Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The paint bug bit me...

...at a really bad time!

We got home last night from a really great Mother's Day weekend in St. Louis with our kids. Of course we did a lot of flea marketing and found some incredible antique malls, but did I take pictures?... No, I was too busy going crazy and I forgot my camera in the car. So much inspiration to soak up. Now I have loads of laundry and need to put things away, but what am I doing? Grabbing my paint brush and making more of a mess!

My honey surprised me earlier in the week with this amazing new piece of furniture for the entry way, from Inspirational Home. I mentioned earlier that I am on a mission to "lighten up" my house. Nothing drastic...well, at least not yet, but just some paint and a new mirror and rethinking a few things like chair slips. More on this later.

The mirror is vintage, found this weekend. I loved the gold, but it didn't fit with the gray distressed table, which looks better with cream or pewter. So I whitewashed it. Fits the shape of the furniture and the look I'm going for.

And then you know how the "domino effect" kicks in. Well, the paint was already out, might as well take care of a few other projects...candle holders found a few weeks ago go all white.

Another header piece for a doorway to beef up my wimpy woodwork.

Another old mirror...

a flea market table find from this weekend...

finished projects!

Love the way this mirror turned out.

Thanks so much to all of you that welcomed Brian and Meloney
of The Seed Box on our new blog.
And for dropping by with me to get acquainted.

If you haven't been by to see them,
just scroll down to the next post.

OK, now I need to get back to the unpacking and mountain of laundry!
Just wanted to check in and say Hi to everyone.

I'm linking up with

Domestically Speaking  Power of Paint Party

Cindy from My Romantic Home


Have a great week everyone,


  1. These are so awesome, inspires me to do more projects! GOOD JOB!

  2. Debra, that looks just beautiful! I love the shape of the new table and mirror. Gorgeous!

  3. What a beautiful table, Debra! I have one of those candlesticks {the green and pink}; love it all white. I think I might just have enough Heirloom White to paint it too!

  4. Wow Debra! You got some great things there! What a sweet hubby to get that gorgeous piece of antique goodness for you. I just love everything all white too!

  5. How pretty everything turned out! Making me want to paint something! Be blessed. Cindy

  6. Beautiful table!! The mirror looks so good white...and you really got on a roll, good going!!

  7. All that tile at the flea market must have inspired you, everything looks great. The grey table from your honey is beautiful with the mirror.
    Happy painting,

  8. Oh Debra, this is great stuff!! LOVE the mirror and it looks FAB white!! That header thingy to put over the door, I LOVE!! And that table!!

    Suffice to say....you did gooood!

    Lou Cinda :)

  9. I love it! I do that all the time! Love the mirror~ Great table! ~lulu

  10. Fabulous Finds! They all look wonderful, great job.~Cheers Kim

  11. Simply Gorgeous!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  12. Hi Debra! Oh, I love all of your finds and what a great hubby to give you this lovely table. Love all your pieces painted white, too. The vignette you've put together on your new table is so pretty along with that mirror.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Looks great! I was outside today spray painting things white!


  14. They look so purty it's almost worth it that you and the hubby are gonna have to start turning your underwear inside out just to have a clean pair.


  15. Debra, that is almost the exact same table that was in my friend's Amy's booth at Hico. Did you notice it in the Hico Vendor's post. It is just beautiful!

  16. fantastic transformations. isn't it amazing that is it difficult at first to paint things white but then Everything looks better?

    great job-

  17. Everything looks so beautiful. You were brave painting over the gold. And I love that table it's over.

  18. Debra, So happy to stop by and see the beautiful grey hall table and all the fabulous finds you painted. They turned out just beautiful. I love that you have left some detailed color and wood peaking through. YOu have some wonderful pieces to deccorate with.
    A very very inspirational post!!!

  19. Grab your paint and brush and get your little bottom over here...I have some projects I need help with;)! I'm exhausted just looking at all of the painting you've done...you are a wonder!

    All of your painting has paid off your things are BEAUTIFUL...my fav is your table and mirror in the first pic...what a gorgeous vignette!


  20. Oh, you were painting up quite a storm, Debra!! I love the table and mirror. Actually everything is gorgeous!! And the laundry will still be there tomorrow! ;-D


  21. Oh what finds!!! I love the mirror. Gorgeous!!

  22. Hi Debra,

    Thanks for stopping by today and happy WW to you my friend. I love what you did with the mirror. Looks fab!!

  23. Love these! Don't you hate it when your time to do something really messes up your routine! hehehe I like your new looks!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  24. This is yummy! You have the prettiest things sitting around. Love how you styled it.

  25. Wow, amazing transformations! And I love the new table - wonderful lines! ~ Angela

  26. I know how it is, Debra, the paintbrush calls me when I have the most other stuff to do. Thanks so much for this post. My next project is an extra piece that I am going to paint grey. It is similar to yours so I am excited and can't wait to get started. Just hope mine is as beautiful as yours!

  27. I LOVE old frames/mirrors...this turned out beautiful. GREAT photos - lovely, lovely whites!

  28. I thot that WAS the Hico table! Love the mirror to go with. I can't stop buying mirrors--the frames are so fabulous.Good stuff! Also love that arty photo with the hydrangeas and looking thru the mirror. Have fun lightening up! Jacqueline

  29. Oh my gosh, Debra. I am in love with that entry table. I love the color and the chippy treatment. So pretty. Your mirror looks wonderful and the vingette is so soft and romantic looking. I like the idea of using the pediment to pretty up your wood trim.

    Hope you get caught up.


  30. Wow! What a great table and everything on it looks amazing. Looks like you have found yourself some great "white" goodies lately. Really liking that mirror.

    Thanks so much for your continued support for this theme, Debra.

    Take care,


  31. ... I'm a little whacked, but I love the gold with the gray ...a little juxtaposition

  32. Oh, I love it ALL! I have a few mirrors that need to be whitewashed...have any tips on how I get started (I a smitten for sure =)

  33. Hi Debra,

    You've been busy! It's fun to change things up, isn't it? Well done!


  34. Debra~ these projects just turned out beautifully! What a lovely home you have!

  35. Debra, I love everything! Keep out the paintbrush, everything's lookin' good!

  36. Wow! Great transformations! You found some great things!

  37. Wow my friend, that turned out gorgeous, nice work lady, those pieces are so full of charm and nothing like them made today. Thank you for sharing, lots of hugs, Barbara

  38. Husband got at least 30000000000000000 brownie points with that piece!!! 2DIE4!!!! I love where this bug is taking you!

  39. Hi Debra, You did a great job painting all those lovely things! Now, could you please send the paint bug over to me? I've several pieces standing around here that are waiting to be painted but I'm not in the painting mood.
    Have a wonderful day!

  40. LUCKY YOU! The table is absolutely beautiful and your finishing touchs add to its beauty. I, too, am inspired to redo a mirror I have one that needs that little something!

  41. Debra
    I am so happy that you enjoyed youe Mother's Day and got all of these wonderful treasures!!! You lucky and blessed girl. What a treat to see all of your wonderful photos. Lots of eye candy for sure.

    Have a blessed week my friend


  42. All looks wonderful.....you are so me....nothing stops me from getting out the paintbrush!!

  43. Debra,
    I'm so HAPPY to have you at my PAR-TAY...I hope you have had a great time! I luv the table that your sweetie gave you...great look! I know what you mean about painting one thing and then the next thing you know...you are painting 10 things:) You have some awesome treasures here and I hope to see you at NTT again:)


  44. Oh, Debra ~ Your Home is Beautiful..... Love the new Entry Table, the Mirror, the Wood Candle Holders, Heck ~ I Love it ALL.....

  45. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!!! LOL I would have done the same thing when coming home from a trip. I've been nicknamed the energizer bunny. When I get an idea in my head for something creative I just have to go to it. Maybe it is in our name;)? Now go do your laundry:) lol
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  46. I LOVE that gray table, and all the little things on it. Has a great look. I've been so busy, its been hard to get to all the blogs I enjoy. Hope all is well with you and your family!

    Take care, Sue

  47. great vignette. Love the console/buffet peice!

  48. Ooooh! my Debra I am in love with all your finds it is so me even the gray's.
    The mirror turned out great! and of course it would, your are a talented girlie :)

    Thank yoy for stopping by my place, I really enjoy your heartfelt words.

    See you soon.
    Keep on inspiring us!!

  49. Oooop's Debra,
    I do sell my signs...And I am going to set up etsy this weekend I hope+
    I am trusting that it will all work out that this is the direction for me!!

    You may email me for any information on my signs if you would like no presure on you even if you are just inquiring :)


  50. Wow! your a girl after our on hearts! Look at all of those projects you finished - that mirror in the entryway just pulls everything together!

  51. Sounds like you had a fab Mother's Day... what great treasures! No wonder you couldn't do anything but play with your finds! Thanks for partying with us at the POPP.

  52. Debra,Love the mirror. I was so charmed by your sweet comment on my blog. Olive

  53. Debra, I love love love that table, it's so French looking, and the color is wonderful also! The mirror you painted looks great to, they compliment each other!!! Blessings~~~Daphne

  54. When the mood strikes, just gotta go with it. All your transformations turned out perfectly. Best wishes for a fabulous Friday! Tammy

  55. WONDERFUL re-do witht he paint on all these fabulous pieces!!! I love all the intricate curves of these pieces and the subtle color really shows the details off and now they all go with that wonderful table fantsticallY!!

  56. Absolutely beautiful, love the mirror especially

  57. Beautiful! I've got a huge list of projects like this to do! What inspiration! Even better, my plans for this week-end got cancelled, so I've got a whole week-end to do projects! Yippee!

  58. Hi Debra,
    Everything turned out beautifully...Isn't it wonderful how a little bit of paint can make a huge difference? Love your mirror and grey table. They look great together. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs and Smiles,

  59. Debra, I am in love with that piece of furniture. It is beautiful. The mirror and candlesticks look so pretty painted white. You are so clever. Thank you for linking this to Favorite Things. laurie

  60. Wow! You have been busy, Debra! Great finds and everything looks incredible!...Christine

  61. It turned out awesome! Love all your thrifty buys and ideas for making them work beautifully! Saw you over at Favorite Things party!

  62. Love that piece of furniture that your hubby got you, wow, what a great piece. And he likes shabby, how cool is that? It makes my hubby cringe. LOL. And yes, the mirror for sure fits better now. Fab job! Wish you would come over and paint all the pieces that are piled up in my garage! LOL.

    yapping cat

  63. Please see my blog for a mention and a link XX Gypsy Purple


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