration Hardware, one of my favorite stores.

 Marion Bradway (lady or gentleman?)
must have had a Botanical assignment
to catalog wildflowers back in their college days.
My best guess is from the 1940's.

I thought about dismantling the pages and framing them out.
And I still may do that, but for now,
they are all together.

My kitties were very interested in the old pressed flowers,
but every time they went near them they started sneezing!
Funny how after so many years there is still pollen of some sort.

I love the typewritten pages and the aged tape.

You can see my white garden gate behind the table.
 I have two of them.
Can someone say ...selfish...?
And my old hose hanger.
Just gotta love that color of blue!

I'm linking up with these wonderful parties.
If you have time go visit and say Hello.

Have a Wonderful Weekend everyone!
This Mommie has some fun time planned,
with her big kids.

And if you have a few mintues and you'd like to know me better,
and you can read what I've learned by being a mother.
love you all,


  1. Hi Debra,
    You have such a wonderful way of displaying all your lovely vintage garden decor. I like the little metal table and I'm surprised it didn't sell....must have been meant for you!

    The flower book is so charming. I love the birdcage too. I'm always on the lookout for birdcages and vintage ones are hard to find around here.

    Enjoy your time with your kids and Happy Mother's Day.


  2. Well girly...I would SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO have brought that table home with me. Yes-sir-ree! :) I love it all and that book is 2die4.

    Happy Mother's Day...


  3. The table was meant to stay with you and it looks adorable! What a great idea with the flower book! I can see why you have kept it together. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day and weekend!

  4. What a beautiful garden display. I love the book. How sweet.

  5. Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!

    I could type in here that I love your display - but you know I will say that 'cause I love all that you do. I could ALSO type in here that I enjoy it when things don't sell, because... well... there's a reason... they need to be in my house! But, alas, you know I will say that 'cause I'm just like you!

    Have a wonderful wonderful week-end with all your babies!!!

    much love,

  6. Debra, what a find that botanical book is! I love that, and I love this pretty vignette on the metal table. I'm so glad you are linking this pretty post to Favorite Things. laurie

  7. What wonderful finds and what a great way to show them all off. Lovely!

  8. Love the botanical book. I remember making one of these in high school. Oh, what memories. Thanks for sharing these beautiful vignettes.

  9. Debra....I love your garden table. I have a *converted* Singer base table too. Actually, it is my kitchen island I(butcher top). So verstile and useful still :)

    The botanical book is quite a find. Oh, and I love your watering can. Wish we had a Restoration Hardware here but we don't. I haven't been in one in at least a decade.

    Have a happy Mother's Day!


  10. Hi Debra, I love the botanical book!!! Thanks for sharing your lovely phots's
    Blessings~~~ Daphne

  11. Great outdoor metal table. I've been looking for one on my patio. I need another spot to put my wine glass when I'm out sitting on my bench( a girl can dream, can't she?) Funny how, when you are looking you don't find it. Also love your botanical book.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  12. Hi Debra... What a sweet summery vignette!! I just love that botanical book, what a great find!! Thanks for sharing!

  13. I love your garden vinette... That botanical project brings back memories of my children's Texas wildflower projects, collecting, pressing, labeling, guessing... hmmm, wonder if they are around here somewhere... Lezlee

  14. Love that's so funny the things that don't sell...I bet now that you've brought it home someone will come back looking for always happens like that to me....have a wonderful vbf!

  15. Hi Debra, your last few posts have been filled with so many lovely treasures. That vintage pressed flower book is just absolutely wonderful. One of the first years I went to the States for the summer when the boys were little, I had started doing something similar with all the little blooms and weeds we would find. Wonder where that notebook is now???? I love how you are able to change up your sideboard to reflect the season or a holiday. One day I will be organized enough to do that. :) HOpe you are having a fantastic Friday!! Tammy

  16. I love your garden vignette! Love the watering cans especially.


  17. Hi Debra,
    Love your vignette! That book is amazing~ you must have been thrilled to find that!

    I need to do some outdoor fluffing......we had 27 days of rain in April!?!? needless to say ~ I haven't been out there much! ;)


  18. A Happy Mother's Day to you. I loved everything but really loved the book. It would be fun to have the pages framed individually. Thanks for sharing.

  19. I so enjoyed catching up on your blog...your things are all so very have a very blessed weekend....

  20. Everything is beautiful, I can't believe that table didn't sell but better for you that it didn't:) The botanical book is amazing!

  21. Very nice! Love the botanical book. What a neat find!

  22. Beautiful Post ~ Bet your Happy that Old Sewing Table never Sold, I know I would be..... Love the bird cage with the ivy, but the best is that Old Collegian Botanical Book, that is a Treasure~
    Have a Wonderful Mother's Day with Your Big Kids....

  23. Good Morning Debra! I really love the botanical book...what a great find!...Missing

  24. Debra,
    That table never sold?! Crazy. It is awesome. I am foaming at the mouth over the botanical notebook tho, that is the kind of treasure I'd die for! OMG, wonderful. Lisa

  25. I love that table. I would've kept it. Actually, I would've priced it really high so that no one else would have bought it.
    I do that a lot. ;-)

  26. I love the journal! My daughter would too. She just completed a Biology/Botany lab at a local arboretum. She thoroughly enjoyed the botany sections. Would love to know the history behind the journal.
    Thank you for sharing,

  27. Hi Debra,
    I love that vintage wildflower book! It is so wonderful. It would be fabulous to frame them and put them up around your house!
    I also love your new blog header, it looks great!
    Have a joyful weekend.

  28. Very lovely, thank you for sharing, have a great weekend, Hugs Barbara

  29. I'm in love with that vintage botanical book! Such care was taken with each page.


  30. Hey Debra! Thanks for checking out my post! I found out about S & T Fri on your blog. Thanks! I'm glad you like my English cottage jumble. Yes, you can come check it out any time!*_*
    Best to you,

  31. New to your blog. Really enjoy it and have been reading past posts to try to "catch up".

  32. So glad that table didn't sell. It has the most perfect home.

    And as to your Eater decorations, that baby would not have made it until May at my home! And don't worry, he will be replaced by more chocolate on Mother's Day!

    Wishing you a very wonderful Mother's Day!

  33. so beautiful, love it all. Especially that bucket full of the flowers!!!
    always lovely...


  34. I love it all - the notebook, the watering can, and especially the way the black lines of the bird cage contrast with the white grid of the table...very fun!

  35. Love the pressed flowers and that table... it was meant to stay with you:) Enjoy your Saturday my friend! HUGS!

  36. Love the book and the table!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  37. Charming setting. I love the bucket of bright flowers.

  38. Love that table! And that book is such a great find!!

    I hope you have a wonderful Mother's day!

  39. Love your little vignette - I can't believe that table didn't sell!!!

  40. Hi Debra, I am jealous that you found that fabulous garden journal someone made. I love that!!! Happy Silver Sunday and Mom's Day too

  41. Happy Mothers day Debra!
    Many Blessings

  42. Oh, these vintage botanicals are wonderful. When I was 7 years old I was fascinated with some my grandmother had created and she taught me to press my own flowers and to make greeting cards from them. Such sweet memories. I hope your Mother's Day is perfectly delightful!


  43. The botanical flower notebook is really amazing. I wouldn't frame sheets of that. I imagine it's better to scan your facorite sheets and may be you want to color them a tiny bit. So you still have the complete notebook and the framed pictures. And I guess, the light will destroy the dried plants sometimes. I have made a botanical notebook also in my youth.
    Greetings and Happy Mother's Day.

  44. Happy Mother's Day Debra ~ Hope the Sun is Shining Bright on Your Day....

  45. Debra, I hope you have the most awesome Mother's Day, you are such a blessing to us all!! And, I also love dried flowers, esp. if they are vintage. Have a good one my friend, T

  46. Debra,
    Happy Mother's Day.
    I love that table and how you have it set up. You have all my favorite things on it! : )))
    Hope you are having a great day!
    I love that book. I used to press flowers all the time when I was a kid. That was one of my favorite things to do. You brought back a lot of fun memories for me with this post. We lived out in the country, in the middle of nowhere in Montana, we would collect as many wild flowers as we possibly could and press them. IT was a lot of fun.
    Take Care,
    Maria : )))


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