Thursday, May 20, 2010

Making Progress

I've been painting for 7 hours straight.
Hit the big honkin' breakfront,
so now I have to wait for my guys to move it.

(I'm prayin' here folks, my husband hurt his back
on our St. Louis trip carrying in some garden statuary,
and he's not thrilled with this idea)

Notice the orange mouse?
My helpers again.

 The green toile looks gaggy with this creamy cappucino,
but I have a sample of wallpaper in the lower left hand corner.
See? So I think it will be pretty when it all comes together.

Anyone up for washing 7 years of dust off my china and crystal?... didn't think so.
Remember when I said I didn't have anything major planned for redecorating?
cancel that...

See ya later.


  1. Looking good!! Hope your husband is feeling better.

  2. wowza! such a busy bee! love all the changes being will look gawjus dahling.

  3. What a lot of work!!! I am sure it will be worth all the aches and pains after you are finished!! I still havent figured out what to do with my dining room so it sits in it's sorry state!

  4. Oh Debra.
    You are on a roll (paint roller joke).
    I know.
    Not funny.
    I think we just keep moving, right?
    We keep our minds and bodies engaged in projects.
    I love it.
    I also love your wallpaper.
    Your dining room furniture is amazing.

    Thank you for posting my giveaway.

    A seven hour stint deserves a rest.


  5. You're just jump right in and get with it!! Someone needs to give me a swift kick.

  6. It's going to be beautiful, Debra. I'll be thinking of your dh when the furniture has to be moved!


  7. Hey girl!
    I am lovin the new look! What a great color palette!
    Hope you get some rest...what a job...and hope Hubby is doin'better too!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. My dishwaher has a Crystal, Fine China setting and I dared to use it... I looks great so far, can't wait to see it all finished. Sorry, to hear about your husbands back. I painted so much on this old house one week, I devoped a cyst on my wrist... My husband and I are getting old fast working on this place! Lezlee

  9. Oh dear..your in a mess! Just think how lovely it will be when its done...all the best! Chrissy

  10. Ooooo, girlfriend. I can't wait to see it all finished! Looking good so far.

  11. It's coming along! Can't wait to see the finished result!

  12. After thinking of all the work you are doing I am finally content being stuck here on the couch coughing up my lungs. HAHA.

    The ONLY good thing about being sick is I have legitimate reasons for NOT doing my TO DO LIST.

    You keep up the good work though. It will be gorgeous.

    Ouch your poor hubby's back- hope he feels better soon.


  13. Oh I can so relate to what you are going through! But it is going to be GORGEOUS and it will be worth it, well, except for your husband's back! Hope he is feeling better!

    Can't wait to see it done!

    Lou Cinda :)

  14. It's always more work than we think, isn't it? But it will be wonderful!

  15. It seems like every project takes three times as much work as you think...looking forward to seeing the finished room!

  16. How many of them hormones are you takin' honey? TAWANDA! I'm with you,

  17. That looks great so far, Debra! I like the wallpaper you have chosen. I hope to get rid of our colored walls soon as well.
    Hopefully your hubby hadn't hurt himself too bad and I wish him fast recovery.

  18. Debra
    Wow no grass growing under your feet??? Looks awesome and I can't wait to see the finish.

    Hope hubby feels better very soon.

    Blessings and hugs

  19. A "little" decorating always has a "big" domino effect!

  20. Wow Debra you've been one busy lady. All your makeovers are turning out fabulous. Tattered Treasures was definitely worth a visit. Lots of great treasures to be found there. Have a great weekend! Tammy :)

  21. People always say "just paint" like it's no big deal. I think painting IS a BIG job and so is wallpapering (which I also still like!) Good for you. Hang in there,you'll eventually get it done! and it will look beautiful!

  22. Knowing you it will be done in no time. You're a get-in-there-gitterdone kinda gal. Hope your hubby's okay.

    Have a blessed day....Tracy :)

  23. Debra, your walls looks very beautifull, what a big work you have done,--love the piece of new wall paper you are showing, it will look wonderfull under the painted wall.
    I`m full of admiration for you, just jumping out, in such a big job. Happy week-end work, -I`m looking forward seeing how it will all end up, looking.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  24. Wow! I'm definitely impressed! The room is coming along nicely, just hope your hubby feels better soon. Thank you for visiting me and leaving such kind comments today. Have a lovely weekend! ~ Angela

  25. Debra, I think this is a winner! I love the new look..Too bad Pandora's box always get opened with our new fresh ideas...enjoy the ride, but do take it easy!

  26. You have been a busy girl! Love what you're doing and I think the wallpaper will be lovely...I've always been a wallpaper girl myself...I do miss the hours of searching through all of those books and the hanging of samples...yours brought back such good memories:)
    Loved your chamber pot a few posts down...I think that may be one of the prettiest I've ever seen.
    have a great, fun, productive weekend!

  27. Debra, good work but you make me tired. I know how difficult painting is. I painted eighty percent of our house last winter. Is is satisfying when finished and you sit back and look at it and know you did it your self!
    xox, Olive

  28. It's lookin' good!
    Are you sniffin' any fumes?
    Painted any cats yet?

    It's crazy busy here, hope to call ya tomorrow.


  29. Debra, it looks fantastic so far....I just posted about your fabulous gifts from your giveaway and suggested if anyone wants to help you with your china they need to hurry over!!!! Too bad I wasn't closer....I love to wash china and polish silver!!!!
    Margaret B

  30. Debra, you have been busy! Painting is such a big job, not the painting but the preparing and cleanup! Enjoy your day, take a rest:) HUGS!


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